Disclaimer: I don't own any of the songs mentioned in this chapter and the next. They are owned by the artists who sang them and the record companies. And I do not own the cars either.

Authors note: gah sorry for the long wait...been busy with swimming and stuff. It's summer after all and my parents want me to be outside not in front of my lovely comp. So I sneak on as much as I can but my brother always boots me off. Oh well new chapter.


"..." talking

[Italics] thoughts

= = = = scene change

Weakness Chapter 11: Asuma plotting, Yondaime bleeding, Neji cooking, and Kakashi rapping.
"We get the rich and the fighters. This is great." Asuma said lighting up another cigarette. "That bonus is in the bag boys."

"Not completely in the bag." Opposed Treize. "We can't underestimate them. They have a good deal of fighters too not to mention both Hyuugas and an Uchiha."

"The Hyuuga's are a problem but we too have an Uchiha. The prodigy in fact." Orochimaru pointed out. "The only problem is that they have the most accurate students on their side. Hagane Kotetsu, the annoying Kusanagi brats and the Asakura twins."

"But we have the ruthless fighters on our side." Zabuza deduced. "One command from me and my son can kill all of them. We also have Gaara not to mention Seto Kaiba and the rest of the hot heads group."

"Yes," Gai said in a serious tone. Gai was serious for once. He wasn't genki! The horror. "We must train them to be better and more ruthless. To make Kakashi and the rest of them will pay for tying me up and pushing me half way down the hall."

"We have to humiliate them in a way no one will ever forget," Asuma said with evil in his eyes. "Let's plan this out now and train our respective houses to be better."

= = = =

"Neji-niisan!" cried Hinata hauling SOME of her bags with her. Naruto still held the rest. "Carry these for me will you!"

"NO! I'm already carrying mine!" Neji yelled behind him.

"Why?!?!" Hinata pleaded.

'Look! I'm carrying school supplies that way a ton. All you're carrying is a bunch of clothing bags. Besides, we're here already."

"Could you guys shut up and just open the door! These things are heavy!" Naruto shouted.

"I can't! My hands are full!" Neji responded.

Thankfully Tenten came from behind Naruto carrying some of her LIGHTER bags. Fuji carried her heavier bags. "Why are you guys still out here? Open the door Neji!"

"My hands are full thank you!"

"He won't carry my bags!" Pouted Hinata.



"MOVE!" Tenten shouted. She opened the door to their house and got in. "Thanks Fuji senpai."

"Not a problem. I'll put these in your room to save you the trouble." Fuji responded with his lovely smile that makes fangirls die and resurrect again. "Neji, I'll help you when I get back down."

"Thanks." Neji said dropping his bags by the stairs. Naruto dropped all of Hinata's bags on the floor then collapsed on the stairs into a nice peaceful sleep.

"Nice one Hinata. He's out cold." Tenten commented sipping some milk. She gave Neji a glass of water.

"I didn't ask for water." He stated.

"Well sorry. You looked like you needed something to drink so I got you one. Guess I was wrong." She said sarcastically before heading up the stairs avoiding the sleeping Naruto. [Men!]

"Thanks." Neji mumbled out and drank the glass of water. [Refreshing.]

"You really should treat her better you know that Neji." Fuji said grabbing some of his school supplies bag. Neji didn't say anything and followed the older boy to his room.

"Thanks again Fuji-senpai."


"WE'RE BACK!!!!!" Alexiel shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Eh? What's Yondaime's son doing here sleeping at the stairs?"

"Hinata made him carry most of her bags from shopping so now he's dead tired." Tenten explained from the top of the stairs. "I'm amazed he's till asleep after you shouted like that."

"Same." The other girl replied. "Oi! Ichigo! Zoro! Take him to the couch!"

"Yes your majesty." Ichigo said sarcastically.

"Anything you say your highness." Zoro replied the same way as Ichigo.

"That's Naruto right? I thought he had a lot of stamina. Why is he out cold if he has so much stamina?" Orihime asked gazing toward the slumbering body her boyfriend and Zoro carried towards the den.

"Well," Hinata said coming out of the dining room. "I bought over $1000 worth of clothing alone. And all those shoes are pretty heavy if you pile them up. He carried all of them for me and let's just say all of those bags took a lot of stamina."

"1000 dollars?" asked Sora jaw dropped.

"On clothes alone?" Neji said from the top of the stairs.

"How many bags was he carrying?" Tohru asked extremely curious on how shopping bags could drain all the boy's stamina.

"All those." Hinata pointed to the 115 bags Naruto carried for her. She carried 5. Everyone's jaws fell to the ground. Time to read the thoughts of the people around her.

[HOLY SHIT! I wish I had all that money and clothes! Damn you Hinata!] Orihime

[Spoiled brat...] Neji [Someone's probing my mind...]

[She blew all that money on clothes? Poor Naruto. Hinata that was cruel.] Tohru

[I wonder if she'll lend me some of her new clothes...] Alexiel

[What the hell is going on?] Ichigo [Stupid authoress! Get out of my head!]

