

Umm...think that's about it xD oh, disclaimers...yeah...sheesh, everyone should know by now, but oh well. I do not, I repeat, DO NOT own Fruits Basket. I wish. LoL! This is my first FB fic, so be nice XD oh yeah! And warning, Kyo x Yuki shounen-ai ish!!! XD


Rinoki Rio – yes, amnesia is always dramatic, can't help that xD [and such an easy way out in making a storyline, I must admit ;;]

Fowlet – LoL!!! I'm glad that you like my version of Yuki? XD;; someone said he was OOC ;; but I'm glad you said that xD

basketcases02 – hee hee I sure hope it's interesting ;; yep, I'm waiting for how they interact too [which is this chapter YaY! xD] and of course, anger management classes are always fun [evil grin]

Nae Nae – LOL! Thank you! o0 ok, I'll try to finish this sooon o0;;;

Linku - Thank you for enjoying my fic!! Yeah, I really should forget about my brother [bro kicks me in the shins] Xx;; oh yeah, and Uke is bottom, Seme is top xD

DarkangelWings - thanks you for liking my fic!

[uummm...I think that's about it xD;; thank you all for the kind reviews! Really, I was expecting flames (iono why...LOL!)]


"Kyaaa!! Yuki-kun and Kyon-chan are actually getting aloooong!!!"

Yuki covered his face a bit with his hand, a bit embarrassed at the commotion the girls were making. Some came over to him, asking what happened between them and why Kyo was now saying such kind comments about Yuki to them, and why did it seem that Kyo totally forgot who everyone was and how his personality got twisted around.

"Er....." Yuki said, very uncharacteristically of him. The girls giggled at his response.

"OoOoOoh....don't tell me, that you and Kyo-kun have some sort of secret that you are not willing to share with us????" This made all the class members whoop, and pat Kyo on the back [who looked puzzled]. Yuki just buried his face more into his hands.

"I...it's not like that at all! You see, Kyo—" Yuki started, but was cut off.

"Is totally in love with Yuki and can't get enough of him. Now, please stop bothering us, we'd like our alone time," Kyo said, adding a wink at the end and dragging a very flustered Yuki out of the class. Behind them, they heard cat-calls and the Yuki fan club screaming, saying it can't be true. The teacher looked after them angrily and was about to object, but Kyo smiled and winked, and the teacher just looked after him, flabbergasted.

Kyo closed the classroom door behind them, and leaned Yuki against the wall. Yuki looked at him in bewilderment as both of Kyo's hands were on either side of his face, trapping him under Kyo's body. Yuki opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish, confused and at a loss for words. What was Kyo thinking?!!

"Yuuukiiiiii.....please...don't tell anyone about my amnesia," Kyo said with a serious voice, yet kind of whiny at the same time. It was kind of cute.

Pushing cute voices aside...... "Wha—Why? They have the right to know, and won't it be easier to just explain to them about your memory loss....?"

Yuki said, finally finding his voice. Kyo averted his eyes nervously.

"Well...that is to say...I...." Yuki looked at him curiously. He was acting kind of strangely.

"Well? Spill it?"

"Er...I...just wanted to leave them hanging! Yeah, keep those little suckers guessing, heheheheh! Ummm..." Kyo said quickly. Yuki looked at him weird.

"Why would you want to do that? It'll be so much simpler if—"

"Aw c'mon, where's your sense of fun, Yuki-chan?" Kyo said, smiling. Yuki would have glared, but it was kind of hard to stay mad at this new Kyo.

"Uhhh...I suppose...ok, then....shall we get back to class, now that that's settled?" Yuki said, a bit nervously because of their position. He noticed his hands were kind of shaking, and tried to cover them with his hands, but Kyo got there first.

Yuki gasped as Kyo grabbed his hands, and held them firmly in his own. Kyo looked Yuki deep in his eyes, but the 'prince' looked away, almost shyly. Kyo looked at the side of Yuki's burning face, and smiled. He slowly got closer to Yuki, their bodies now extremely close. His free hand that wasn't holding Yuki's touched Yuki's thighs, and slowly slid upwards, making Yuki shudder. Kyo's hand rested on Yuki's waist.

"Ok. We'll go back to class...but only after you kiss me? C'mon, just a small peck will do." Kyo said, now wrapping both arms around Yuki and pulling him closer to him than they already were. Yuki looked up at him, stunned.

