Yeeee!!! The last chapter of the story!!! I'll make it as long as I can but don't get mad!!

Hope you like it!!


Chapter 8

Our Hearts Will Remain Together Forever


"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, BITCH!!" a voice said, making Zidane and Dagger break their kiss.

"What do you want NOW?" Dagger said, seeing Angel as she stepped closer.

"I've come…to say goodbye, Zidane." Angel said, pulling something out her pocket.

"Yeah? Well okay hasta la vista, TOODLES. Now where were we?" he said, turning to Dagger, about to hold here waist but she stood wide eyes and shouted, "ZIDANE!!!!"

He turned and gasped as well. Angel was aiming a gun at Zidane and said slowly, "…Goodbye, baby."


"ZIDAAAAAAAAANE!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!" Dagger shouted, holding Zidane tight and squinting her eyes as she laid her head on his chest.

"D-Da…gg…er…" He said, coughing afterwards, the dropped to the ground as Dagger stood, her eyes looking lethally as Angel.

"You…SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!" Dagger yelled, punching Angel in the gut and then retrieved the gun from Angel then quickly shot her in the head before she could do any actions.

"Now…Zid…ane…and I will…remain…together forever…NOT…YOU…!!!!" Angel said. She then coughed out blood and died.

"…Fuck you." Dagger said in a low voice as she gave the dead Angel's body a searing look. "Zidane!!! Oh no!!" she cried, hurrying over to the helpless Zidane, hugging him in the place Angel shot him.

"Dag…ge…r…" he said, looking up and smiled weakly at her.

"You're going to be okay, Zidane…don't leave me…" Dagger said, holding his hand.

His smile still lingered. "It…doesn't…matter if…I-I stay alive…or…not…o-our…hea…rts will…remain together…forever…"

Dagger looked down and cold tears rushed down her cheeks. "But…I love you…"

Zidane softly ran a hand through her cheek. "I…l-love you…too…bab…y…ARGH…"

"Zidane…?! ZIDANE!!!! NOOOO!!!" Dagger cried, squeezing Zidane and wailing loudly.

"I never thought those guys were such WEAKLINGS!!!" Eiko shouted, heading to where Dagger went, walking with Beatrix.

"Hm. Yeah well now she should be wailing with joy when she sees Zidane."

"NOOOO!!!" a voice cried out, echoing throughout the cherry blossom trees.

The two looked at each other and gasped, "DAGGER!!"

They raced through the trees and gasped. There was Dagger holding Zidane's head and rocking back and forth.

"Zidane…h-he's…" Dagger said, rocking Zidane back and forth, still releasing tears of sorrow.

"Hurry!! To the hospital!!" Beatrix said quickly.

"WAAAAAAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eiko yelled, waving her hands at the ambulance truck that just passed by.

The car stopped and drove back, almost running over Eiko.

"Phew…" Eiko said, but then got run over by two guys that were passing by, pushing the gurney.

"URGH…" Eiko yelled in pain.

"Hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!! hut!!!!" the two men repeated, putting Zidane on the bed thingy and took the three girls with them.

"Zidane…please don't give up…I know there's still some life in you…" Dagger said, holding her dear childhood friend's hand.

Eiko and Beatrix looked at each other with sad eyes and shook their head.

"Don't give up dear friend." Beatrix said.

"Yeah! Or you'll never marry Dagger!"

Dagger blushed.

"Don't you have anything to say, Dagger?" Eiko said, showing a bit of concern in her emerald hues.

"…Huh? Oh…uh…I…" Dagger tried to say but the words didn't come out again. Her friends looked at her with concern.

"Dagger…" Beatrix said, reaching a hand out to her best friend's hand, "Don't give up…"

"I'M NOT!!" Dagger shouted, making both the girls startled. "…I'm sorry. I just…"

"We know, don't worry about it. Just don't let that hope drop one bit!" Eiko exclaimed.

They then made it to the hospital and it was a miracle that he still had very little breath to inhale.

Hang on, baby. . .don't give up! Dagger thought, holding her poor Zidane to her chest, rocking slowly.

"I'm sorry but can you wait in the living room?" the nurse said to the 3 girls, "This might take a while."

