A/N: This story is actually a remake of one of my older AFI fanfics called Cantata. Everything in italics is a thought. I got the title from the Beatles song 'Blackbird,' one of my favorites. I am a Beatles freak, so in this story Harry is going to be too.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in relations to Harry Potter.

Summary: A twenty-one year old Harry rescues a little girl from drowning in a frozen lake and then starts to care for her as his own. What happens when the world tells him he can't adopt her? Will Sirius support his decision?

"Ooh I need your love babe,
Guess you know it's true.
Hope you need my love babe,
Just like I need you.
Hold me, love me, hold me, love me.
Ain't got nothin'but love babe,
Eight days a week.

Love you ev'ry day girl,
Always on my mind.
One thing I can say girl,
Love you all the time.
Hold me, love me, hold me, love me.
Ain't got nothin'but love babe,
Eight days a week.

Eight days a week
I love you.
Eight days a week
Is not enough to show I care.
Ooh I need your love babe, ...

Eight days a week ...

Love you ev'ry ...

Eight days a week. eight days a week. eight days a week..."
–the Beatles

Eight Days a Week
Chapter 1

Why oh why did I ever move to Boston? a certain twenty one year old man asked himself. It's too damn cold here.

Harry Potter slowly made his way out of his apartment while subconsciously pulling his scarf and coat tighter around himself. He gave his pocket a pat, making sure he had his book with him and continued down his stairs, as he occupied a second story apartment.

Making his way out into the full December weather, Harry smiled and waved to a few of the younger children that lived in the buildings surrounding him. They were currently in a small field that was between the fifteen different apartment buildings playing in the thick blanket of snow. He didn't think too much of them, saying it took most of his concentration to walk carefully enough on the ice so he wouldn't fall, until he felt a wet object come colliding into his face.

I knew there was a reason I hated kids, Harry thought as he wiped the snow absentmindedly out of his hair.

At twenty-one, Harry Potter looked more like his father than ever before. He stood complete after his final years of growth at a height of six foot three, and his body had filled out quite nicely due to his occupation demanded he stayed fit (being a professional quidditch player wasn't all glamour), he was still however on the slim side for a man his age. His hair had grown longer, shaggier, and perhaps even a bit wavier, just as James' had as an adult. Harry's nose had developed more of a point to it now, and his skin had a healthier look since his growing had discontinued. His eyes, his starling green eyes that his mother had left behind for him, however remained the same. Nonetheless the wide-rimmed black glasses he had always worn were now replaced with thinner framed spectacles that suited his looks better. He had once tried muggle contacts, but decided it wasn't worth the hassle after about three days of it.

"Having some troubles there, Potter?" a familiar voice sneered above him. "Are the little children ganging up on you?"

Looking up, Harry smiled as he found himself looking at one of his best friends, Draco Malfoy. After graduating Hogwarts, Harry and Draco found themselves competing for the same position on an American quidditch team. While Draco may have won the spot for the team seeker (Draco stood under six feet tall so he made better for it anyways), Harry found himself a new friend. Harry himself ended up playing as one of the team's chasers, just like his father. Draco even lived with Harry for a good year before moving in with his fiancée at the time. Luckily, his wife, Megan, and he lived in the building next to his to this day. Harry was grateful for this, since Ron, Hermione, and all his other friends still lived across the great pond.

"I guess I'll just have to get used to it," Harry called back smiling. "I should be expecting a little one from you and Meg not too long from now, eh? I'm counting down the days you know."

Draco just smiled (as well as paled a bit) and gave a short wave before stepping back inside his home. Harry continued walking while he cleaned the snow off his glasses and thought of Draco's and Megan's expectant child. It was due in February, and while he was happy for his friend he also felt like he'd be losing a part of his friend after his child was born.

Shaking the thought out of his head, Harry quickly finished (as quickly as possible, that is, without slipping on the icy sidewalks) his walk to the park and found a spot to spread out his blanket and sit. Once that was accomplished, he dug his book out of his pocket and began to read peacefully next to the lake.