His first instinct was to sock him in the stomach, then to kiss him, and then back to kicking him, but then again, thoughts turned back to holding Kyo closely to him.... All these instincts and feelings were really messing up Yuki's head. He couldn't handle the two opposing thoughts in his head, and finally he just pushed Kyo away. Yuki gave him one, quick glance, and then sped away back into the classroom. Kyo looked after his retreating back and the door slamming, and sighed. He leaned up against the wall where Yuki was previously.

'...Do you really want to know why I don't want anyone to know about my amnesia, Yuki?' Kyo grimaced as he lightly scratched the back of his head.

'....It's so that I can try and make a new life, a new life with you.'


'Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!!!'

These three words kept screaming inside his mind, and bounced around his head like mad. He didn't know whether they were calling him stupid, or Kyo. Yuki decided it was most definitely aimed at him. This was Yuki's big chance, Yuki's bug chance to finally make amends, to actually KISS Kyo...

Yuki stopped his thoughts from rambling on, and told his mind to shut up. He sighed. No, not to kiss Kyo....to kiss a complete stranger that looked like him was more like it....Yuki slumped in his chair, ignoring the curious glances being thrown at him by classmates. He looked over at the door, but Kyo had yet to come back to class. He frowned, then sighed. It was probably his fault...for pushing him away like that.... but the actions Kyo did earlier...did Kyo really mean all those things? Like... [Yuki blushed a bit] to kiss him?

Maybe he was just testing Yuki to see if he'd actually do it...yeah...that's it. That's all. Nothing more. Even if a person has amnesia, wouldn't some of the feeling of hate still linger in the person's mind? Kyo was probably just cooking up some huge evil theme, maybe he was just pretending to have amnesia to that he can make Yuki look like a fool, or to find a way to beat him once and for all, or— Yuki shook his head lightly. No...Kyo would never....

...would he?



Yuki and Tohru walked together in the cafeteria, trying to find an empty table for themselves. No matter where they looked, Kyo wasn't to be found. This worried Tohru to death, but Yuki convinced her that he may just have ditched school and have gone home or something. Though considering it was the new Kyo, Yuki knew it was highly unlikely, but he found no other better excuse for Kyo's absence, for he really didn't know where he was himself.

Tohru and Yuki ate their lunch in silence, both wondering where Kyo might be. They couldn't think of an interesting enough topic to talk about at the moment, so both were silent.

"I wonder where Kyo-kun is...." Tohru said worriedly. Right after the last class, Kyo wasn't to be found.

"Ah...I'm sure that baka neko is sulking around at home, and hanging around the rooftop," Yuki said nonchalantly.

"Oh...but, the...ano...NEW Kyo is quite different, ne? I'm sure he wouldn't do such a thing...perhaps his instincts told him to go onto the school roof? Have you checked there, Sohma-kun?"

Yuki was silent. Of course, Tohru was right. The...new...Kyo really wouldn't do such a thing as skip school. Now, he's teacher's pet with all the teachers in this school, their history teacher even let them off for walking out of class out of the blue just like that. He sighed. It's already been a few days or more, and there was no sign of Kyo's memory letting up. Yuki wondered just how long this amnesia was going to last.

He missed all those fighting sessions with Kyo, amazingly. He always thought them to be such a bother, but now that he looks back, it was the one thing that made Kyo and him always so close to each other, the one thing that made them talk, and the one thing that made his feelings for him grow...

"Ma-kun? Sohma-kun? Daijoubu?"

"Ah? Oh, gomen...what were you saying just now?" Yuki said quickly, snapping out of his dazed state.

"Oh...I was just saying, that why not go check the roof right now? Perhaps Kyo is up there...?"

"Yes...probably...but I can't leave you to sit alone here, Honda-san," Yuki said, picking at his food slightly with his chopsticks. He wasn't really hungry at the moment.

"That's fine. She won't be alone so go on and look for that annoying brat."

Tohru and Yuki looked up, and saw Ansa Uotani [] and Saki Hanajima standing behind them, food in a tray in their hands. Ansa grinned and sat down next to Yuki, while Saki settled down next to Tohru. Saki was as usual; quiet while her hair stood up like an antenna, waving around, causing the Yuki fan club that was spying on them to squeal and take off running.

