Once again to MY CO: Sorry again for the shippyness......SIR lol

(ahhh as for all of you who didn't know this is somewhat spoilers for season 8 and comes form end of season 7 when Jack is frozen in the doormada at the end of Lost City Pt 2 I hated the ending but oh well we can't have it all eh? So without further adue....)

It was cold, they were cold. Sam was staring again, and Daniel was watching her. Teal'c knew this was paining her deeply. He simply looked down and tried to think of something, but the Jaffa was wordless, nothing could describe the sorrow in his heart.

They would stay the night in the prometheus which had been repaired and equipped with ring transporters to make access to the cavern easier. San had wanted to study the technology a little while but they knew what would happen. Daniel touched her arm lightly.

"Sam........Sam c'mon we need to get to work." She nodded and went back to tracing the structure quietly. Dr. Weir had talked with the president and gotten them an exstension to 72 hours to think of something.

Within the next day heat lamps and lazars cutting had been tried and each had failed. Sam was throwing everything at it now giving it her all. She no longer stared nor stayed up remembering, instead she began to think. Those internal wheels churning as she laid out plan after plan.

Daniel and Teal'c found it hard to keep up with her ideas. Some were thrown out after being examined more closely.

No matter how hard they tried though, nothing would work. It was their last night here, Daniel and Teal'c had turned in for the night. Sam had told them she wanted to say goodbye, and hat she wanted to be alone.

She now stood before him speaking quietly, she was talking of the endless nights they'd spent with the boys staring at the stars on different planets and those nights when they were alone. She put her hand to the ice once more.

"God Jack, I don't know what to do. I can't handle loosing you......" She shoke her head, "Can you still hear me?" She doubted her could but she wasn't exactly herself either, she sank to her knees her face in her hands.

"We've come to far for this to happen now. I don't understand how you can survive the past sven years and hardly have an ache to complain about, and now one little peice of technology has shot you down. It's not fair!" She cried out staring up at the man she loved.

"Life's not fair kid.." A familiar voice caused her to turn her head.

Jacob stood there, a mournful look on his face as he moved towards his daughter. He kneeled beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Dad, when did you..." "I came back after I was thrown out of the High Council because of my feelings towards the Tua'ri. Apparently my judgement was being clouded.......Hammond told me about Jack and that you guys would be here. I wanted to see for myself." Sam laid her head against her father's chest.

"Sam, I know that no matter how long stand here and stare into his eyes as I know you've done, and that no matter how hard you pound on that ice, you can't change waht's meant to be. Maybe Jack was supposed to do this. He joined the SGC on the thought he would go on one mission and that would be his very last. Now look, he's gone through the gate countless times, saved the world, and fell in love with you. He's at rest now, he deserves it, though I know it's not the way some would think but, Jack O'Neill is at peace....." "Dad.....he's not coming back is he?" "I don't know sweetheart, I don't know."

There was a long silence as they both stared at the Colonel who everyone held a deep respect for now. Silently both of them prayed for him and hoped that all would turn out ok. On that note, everyone at the SGC did and at the same time everyone wondered what would've happened had the Colonel not volunteered himself and looked into that database, like he did.

Jacob stood pulling Sam with him.

"You look exhausted. C'mon let's get some rest." "Yes, sir." Sam responded following her father, stopping long enough to peer back at him once more. Then the rings flew around them a great beam of light surrounded the two and they were in the ship.

That night, it was extremely cold. A blizzard had formed during the few hours everyone had been asleep. Snow swirled outside making it impossible to see, and within the cavern everything was silent and still.

A crash was heard and the thump of something against the cold floor.

Jack coughed and shoke. He was soaked head to toe and was freezing. His breath was visible as he tried with limp muscles to push himself up. He shivered and collapsed against the floor. The cool air stinging his lungs. He closed his eyes and waited a few moments.

His strength returned and he pushed himself up and made it to the closest wall before slumping down against it. He coughed harshly and pulling his knees up he rested his arms on them and his head against his arms. It wasn't long before he passed out the extreme cold sending him into a deep spell of hipothermic shock......

Sam ringed down that morning before anyone esle awoke. She wanted to see him one last time, without the boys around. She quietly made her way towards the doormada. She stood in shock to see the doormada empty. Looking around she spotted Jack's shadow hunched against a wall.

"Oh my...." Sam rushed over dropping to her knees and feeling quickly for a pulse. He was still alive his heart beating wildly. His clothes were frozen stiff and his hair was like cicles. His skin felt like ice. Sam ran back to the rings and beamed herself up she didn't wish to wake the others just yet so she found multiple thermo blankets and ringed back down.

She covered Jack with them wrapping them around his body before returning to the ship and calling to the Infirmary for a medic team......it would be a long but joyous day.

The constant beep of the monitor held her attention she didn't understand why he was back of how his pulse was so strong when she found him. He'd been back for a few days now, and she had sat by his bed the whole time her hand around his. She was asleep now though her head resting on the edge of his bed.

Jack woke slowly. His throat was dry, and every inche of his body was sore. He took a moment to try an think of where he was, but his mind went blank when he saw her face. He knew she was sleeping but didn't care at the moment as he squeezed her hand lightly.

Sam jerked awake and looked at Jack, tears spilling from her eyes as he gave her a weak and pained smile.

"Welcome back..." "Hey....I was gone??....." he spoke in a very low, but hoarse whisper. She placed a finger to his lips and shoke her head with a slight smile, he was himself.

"Don't speak Jack..........there's time for words later. Save your energy." She was till crying as he closed his eyes again and she leaned down to kiss his lips softly.


god could it get any cheesier?? lol oh on some parts of that my mind wandered again and I lost track lol I think ahead too much I should really focuse. R&R please
