Title: Keep Me Close

Spoilers: Not really, but some from anything you've heard about the past from books 1-5

Rating: PG-13, better safe than sorry, no?

Disclaimer: I own nodda, the song belongs to the Offspring…I think and the characters, etc don't belong to me either.. Wouldn't mind owning them though...in my dreams.

Other things: This is a slash fic, if you do not like slash then you need not read.

Pairings: S/R, and probably others -

Author's Note: Looky, looky! I wrote a chapter two! Which really should be expected of me, if I was a good authoress and behaved.. But since I'm horrible and forgetful, I feel ridiculously proud. Even though at the moment I'm writing this I haven't exactly finished the chapter..but..well.. Eh. It's coming along fine. Also to everyone who reviewed thank you so much. Reviews make me a ridiculously happy girl so yep, keep them coming.. If you want me happy that is. A note to Versipellis, I mentioned in the beginning of the first chapter why they were able to use that song, it's just a bit tiny and short and easy to miss over. Thanks for your concern. - Oh yea, anyone want to be my Beta person? I've never had one and they seem to be useful. Nod, nod Plus it might make me update faster. Yes, that was my pitiful attempt of tempting one of you into being my beta Now, enough with my mindless rambling and onto the fic.

CHAPTER 2: Patience is a Virtue


Dark blue eyes drifted restlessly to the time, why was class not even half way over? Why had Madame Pomfrey been so cruel and insisted that he and the others scadattle off to class. Sirius was completely certain that Remus' health was much more important than some stupid lesson about something had happened centuries ago. So, why was he stuck here? The male impatiently tapped his fingers against the surface of the wooden table.

Sirius was forced out of his reverie by a sudden sharp prod in his side. He threw his best friend and owner of the intruding elbow an annoyed look.

James smirked briefly and then sighed. "Sirius, there's no point in worrying. She said Moony was going to be fine. He just drank a little too much last night." He whispered glancing to the front of the classroom to make sure that Mr. Binns was still engrossed in his lecture.

"Well, yea…" Sirius trailed off as he tried to think of a good counter attack for the arising argument. "..But what if maybe Snivellus spiked Remmy's drink, not with alcohol though…instead with a twisted and evil potion that's slowly and painfully killing him!" His voice rose as he got caught up in his own and crazy explanation and got another hard poke in the gut.

"If we get detention for you blabbing so loud, then we won't be able to see him for even longer." James pointed out softly in an amused tone, ignoring the less than sane theory Sirius had produced.

"You're just worried because you have Quidditch practice after lessons today, so don't you start playing goody-two shoes with me." Sirius hissed, kicking James in the shin under the table.

James flashed him an innocent smile, and shrugged; though he did wince at the kick.

Peter twisted around his chair to see his two friends. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked, neglecting to attempt at speaking low or hide the fact he was completely facing away from the teacher. Sirius groaned and shook his head.

"Nothing Petey, just piquancy, and that sort for Herbology." James said, lying with complete ease, he really couldn't afford to get detention. Peter blinked, lost briefly, but was able to get that whatever the two were talking about, if it had to do with Herbology, then well, it probably was no better then Mr. Binn's lesson. He sighed, turning around to attempt to pay attention.

Sirius laid his head down onto of his notes…what were supposed to be his notes but were instead blank sheets of parchment. He stared cross-eyed down at the paper. He could always copy them from…wait…no… Remus wouldn't have today's notes, not if he was missing class. And thus Sirius mind was back where it had begun not long ago.


Remus had finally pulled his head out from beneath the pillow. It was too difficult to breathe, and it was hot under there. He stared numbly up at the infirmary ceiling, silently replaying the events of last over in his head. He had already firmly decided that the kiss had meant absolutely nothing…A little smooch to bring on the cheers. A joke.. A thing he should be forgetting right now instead of hopelessly reliving. The werewolf pulled up the thin blanket up to his neck.

His eyes slipped shut as he ordered himself to block out the entire memory. It's easy, pretend that the whole nightmare had never happened. Or that it was simply that, a passing nightmare… a dream…the contents too bittersweet to be the other. Remus mentally cursed himself. Thinking like that was not going to improve his situation. No, not in the least. It all hurt so much.. Why?

A faint tread of approaching footsteps warned Remus of someone coming. He focused on breathing slowly and evenly; he definitely was not in the mood to talk to a visitor or Madame Pomfrey. Remus was quite talented at feigning sleep having done so on many restless nights. He allowed his body to loosen, muscles relax, and not to squeeze his eyes shut.

A sigh of disappoint came from the person standing beside the bed. Remus stiffened despite himself, doing the near impossible by recognizing the identity of the visitor.

Sirius pouted slightly at the sight of the supposedly sleeping Remus. He had gone through plenty of trouble slipping into the infirmary past Madame Pomfrey's watchful eyes (that prat, who dared to call himself his best friend had denied him use of the invisibility cloak) and he had gone in between classes at that. He had at the least hoped to be able to say a quick hello and figure out if the patient was truly okay. The teen fought off the temptation to wake the other, Remus needed his rest. He reached out; his hand touched the pale male cheek lightly, trailing up to the brunette's forehead.

To Remus' absolute horror, he nearly leaned up into the hand. Absently he noticed how it had faint calluses, probably from occasionally playing Quidditch, overall the hand was smooth and warm...belonging to an individual who really never had had to work, labor in his life.

"I'm sorry Remmy…I shouldn't have let you get like this." Sirius mummered. Truth be told, he wasn't to blame. It wasn't his responsibility to monitor Remus' alcohol intake.. Yet, he still felt guilty, as if he should have known just because.

There was a pause of heavy silence and then our stunned Remus found himself on the receiving end of a light peck of a kiss. And to his ever-growing terror he whimpered softly instinctually when the other boy pulled back.

Sirius blinked, and stared at Remus in bewilderment. Had he just made a sound? Was he awake? Could he be? He leaned in closer, studying his friend's face intently; a few strands falling down to dangle irritatingly in front of his eyes. No, Remus was sound asleep.

Unbeknownst to him, Remus was wide-awake, heart pounding, and his mind racing. And once Sirius left his bedside and exited from the infirmary the now becoming familiar pillow was clamped over his head. The sleep act a lost cause.


Sirius leaned against the cool stone wall outside the infirmary, relieved to have made it through the place once again without an accidental run in with Madame Pomfrey. Now all he had to do was to get his bum ('amazingly sexy and worshipable bum' his mind corrected) down to Potions class ASAP or face the dire consequences.

Unfortunately, it was at that precise moment what he had done hit him. Without the overbearing worry about Remus condition clouding his thoughts, a new and important one crossed his mind. He had kissed one of his closest friends for the second time in less than twenty-four hours. Last night he had been drunk. Not too drunk, but enough to sway his decision, as if he wasn't a rash, act without thinking person already. Actually, that had been a rather good kiss. It most definitely rated high with him, and if anyone was an expert on kisses you could bet Sirius Black was.

Sirius frowned thoughtfully..

"Ah, Mr. Black, what are you doing ambling about the halls at this time. I'm certain that you should be in class around now, shouldn't you?" An adult's voice broke through. And Sirius mentally gulped, and put on his normal grin, preparing himself for a quick and hopefully successful explanation about why he was out and about.


Okay..so it's shorter than my last chapter. ;; That one was really long, for me anyway..but..I tried my best to make this one as good. And judging by the reviews (assuming I get some) I'll know.. Um…slightly a cliffhanger.. Not so much as before? ..Is it? …And did I even get anywhere plot-wise…or explaining the kisses. Gah.. I'll shut up now. Pretty please review, it raises my low self-esteem.