[Hina-chan you idiot! Spending all that money on clothes when you could have spent most of it on candy! We're deprived of sweets you know! Your not getting you hands on my stash!] Tenten

[1000? On clothes! What the hell?!?!] Zoro

[Ramen...] do we have to ask?

"Ahh some of you are back," Kurenai said smiling at her students. She was followed by Anko and Yondaime who also smiled at them.

"How was the shopping trip?" Yondaime asked.

"Hinata overworked Naruto. He's dead asleep in the den." Neji said plainly.

The two female teachers suppressed their laugh with a giant grin while Yondaime shook his head. "No way! That's not possible! Naruto can survive a mere shopping trip!"

"See for yourself." Tenten mocked the older blonde and pointed to the den. She, Neji and Fuji came down from the top of the stairs grins on their faces. The other students of rain house were giggling as they followed Yondaime towards the den.

"Naruto!" Yondaime shouted at his sleeping son. Anko and Kurenai burst out laughing. "Wake up!"

"5 minutes..." Naruto mumbled making Yondaime pop a vein.

"Wake up Naru-chan or else no more ramen forever!"

"Naru-chan?" Hinata asked before laughing her head off at the scene that unfolded. Naruto jerked up from his sleep hitting Yondaime on the nose making the older Uzumaki yell in pain.

"Ittai...Dad what are you doing here? And where am I?" Naruto asked.

"Why, NARU-CHAN, your in the Rain house den." Tenten said in a playful, evil voice.

"Yes, Naru-chan, you passed out after carrying my bags." Hinata gave him a peck on the cheek while beaming like Tenten.

'How do you guys know my nickname?" Naruto demanded glaring at the girls and the others giggling behind them. "Wait...OTOU-SAN! YOU CALLED ME THAT IN FRONT OF ALL OF THEM?!?!"

The students of rain house laughed their heads off at the sight of the bickering father and son. Anko and Kurenai briefly left but returned to see Naruto chasing his father around the room.

"YON! Quit that! You're ruining my house's den!" Kurenai snapped halting the two blondes and killing the laughter coming out of her students.

"Umm Kurenai-sensei, why did Anko-sensei and Yondaime-sensei come here anyways?" Sora asked the two female teachers.

"Oh I lost a bet with Anko so she came to get her money and Yon just followed us for fun." Kurenai explained as she handed Anko a ten dollar bill. "Oh yeah we, meaning Anko, Yondaime, Sai, Kakashi and I are treating all of you to karaoke tonight. We're drinking so the grade 12's and 11's are driving." Kurenai beamed. The senior grades gave the three teachers death glares but complied to the request. They were teachers after all plus they were treating them out.

"Hold on," Neji interfered. "Why are you guys doing this?" [and why do I feel like killing you guys right now though I don't know the reason.] he added mentally. Hinata giggled but said nothing.

"Well," Anko started crossing her arms at her chest. "it's our way of saying welcome to the grade 9's and welcome back to you guys."

"Then why aren't the other teachers coming? This kind of thing should be a school thing not just a house thing." Tenten added growing more suspicious on why the five teachers were doing this nice deed. [They're going to tell us something bad I feel it.]

"IT'S A NICE DEED FROM US OK! JUST BE HAPPY!" Anko snapped. [Nosey brats...]

"Alright, it's 6:13 right now, we're leaving for the karoke bar at 8 so we can still cook and eat dinner." Yondaime cut in before Anko had a chance to murder Kurenai's students. "Anko, Naruto we best leave for our own houses to inform them."

"Right," Naruto said. He bowed politely to the three teachers before dashing out the door towards his house.

"He's really like you when you we're a little yon," Kurenai said. "Come on grade 10s. Your turn to cook." Tenten, Neji and Hinata groaned as they went into the kitchen Kurenai following.

"8 pm at the parking lot Kurenai." Anko said leaving.

"Let's put our stuff away," Alexiel said and they went up to their rooms.

= = = =

"What are we going to cook?" Tenten asked grabbing one of the aprons. Neji grabbed the "manly looking" apron so he wouldn't have to wear the one with frills on it.

"I say we just order," Hinata said stroking her chin.

"You're paying then." Neji said and Hinata nodded making his jaw drop. [Spoiled brat!]

"Since your paying, hina-chan, I want the sashimi platter A from the japanese place along with chicken yakitori, miso soup and salad." Kurenai said beaming at the students.(A/N: {drools} my favourite combo from the local Japanese restaurant near me. {drool})

"How bout I just order pizza?" Hinata said grabbing the phone to order Domino's (don't own). "Wait what toppings should I get?"

"Wait until everyone gets here then order." Tenten said. "But I'll have a small Hawaiian all to myself."

"Make that a large Hawaiian." Neji said. Tenten looked at him questioningly. "We'll split." With that Tenten nodded and took off the apron.

"Ok," Hinata wrote down 1 large Hawaiian, 1 large cheese only on a piece of paper. "You Kurenai sensei?"

"Cheese only." Hinata's jaw dropped. Her teacher liked the same kind of pizza as her.

"Time to ask the others."

