Piper woke early one Monday morning to the sound of her alarm. She reached over to throw her arm around Leo's waist, only to find that he wasn't there. She groaned and sat up, switching off her alarm and rubbing her eyes. A sad look played on her features and she hugged her legs close to her chest, wrapping herself in the duvet.

Piper was an early riser. Despite the fact that her job was to work at P3 at night ...she still got up at seven o'clock sharp. Phoebe and Paige mocked her, calling her Little Miss Organised...but she just liked to be up and about when they got up. There was also another advantage; she always got the hot water in the shower. You couldn't ask for more to life than that.

She yanked the covers off of herself and strolled into her bathroom, taking a long look in the mirror. "Come on Piper" She thought to herself. "He's not that bad. It's his job. He probably feels the same way when you work!" But then another thought crossed her mind. "Well at least he's allowed to come to work with me and hang out at the club. I have no idea where he goes, what he does or who with!" "Elders and their damn secrets!" She muttered aloud.

Piper had a shower and changed with rapid fire, appearing at the bottom of the staircase ten minutes later, looking like a completely different person. She slapped on a warm, confident smile and flounced into the kitchen to start breakfast. It was becoming a routine now, putting on a fake smile to try and show Paige and Phoebe that her and Leo DIDN'T have issues. "But we do" She thought to herself. "It can't be denied. We have things to work through"

"I wonder where he is?" She mumbled aloud accidentally as she switched on the TV.

"Thinking about me?" Leo asked with a smile as he orbed in.

"Yes...so what if I am?" She retorted coldly as she turned away from him.

Leo's torturous smile turned into a hurt, confused glance and he slowly approached her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "What's wrong baby?" he asked, concerned.

Piper pulled herself out of his arms and turned around. "Leo...it's been five days since you were last here." She mumbled to him, looking him in the eye with the glare that could outstare a hawk.

"I'm sorry Piper, I really am. But a new whitelighter has just come into power and I had to show her the ropes." He replied softly, in the tone of voice that attracted her to him in the first place.

"But what about me Leo?" She questioned, pointing to herself. "I am your wife. How can we have kids and live a normal life if you can't even be here...at the house! Correct me if I'm wrong Leo, but don't people that want kids have to be in the same room to conceive?"

Leo sighed worriedly. He knew the signs, if Piper used sarcasm it meant she was mad...or hurt... or both. "Yes...I know. And as soon as this whitelighter has reached her full potential then we'll have more 'us' time."

"But you always say that." She moaned. "You always say 'as soon as the Elders do this', 'as soon as you've done that'. It never comes true. I married you, a handsome man that cared about me for me, not the dust you leave when you orb out, which is getting to be more often than not." After a pause she continued. "Each day is becoming a constant fight. What's the point of love when you feel like you're giving it up? or risking everything to make yourself happy?"

Leo grabbed Piper's hand and her onto his lap. "I'm sorry Piper, I never knew how much this was affecting you." He tucked a strand of her long hair behind her ears and lightly squeezed her hand. "I just...it's my job. I'd much rather be here, but what choice do I have. I love you more than anything, but you knew when we married that it would be hard. You knew you were marrying a whitelighter." He insisted softly, wrapping his arms around her waist.

A single tear slipped down her face and she stroked his cheek. "But I didn't know it would be this hard. I thought I'd at least get to kiss you goodnight every night or to wake up with you next to me. Not flying around the world somewhere in a swarm of blue lights."

Leo looked on guiltily as he watched tear after tear tumble over the rims of her eyes. As much as he wanted to kiss away her sadness and swoop her into his arms, he knew that he couldn't do that. He couldn't let her think he wouldn't have to leave again when he heard the familiar jingle from the Elders. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead and leant against it with his own. "I'm so sorry baby...I really am"

Black and blue from the wind and the rain

Said I'm sorry for the lies and the pain

I never ever meant to make you cry

If I could take you back, you know, I would,

I wanna burn up and die

"No Leo...apologising for the past isn't what this situation needs. You're married, they let you marry me. They should give you some time to be with me. I love you, I need you here." She whispered, burying her head in his chest.

So I'm not holding back the tears anymore

tryin' escape the heartache, tryin' escape emotion

No I'm not holding back the tears anymore

Yesterday's my memory reminding me of all the time

AN: This is either going to be a one-part fic or a proper fic. I'm not too sure yet. I would write down where I got my inspiration from...but it would take forever. It's from so many songs. Umm...the two I used in this are Stereophonics-Since I told you it's over and Take That-Holding back the tears. They'll be used a little more in the fic along with The Streets, Keane, Daniel Bedingfield, Big Brovaz. God!! Guess I get inspiration from everything!