It was about fifteen minutes later when Harry heard something funny coming from somewhere in front of him. He looked up from his book and scanned the area in front of him for anything peculiar, but couldn't see anything, and for the moment the noise had stopped. He looked back down at his book uneasily, but instead of reading it he decided to look at the folded piece of paper that was serving as his bookmark.

It's Sirius' last letter, Harry mused to himself. Just him nagging again about how he's going to visit again sometime soon, even though we both know he won't. Oh, and there's my favorite line: Harry, get yourself a girlfriend. It's time you settle down. Just because you're the star of an undefeated international quidditch team doesn't mean you can't have a steady girlfriend. Blah, blah, blah, Sirius. When I find a girl, I'll-

Harry's thoughts were cut short when he heard the noise from a few moments before again, this time much louder. His mind quickly placed the noise this time...

Someone's screaming! Harry's mind panicked. He jumped up, dropping his book and Sirius' letter, and was about to pull out his wand when he remembered he was in a muggle area. He left his wand pocketed, and tried to look for source of the screaming. In all reality, it was more of a muffled screech than a scream, and when Harry saw what it was coming from he immediately knew why.

On the other side of the lake, Harry could barely make out the figure of a small person struggling to keep their head above the water where the frozen over liquid had collapsed, letting the human fall through into the frigid waters. Fear gripped him when he realized this person obviously couldn't swim well if at all, and adrenalin kicked in as he sprinted through the snow towards the lake.

He stopped when he reached the edge of it, and realized he'd have to run all the way around the lake to save them. He knew the ice wouldn't hold him if he tried to walk across if it hadn't been able to hold the other person, who Harry could tell from where he was that they were quite a bit smaller than him. He knew he couldn't risk using magic in such a public area; his earlier experiences of exposing muggles to magic had drilled that into his head at a younger age.

Harry took off at a full sprint as he raced around the lake. He would slip every other foot or so on a patch of ice, but every time he would scramble to his feet as fast as possible. It seemed like it took him an hour to get to the other side, but when he finally did reach the spot he flung himself on the ice without even thinking about it.

The ice cracked under his weight, and a moment later he found himself surrounded in a freezing cold feeling. Ignoring the fact he wished he had never left his apartment that afternoon on top of the fact he felt like he was in a room full of dementors, he pushed his way through the ice and water to a spot in the water where he had previously saw the figure. Half way through his sprint the figure had slipped down under the water and had not come back up.

Harry could still see little oxygen bubbles coming up from the spot, and he plunged himself under the water looking for the drowning person. It was dark underneath the waters, and he was now completely surrounded by the dreaded freezing feeling. He reached his hands out blindly searching for the fallen victim, and it was not long before he found them. He grabbed what he thought to be the person's arm, and pulled them up with him.

When he pulled himself and the other person above the water, he found that what he believed to be their arm was actually their stomach they were so thin. The person was a tiny little girl, too small to be much older than a few years old.

Harry could barely keep the girl in his arms she was shaking so much, or maybe it was he who was shaking. Either way the only comforting thought to him now was the prospect of being warm and dry again. He found by the time he reached land again that he was absolutely worn out, whether from physical exhaustion or mental exhaustion from going from calm to ridiculously worried in only a few seconds. It took him a while to gather his legs under him once he was on the ground again, and Harry's mind then sprang into action.

Shit, she's not breathing, Harry's mind panicked. Shit, shit, shit. Okay, calm down. CPR. If there was ever a time to try it, it's now.

With no one around to help, CPR was all he could think of to do. He flung himself down on the ground again and laid the girl next to him. Harry didn't know where he was supposed to place his hands for sure, but he figured it didn't matter saying his hands covered pretty much her whole chest it was so petite. He did what he had seen on television – he rotated pushing down on her chest and breathing into her mouth while pinching her nose closed.

Please, please, please. Why didn't Hogwarts ever teach me something this practical? Harry wondered. He looked around again for anyone who might be able to help, but saw no one. Why isn't anyone around? This place had tons of couples around when I got here. Oh God, please just let her live. Think Harry, the need is dire. Is there any spell to help her? I can't think. You could think standing up to Voldemort, but you can't think to save a little girl's life. Brilliant Harry.

