I do not own Digimon, much to my eternal dissapointment. This story is written alternately in Tai's and Matt's pov, journal style. This is my first yoai ever, so please review and I will eternally love you forever. If you don't like yoai, don't read. If you do...enjoy.

Matt: Isnt that a bit redundant, Willow?

Willow: What?

Matt: to eternally love forever?

Willow: Not in your case.

Matt: What do you mean, in my case?

Willow: Do you really want to know?

Matt: YES!!!

Willow: Alright.........

Matt: Well???

Willow: ............

Matt: WELL???

Willow: ...............Read the fic.

Matt: You suck, Willow.

Willow: I know. I love you too, Matt.

Love Journals 101...

Tai's Journal...Entry 1

February 14, 2004 10:30 p.m.

Oh boy. It's St. Valentines day again. Hmmm...it was an interesting day today. All us first and second generation digidestined met in the Digital world today. It was great. Matt and T.K. were there, and so was Mimi, Joe, Izzy, Sora (who immediately hit me in the head with a wooden spoon...I still have no idea why). Davis was trying to make advances on my sister again. I think she nearly brained him this time. She has Definetely had enough of his "Kari is MY GIRL" crap. Ha ha. My mom made some so called "goodies" that only Izzy ate, while the rest of us ate the goodies that Yolie and Matt brought. Hmm...Matt...wait! What the hell am I thinking? Ergh.

So, anyway...to keep up with the Valentines tradition...all the girls brought us guys something. Sora gave me a new pair of goggles, to replace the ones I had given to Davis. The new ones are much cooler. They have blue flames licking the edges. Its great. Davis is so jealous...what a dork. Well, we guys thought we'de take a hold of the American way of celebrating Valentines day...so we each got the girls something. They looked like kids on Christmas morning. I bought Sora a diamond necklace. I think she nearly melted on the spot. It was great. Told her that I was going to do it, and she didn't believe me. Ha ha ha.

Cody and Yolie have hooked up. Its kind of scary, but at the same time, kind of cute. They were holding hands all day, and kept on fighting about who was going to get the last chocolate covered rice ball. Even Willis was there today. Everything was so much fun...but dude, im pooped. I've gotta go to bed...ive got practice in the morning...with my football team.

Oh yeah...Matt gave me a box of homemade toffee for valentines day. What a great best friend. Nothing like yummy badness to stick the teeth together. I gave him a Good Charlette CD. He laughed. Anyway...must sleep now. Will write again soon. Peace. Tai.

Matt's Journal...Entry 1

February 16, 2004 11:36 p.m.

Hmm...I've never really written in a journal before. Guess that's about to change, now isn't it? Well, lets see...what has happened to me today that is actually worth telling. Well, I got up at 8 am this morning (what an ungodly hour!), showered, made myself some breakfast, and went over to the studio where me and my band, the Teenage Wolves, practiced from 9 am to noon.

I had lunch with my little bro, whom I haven't seen in quite a while, as he and Kari are always together and doing something. He told me that Kari finally got sick of Davis and told him off. I wish I could have been there to see it.

I went over to Tai's house later on this afternoon, about 3 or 4. I knocked on the door, but no one answered, and it was unlocked, so I walked right in and sat down on my best friends couch. I could hear the shower running, and came to the conclusion that my best friend had just recently gotten home from more grueling football practice.

Poor guy. His coach drills him day in and day out, and he's one of the best players on the team!

Anyway, about fifteen minutes later, Tai stepped out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist, and he walk into his living room to find me sitting on the couch. I think I scared him pretty badly. He almost dropped his towel...and for some reason, I don't think that I would have minded if he had.

Where in the HELL did that thought come from? Shit...I can't erase it either...I'm writing in pen and I have no white-out. Oh well.

So, he goes and gets dressed, and comes back out to find me making dinner, 'cause I got hungry waiting for him (he was undoubtedly in the bathroom fixing his hair or something). He comes and joins me, and for two guys, we did pretty well. The meal was actually pretty good (meaning we didn't immediately barf it up).

After dinner, we sat in the living room and I played him some of the new songs that me and my band had come up with. He like all of them. That's good. Having your best friend approve of something that you wrote is always a good thing. After that, I went home...and now I'm writing in this thing. Well, g2g. Have to sleep, cause I have more band practice tommorow. We have a concert in a few days...can't wait. Peace out Matt