Dagger sighed and nodded, giving one last glance to her boyfriend and walked to the waiting room with her friends.

"Don't worry, Dag! As soon as he's alive and well, you guys can move to Lindblum and get married!!" said the excited Eiko.

"Yeah!! That's a good idea, Eiko!! You can be the flower girl, I'll be one of the bridesmaids and we can buy her the most beautiful dress EVER!!!" Beatrix shouted happily.

"YEAH!!" Eiko shouted.

"What do you think, Dagger?" Beatrix asked, looking to Dagger who said nothing, "…Dagger?"

"Hand me the scissors!!" the doctor said, "Hm. . .so this one was shot eh. . ."

"Here they are, doctor." The nurse said, handing in the scissors.

"BEEP. . .BEEP. . .BEEP. . .BEEP. . .BEEP. . ." shouted the machine.

"Let's hurry, we're about to lose him!!"

"Yes doctor!!"

"Um, Miss Garnet?" said nurse, coming in the waiting room.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO ZIDANE!? IS HE OKAY!?" Dagger shouted, jumping off her seat.

"H-he's…" the nurse tried to say but Dagger ran passed her and went inside rm. 204, seeing Zidane just laying there with his eyes closed.

"IS HE OKAY!?" Beatrix and Eiko shouted.

"O-oh…no…" Dagger said, seeing the machine.


"H-he…didn't make it…I'm sorry, Miss Garnet." The nurse said from behind them.

"N-no…he has to be…alive…" Dagger said quietly, slowly walking towards Zidane and sat lightly on the bed, rubbing his hair, "Zidane…wake up…p-please…"

"Let's leave her alone, Eiko…" Beatrix said sadly, putting and arm around Eiko's shoulder.

"Yeah…ok…" Eiko replied also sadly, walking out the room with Beatrix and sitting on the chairs next to the room.

"This sucks…" Beatrix said, hugging Eiko who was crying.

"W-W-WHY DID HE HAFTA D-DIE, BEATRIX!? W-WHY!?" Eiko yelled, holding tissue and covering her face with it.

"Zidane…please…wake up…!!!" Dagger sobbed, covering her face in Zidane's chest as tears fell on him.

She then hummed their song, rocking him slowly with tears still falling on her cheeks and landing on top of him.

"BEEP…BEEP…BEEP…BEEP…" the machine said a few minutes later.

"W-what…!? H-he's alive!!! YOU GUYS!!" Dagger said, screaming with excitement.

"Huh?" the 2 girl said in confusion.

"Garnet…are you feeling okay?" Beatrix said, acting serious.

"IT'S ZIDANE!! H-HE'S…T-THAT MACHINE JUST…!!!" Dagger said rapidly, but the words refused to come out once again.

Eiko and Beatrix both raised a brow and sighed, following Dagger back to the room.

"OH MY GOD. . .!!!" Eiko yelled, falling to the ground and fainted. "H-HOW DID THIS HAPPEN, DAGGER!?"

"I-I DON'T KNOW! I WAS JUST HUMMING A SONG AND THEN IT APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE!!!" Dagger shouted, her expressions mixed with happiness and nervousness.

"Well… in magic class, you ARE a healer aren't you?" Beatrix asked.

"U-ungh. . ." Zidane said, trying to catch his breath while sleeping.

Beatrix gasped and stepped back so Dagger could sit next to him on his bed.

"Zidane!! A-are you okay???" Dagger said, holding his hand and was about to cry again when she saw that he was in pain.

"It seems that the pain that hit him was critical. . .maybe you should go on home and let him rest for a couple of days." The doctor said seriously, coming inside the room.

Dagger just put her head on Zidane's chest and felt his heart beating slowly. I-I don't want to leave you…you're like the important source of my life…I wouldn't know what to do any more without you by my side…

"Dagger?" Beatrix said, patting her friend's back and speaking sadly, "C'mon Dagger, let's go home."

"…Ok." Dagger said in a low voice, slowly getting off the breathless Zidane and looking at him, making her mouth form into a smile. I know you can make it… believe in you…

With a shocked look on her face, she could've sworn she saw Zidane smile. . . . .Maybe it's just my imagination.

She then helped Beatrix pick the unconscious Eiko up and in the car.