He was about to pull out his wand, but found his pocket empty. Panicking and cursing to himself, Harry continued to try CPR on her. It seemed like half of his life had passed out of him before the small body began to cough and spit up water.

"Thank God," Harry mumbled. The figure, after lurching out any water in their lungs, now lay limp and unconscious in his arms. She wasn't even shivering anymore, and Harry wished he could say the same for himself. He was shaking so badly he could hardly pick himself up again. He knew he was going to have to walk them both back to his apartment and get her warm again.

Where are her parents? How could they just leave her here alone? How could they let that happen to their little girl? Harry asked, trying to keep himself awake. Keep going, Harry. She's not going to make it if you don't. Great predicament you've gotten yourself in. You've got a dying girl in your arms, and you've lost your wand. All those years of schooling paid off. Really.

Harry couldn't help noticing as he trudged out of the park just how much the entrance gates looked like a cemetery's.

That's ironic, Harry kept talking to himself. God, this girl is really too thin. She looks worse than I ever did at the Dursley's.

This was the first time that Harry really ever took in the appearance of little girl. Besides from being exceptionally thin and pale, she had waist long dark brown hair that was currently tangled up around one of his arms. She had little freckles on her nose in addition to a thin heart shaped face. He had yet to see her eyes opened, and he wondered what color they would be. He smiled a bit when he thought about her height – when standing up on her own she would probably only come up to his knees. She had the tiniest hands he'd ever seen...

Eh, I'm just not used to kids, Harry thought. Besides those little brats that live next to me. God, I don't think I'll ever be warm again. I just hope she makes it. It looks like I'm not going to last to take care of her...looks like I better head to Draco and Meg's. Maybe Megan will know enough about kids to help. Almost there...

Harry irritably kept moving as he approached the back of the apartment buildings. He could barely keep his eyes open, and he could feel icicles on the ends of his hair. He could hardly see through his eyelashes which had snow accumulated in them.

What normally would have taken him less than a minute to walk ended up taking him what he guessed to be about seven minutes. The hardest part came when he was faced with the stairs to Draco's apartment. He had always liked living on the second floor as he knew Draco did, but for the first time ever he regretted it.

Pushing the gate before the stairs open, he began his ascent to his hopefully final destination for awhile. He had been hoping that someone would have heard him struggling and would come to help him, but of course no such luck came to pass.

I'm here, thank you God, Harry panted as the collapsed against their door. This was as good as any knocking and a few minutes later he found himself at Draco's feet when he threw open the door.

"Harry!" Draco exclaimed. "What the hell happened to you?"

Harry was currently flopping around, trying to get himself off the child he had fallen on top of. Draco lifted him up by pulling under his armpits and he then got his first glimpse of the extra person in Harry's arms that he refused to let go of.

"Megan! Get in here now!" Draco yelled. "Harry...Harry, stay with me for a little bit more okay? Who is this?"

"Girl I rescued...drowning," Harry mumbled incoherently. He could no longer keep his eyes open, but Draco was keeping him from going anywhere with his pestering questions.

"Why didn't you use any magic to help her? What about you? If it was this dire surely you could have done something..."

"Lost wand...somewhere in lake..." Harry didn't even register himself talking anymore.

"Megan, I'm going to fill the bathtub with hot water and put them in there. Can you make some kind of warm fluid, some tea or something? Good. Heat up blankets, whatever you can find. Then I need you to call a healer."

Harry vaguely felt himself being lifted completely to his feet, but he was hardly conscious and only one thought was keeping himself so.

I'm not going to let go of you kid...

He felt himself slip away, and what seemed only a moment later he was placed in something extremely hot that jerked him awake. His arms tightened around...whatever it was he was holding. He couldn't remember anymore.

"Harry...Harry let go of her," he processed everything once in awhile.

"Draco, the healer's on their way."


A/N: Yay for that being done! Hope you enjoyed it! Please review!