"Now Uo-chan, Kyo-kun isn't an annoying...err, brat!" Tohru said quickly, looking around as if Kyo will come running and knock her head for even saying 'annoying brat' and 'Kyo-kun' in the same sentence.

"Ah...maybe not...I'm being too nice. More like a STUPID annoying brat..."

"Hm...I must say I may not agree on that this time. Today, Kyo Sohma was giving off extremely strange waves, much different from the last time we met him. Indeed, very strange...it's as if his waves are coming from a completely different person..." Saki said, in her usual monotone-type voice.

That statement caused Yuki and Tohru to sweat drop. Sometimes, Saki says completely strange things, but many times she turns out to be right, in her own...err, way. Tohru happily greeted them [since she realized she didn't even say hi yet...]. Yuki saw that Tohru now had her friends with her, and right now would be high time to go and find Kyo. But would it be rude if he just got up and left right now...?

"Hey ouji-sama, why aren't you going to go find that orange hair ball yet? I told you, we're here now so it's fine to leave," Uo-chan said while digging into her food. Saki silently nodded her approval while curling Tohru's hair.

Yuki looked among the three of them, and gave them a smile small. He nodded his good bye, and left the cafeteria. Right when he got outside the doors, though, he bolted. He ran all the way to the stairs of the school roof. He wondered if Kyo was really there, and if he wasn't, where could he be? Yuki finally reached the top of the stairs, and opened the door. He stepped outside, and looked around the roof.

His eyes finally landed on a lone orange cat.


Yuki looked at it for a second or two. Was that Kyo? That cat's just sitting there...Yuki walked slowly up to it, and patted its head to get its attention. The cat looked up, and mewed. Yuki stared at it for a moment longer, just to see if there's a hint of Kyo in it's eyes, but saw none.

He sighed, and plopped down ungracefully next to the orange cat. The cat jumped a bit, startled at the sudden movement, but settled back down once he saw that Yuki was going to do it no harm.

"Why aren't you running off, baka-neko. I'm a rat...can't you sense it?" Yuki said quietly, though knowing fully well that animals can't understand humans. Yuki cringed on the inside. He had just called the cat 'baka-neko', and the cat looked extremely similar to Kyo's cat form also. Yuki felt as if he had just said the words to Kyo himself. He sighed.

"I don't even know why I'm talking to you..." Yuki leaned back and lay on the ground, his hands behind his head. He looked up at the clear blue sky, with only a few clouds. Today was a beautiful day. Too beautiful...he wished he can fight Kyo right about now. The cat just sat, once in a while grooming itself and yawning as if bored. Yuki looked over at it, almost wishing that it would transform and Kyo would be standing there.

But it didn't.

The cat finally sat up and walked away, and jumped onto the railing. With extreme grace and balance, it started walking on it, and finding a spot it liked, sat down and looked at birds flying past. Yuki watched it, with a kind of amazement. Cats were so graceful and elegant, but Kyo—well, the old Kyo—was so...loud.

Yuki smiled a bit at small memories when Kyo would be at his worst, from being beaten up by Uo-chan to being chased down and tackled by Kagura. That reminded him, what would the other Sohma's think about Kyo's temporary memory loss? How would Kagura handle it? He grinned. He wondered how Kyo would react right now if Kagura all of a sudden started beating him up for no reason. His smile faded once he thought about Kyo again. Where was he? Did he not want to show his face to Yuki because he rejected the kiss? Yuki blushed at the memory again. There was no telling what the new Kyo was thinking.

Yuki heard the faint sound of the lunch bell, meaning that lunch was now over and they had to get back to class. Yuki didn't make a move. He decided that he'd just stay up here for today, since he wouldn't be able to concentrate in class anyways. He slowly got up, stretched, and walked over to the railing and leaned on it next to the orange cat. The cat looked over at him, got bored, and went back to watching the birds down below in the trees. Yuki smiled. Cats were kind of cute...

"You shouldn't lean over the railing like that, it's dangerous."

Yuki quickly turned to look behind him and saw Haru standing there with a bored kind of look, as usual. Yuki sighed, letting his heart slow down. Haru walked idly next to Yuki and leaned on the rail, causing Yuki to sweat drop. Didn't Haru just say that leaning on the rail was dangerous...? Yuki had half a mind to bonk Haru over the head for that, but thought better of it. One, he couldn't really get mad at White Haru because he's so calm, and two, he didn't want Black Haru to emerge.