= = = =

"And that would be $280." The delivery boy said. Tenten, Neji and Kyou walked back to their house carrying the stuff they and the rest ordered. Hinata paid the delivery boy and followed the others carrying 5 boxes of pizza. Tenten carried the other 5 boxes along with 2 boxes of the cheesy bread. Kyou and Neji split the task of carrying all the beverages and the other stuff they ordered.

"Why did we order this much food?" Kyou asked strain visible on his face.

"We're growing teenagers, Kyou. We need this food." Tenten explained kicking the door of their house. "Open the door! It's us!"

"FOOD!" Anna and Luffy exclaimed together immediately dashing to the dining room.

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Tenten shouted from the other side. "You won't get food if you don't open it."

"Quit yelling, Tenten. You'll need your voice for Karaoke." Momo said opening the door. He took some of the stuff from Kyou and Neji. Neji then helped Tenten with her load.

"And no one will help me?" Hinata asked pouting at the doorway.

"Think of this as revenge for what you did to Naruto." Tenten smiled and entered the dining room. "I guess we have to sit together since we're sharing the pizza eh Neji?" she asked mildly blushing.

"Yeah I guess." He responded trying his hardest not to show her he was blushing. "So how are we going to seat Kurenai sensei? Most of us are sharing with someone else."

"Sit beside the person your sharing with. The order doesn't matter today." Kurenai said taking a piece of cheese pizza. "Itadakimasu!"


= = = =

"WHAT?!?" Hao, Sasuke and Naruto both yelled then turned to their respective house heads...well two of them did at least. "Why didn't you guys buy us Pizza?!?!"

"Look what you did Kurenai!!" Anko shouted.

"It wasn't Kurenai sensei that bought the pizza. It was my treat." Hinata said grabbing Naruto's hand. "Let's go!"

"Soon. Where's Kakashi?" Sai asked. "And who's driving us teachers?"

"I will" Fuji offered. "I have an Escalade so all of you can ride with me and so another person."

"These kids have better cars than us," Anko whispered to Kurenai both thinking of their cars. They hung their heads in shame.

"Dibs on the Gr 10 girls!" Orihime, Jun and Sora said dashing for their Navigators. "Come on girls!"

"See ya there," Tenten said and ran after the two girls followed by the other grade 10s of the other houses.

"NOT FAIR!" Alexiel and Tohru shouted after them. "Noobs then."

"Noobs?" Yondaime asked.

"Noobs: slang for a new person in the society. In this case, the 'Noobs' will be us grade nines." Omi explained to the teachers silencing everyone around him.

"Thank you Omi." Kakashi said finally coming.

"I'll drive my family." Hatsuharu said getting glares from Kyou and Hiro.

"Shotgun!" Hiro shouted before Kyou could yell out the same word. [DAMN! I'm gonna kill you Hiro!]

"Let's go already!" whined Anko. She wanted to get this night over with fast. Why did she agree to take these brats to karaoke anyways?

= = = =

"Ya! We got the grand room!" Hinata yelled taking a seat. Sakura sat beside her and signaled Sango to sit beside her. "Any volunteers to sing? Neji-niisan? Tenshi? Naru-kun?"

Tenten and Neji cringed as they sat at a different seat with Kyou separating the both of them. Izumo was glaring at the 'couple' though he knew they weren't together. Yet...[Just tell each other you like each other you idiots!] he yelled in his head. [Saves me and Hinata the trouble of setting you two up!]

"Kakashi, you're up." Anko said.

"What?!?! Why me?" retorted the other teacher.

"You were late that's why. Just go." Sai explained. Kakshi got up and walked over to the kareoke machine. he browsed the song titles a weird look on his eyes. He knew none of the songs. Sighing he chose a song called 'Overnight Celebrity' hoping it was sonething good.

"Oh you think we couldn't do it again...

Twista...Kanye West..."

"Yes Kakashi sensei!" Anna and Izumo shouted. Hinata started laughing her head off. Kakashi sensei rapping is new. Kakashi tried to keep up with the words. Tenten groaned inwardly. [damn rap songs....this is going to be a long night...] she thought forcing a smile at the teacher's antics.

"She got me hotter than a oven, the way that she talk

Switching to freaky, so I'm loving the way that she walk

You looking good girl, you oughta be in pictures

Listen to me, I see your career going sky high

Taking you home to the crib, in the Chi..."

"Ahh forget this!" Kakashi said angrily sitting back down at the teacher's table. The students roared but gave him a around of applause. "Since most of you won't go sing, I'll pick the next one and the one that goes nominates the next singer and so forth. and we also choose the song" Kakashi said. The students stiffened. This means they will have to sing. "I nominate the Asakura twins to sing."

"WOOT! Go Yoh! Go Hao!" Tenten cheered. Yoh hesitantly got up and chose a song. Hao followed him and grabbed the mike.

"Let's get this over with..." Hao said as the song started to play....

Ok I need songs to sing and characters that will sing them. It's up to you guys. You can have up to 5 characters sing at the same time. If you need the list of students who are in the karaoke bar right now, go to the chapter (not the omake) and check out Kurenai's side. And dont worry about Tenten and Neji. I have a Duet with a great song for them next chapter. .