Beatrix drove the car that Steiner dropped off for them (he took a taxi lol.) with Eiko in the backseat asleep and Dagger sitting in the passenger's side.

Dagger slowly rose her head up as she saw Zidane's room outside the hospital and she saw a familiar shadow looking at her in the window, waving. It happened to be, Zidane's room…

What was that. . .? Dagger thought curiously.

Beatrix dropped Dagger to her house and she gave her a worried look, "Get some rest okay, Dagger? Don't worry! He'll be okay."

"I guess…" Dagger said, smiling to her friend and unlocked the front door to her house.

Her two cats Niko and Tiko came running towards her and purring. She smiled and picked both of them up, going in the living room and laid on her sofa.

"You know. . .falling in love makes you go crazy all the time about the person you're mad about…" she said to her two cats that were smiling at her, "Then that person makes you worried to death and when that person comes back you would want to hurt them for making you so worried…"

"Meow?" Niko asked.

"NO NIKO. I'm not mad!!" Dagger said, looking to her brown-furred Niko and scratched his head.

"Meow?" Tiko asked.

"Okay okay!!! I'll feed you guys in a second!" Dagger shouted, laying on her couch exhausted.

"U-ugh. . . ." Dagger said, hearing the doorbell ring. She fell asleep right after she fed her two cats. "Wow. . .I was THAT tired. . .?" she asked herself, making her way through the hall and turning on the light before opening the door and seeing a familiar figure smirking at her.

"Hey there. . . ." said the man's voice.

Dagger rubbed her eyes and they widened. She tackled the man and they fell on the ground near her front door outside, "ZIDANE!!! HOW DID YOU…!? WHAT HAPPENED…?!"

"Whoa, slow down there babe!" Zidane said, laughing nervously.

"WHADDYA MEAN SLOW DOWN?! YOU IDIOT!! YOU MADE US ALL WORRIED!!!!" she cried, punching him in the side until he let out a scream.

"U-ugh…that side's still fragile…" Zidane said in pain.

"Oh my god!! Are you okay!? I'm sorry!!!" Dagger yelled, hugging Zidane tightly.

"Ehehehe… I'm okay Dag, chill." Zidane said, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

Dagger gave him a warm smile and kissed him back, "…It's good to have you back…"


"I thought you were dead…"

"ANYWAYS. Does it even matter? Our heart will remain together forever…right?"

Dagger smiled with a hint of tears forming her eyes as she kissed Zidane again, "…right."

::I Could Fall In Love- Selena::

I could lose my heart tonight,

if you don't turn and walk away

Cause the way I feel I might

lose control and let you stay

Cause I could take you in my arms,

And never let go

I could fall in love with you

I could fall in love with you

I could only wonder how

touching you would make me feel

But if I take that chance right now,

tomorrow will you want me still?

(Baby will you want me?)

So I should keep this to myself,

And never let you know

I could fall in love with you

(I could fall in love with you)

I could fall in love with you

And I know it's not right,

and I guess I should try

to do what I should do

But I could fall in love,

fall in love, with you

I could fall in love with you

Siempre estoy so? ndo en ti

Besando mis labios, acariciando mi piel

Abrazandome, con ansias locas

Imaginando que me amas

Como yo podr? amar a ti


I'm always dreaming of you

kissing my lips, caressing my skin

Hugging me with crazy longings

Imagining that you love me

The way that I could love you)

So I should keep this to myself,

And never let you know

I could fall in love with you

I could fall in love with you

I could fall in love, (fall in love)

I could fall in love, (fall in love) with you

I could fall in love with you.

Zidane kissed Dagger on he lips again while they were on the ground and Beatrix, along with Eiko watched that very sweet scene that brought them to tears. Dagger's neighbors came out their houses and stared at her and Zidane while they were kissing.

"Them crazy kids!" a old man said, slowly walking back inside his house. The other people rolled their eyes and smiled to the couple, clapping their hands.

Now they were to stay together forever for the rest of their years.

The End

Aiko-sama's Note: Yeeee!!!! It's finally finished!! Well ppls I hoped you like this one and I'll try to update Tuesday Morning, I'm kinda stuck on it, but ideas will come soon enough. Thanks for the reviews and see ya guys later!!

- Aiko-sama