"Yuki, I heard from Hatori that Kyo lost his memory, is it true..."? Haru said slowly. He looked to his left, and glanced at the orange cat next to him. He stared at it for a moment or two.

"Yes, it's true. And no, that's not Kyo. If it was, he would have transformed back already a long time ago," Yuki said, leaning against the rail next to Haru. He noticed Haru didn't say anything about leaning against the rail is dangerous.


"So...what is it that you came here for? Just to ask that question?" Yuki said.

"Oh...nothing big. Except, now that Kyo is gone, would it be easier now for you to start liking me...?" Haru said, turning to look at Yuki.

Yuki sweat dropped again. That's nothing big? Yuki rolled his eyes. "Haru...we've already been through this a long time ago. I like you as my little cousin, nothing more."

"I know, but...you know, Hatori never mentioned it to you guys because he was afraid of how you'll react, but even if there's a 50% chance Kyo will regain his memories again, there's also a 50% chance that he'll never regain his memories..!" Haru said, looking up at the sky. Yuki sharply turned to look at him.

"What?!! There's...there's a chance that Kyo will never--?"

"Yes...that's why, I just wanted to use this chance right now to make you mine. Won't you be mine, Yuki?" Haru said, grinning as he held his hand out to him. Yuki backed up slowly. Oh great...he's starting to turn into Black Haru...

"Ok, look Haru, even though there's a chance that Kyo will...never...regain his memories, there's still a big chance that he will, so I'll have to refuse your—offer."

Black Haru looked at Yuki, who was still walking slowly backwards. Yuki wondered if he set him off. He saw that Haru wasn't advancing, so he turned to leave. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He kept turning it, but it wouldn't open. He felt Haru's arms wrap around him from behind.

"Haru...let go of me. And open this door." Yuki said quietly. He felt Haru shake his head against his shoulders.

"No way. Do you know how long I've waited for an opportunity like this? I won't let it go to waste," Haru breathed into Yuki's neck, causing him to shudder.

The white-haired teen nipped at Yuki's ear, and that was when Yuki's patience wore thin. He squirmed, trying to pull free of Haru's hold, but Haru only tightened his grip. If the person holding him right now was anyone other than Haru, Yuki would have pulverized him to the ground by now.

Yuki never liked hurting his younger cousin, no matter how annoying he got at times, so currently Yuki was trying to get out of Haru's grasp without hurting him...

...Too much.

Yuki swiftly snaked out of Haru's grasp, grabbed one of his younger cousin's arms, and flipped him over his back onto the ground. Haru landed with a loud thud on his back, and while he was temporarily immobilized, Yuki ran towards the railing to see if there was a safe way to jump off, seeing that the door was locked and all. Yuki leaned over the railing, and looked down. Five stories high up...not good.

Yuki instantly saw that there was no possible way to jump down without breaking a neck or two. He grimaced. What other way did he have to get out of Black Haru's grasps? He finally made up his mind, and quickly clambered over the railing. With a final sigh, he jumped.


[well now, how was that? at least this chapter's longer than the other ones....kinda....na? xD;; so...uh...sorry it's so...late? xD I'm really really slow at updates, seriously. it makes my readers so mad ;; how many of you are mad right now? xD;;;

oh yeah, and about...er...da yankee girl's name, is it Arisa or Ansa??? I looked up her name on da net, but some sites say Arisa, and some sites say its Ansa. I'm so confused, and since i find all my Fruits Basket info from the Fruits Basket Project says her name was Ansa, i juss made it Ansa " but if someone knows her real name, please, do tell xD

and yes, i had to put at least a little bit of Yuki x Haru in my story, cuz yes, this is my second fave pairing (kind of hard to tell since in my fic, it makes it sound like i hate him or something xD;;; not true!) Haru is so totally bombing, he's my fave FB character his hair actually looks kinda like one of my online comic character's hair (i swear to god i did not steal Haru's hair, i did my webcomic way before i even knew about FB ;;)

so anywho, till the next chappie, i'll see y'alls later! oh yeah, i know you hear dis ALL da time, but please...reviews? xD;;; it actually does encourage me to write more faster and better ]