Hello minna-san! This has to be the quickest I've ever gotten another chapter out! Thanks for all the
reviews as usual. I'm sorry about the cliffie. I've had several death threats because of where I left off.
THERE IS LOTS OF WRITTEN VIOLENCE IN HERE! And a bit of lime. ß notice! Well, duh,
its rated R. ^_^

As usual, I don't own dbz or sm and I'm not making any money off of them.

Sweet Caresses at Midnight- Midnight

In the last chapter…

"I think I would kiss you right back." I told her. I didn't give her a second to think about it. I brought my
lips down on hers before anything could ruin the moment. Her lips were so soft and tasted like strawberries.
I caressed her lips with mine. She opened her lips to me and I started to explore her mouth, savoring her
taste. One of my hands was lost in her hair and the other pressed her close to me. The arms were around
my neck and stroking my muscles. I felt the passion in me flood into the kiss and she clung to me as she
weakened. She kissed me back with all her passion and longing. Seconds flew into minutes as we kissed.
I was ready to explode so I backed off gasping for breath. She gulped in large amounts of air resting her
head on my chest.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I turned around to see Nappa and a few werewolves in wolf form
looking at me from a doorway.


I stared at Nappa in disbelief. Where did he come from? One minute Trunks in kissing me like there is no
tomorrow, okay that was a LOT longer than a minute, and next, poof! There's Nappa. I felt Trunks arms
tighten around my waist.

"Nappa." Trunks glared at him.

"Trunks." Nappa drawled leaning against a statue in the hallway. His wolves were growling at us. "I believe
you are kissing my girl there." He said glaring at Trunks.

"Your girl? Over my moldy carcass." Trunks threatened.

"That can be arranged." Nappa laughed.


We turned around to see Goku come flying down the hallway riding a wolf like it was a bucking bronco.
Vegeta was running after him followed by the rest of the pack. Vegeta was pumping silver bullets into
the wolves behind him. It was a very comical sight. I stifled a giggle as Goku flew past us. He took a
silver dagger out from his vest and sliced the wolf's head off. He jumped off landing on his feet right
between Nappa and us letting the wolf's remains slid across the floor to Nappa's feet. Nappa looked

"Now this is what I call a vacation!" He exclaimed.

Nappa looked at him and Vegeta puzzled. The wolves were bowing their head's in their master's presence
"Who are you two?"

"I'm Vegeta, Prince of Assassins." Vegeta stated.

"I'm Goku, General of the Circle." Goku also stated.

Nappa looked at them in surprise. "More Circle Men? You are like a disgusting virus."

Vegeta looked at him, rage burning in his eyes. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME AND MY MEN?
VIRUSES? I"LL SHOW YOU A VIRUS!" Vegeta cried in blind rage and stated attacking wolves.
The wolves started to run for cover with a mad Vegeta on their tails.

Goku shook his head in disappointment. "Don't you know never insult a Circle Man? Oh well, your
demise, my fun."

Nappa looked furiously at Goku. "My demise? I think not. ATTACK!" Nappa ordered all the morphed
werewolves behind him. Trunks grunted grabbing me and running down the hallway. Goku was hot on
our trail. I heard Goku mutter an "oops" behind me.

I pulled out an Uzi that Makoto let me borrow and started shooting after me. Goku was doing the same
and Trunks was looking for a place to make a stand. He threw open a door and ran in. Goku and I
followed him. Trunks slammed the door locking in and leaning against it. I hit a light switch and light
flooded the room temporarily blinding me.

I opened my eyes and looked around in awe. There was every kind of gun imaginable lined up on every
wall. There were axes, swords, scythes and other medieval weapons. I walked over to one wall fingering
a small sword. "It's silver. What kind of vampire keeps weapons made from silver?" I announced.

Goku came and stood beside me. "One who wants to fight other vampires." He told me.

Trunks walked over and grabbed a double-edged axe off a shelf and tested a few swings. "Almost as
good as mine." He admired.

Goku grabbed a sword and ran his finger along the blade. He smiled in satisfaction. "Perfect."

Well, call me a new fashion kind of girl. I walked over to the wall adorned with hand held guns. I grabbed
two magnums, two Uzi's, one MP3 and one desert eagle and the holsters for the guns. I strapped the
Uzi's to my thighs, the magnums around me waist, shouldered the MP3 and carried the desert eagle. I
made sure they were all loaded with silver bullets. I turned around to see Goku and Trunks staring at

"Now that's my kind of women!" Trunks stated. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"All right, are we ready to face a horde of werewolves?" Goku asked. Was that a mental question or
a physical question? Oh well.

I nodded with Trunks. Goku walked back to the door and flung it open. He yelled and hurled himself
into the wolves slashing and hacking. Trunks was right behind him swinging his axe. I sighed and
followed. I sent round after round of silver bullets from the desert eagle into the mass of wolves. It ran
out of bullets fast and I throw it at an unlucky wolf striking him in between the eyes. He howled and
lunged himself at me. I kicked his head sending him against the wall. I heard a satisfying crunch and
smiled. I took the magnums and started shooting more wolves that seemed to be multiplying rather
than thinning.

I gritted me teeth as one lucky wolf bit my thigh. I shot him in the snout. I dimly heard Nappa in the
background laughing. I looked around to see Trunks and Goku further down the hallway fighting like
there is no tomorrow. I was losing strength and energy fast. Hey, I'm only mortal here.

I heard the sound of coughing and turned around to come face to face with Alan. He glowered at me
with malicious. I gulped and took a step back. He advanced on me bring his fist up to hit me.
I blocked it socking him in the nose. He howled in pain and sank to the ground.

"My nose! My precious nose! I think you broke it! How could you! My nose! WHAAAAA!"
I rolled my eyes at the pitiful site. Oh please, a crying vampire? Aren't those kind of emotions
supposed to be wiped out when they become undead?

I shook my head sadly at him and shot him in the chest. He turned to dust instantly.


Through the din I could barely make Nappa out laughing. With a cry of rage I shoved through the
werewolves leaving them to Goku. I came up behind Nappa and sliced his back. He yowled in rage
and turned around.

"Trunks, just the person I wanted to kill." He sneered wiping the black blood of his shirt.

"Good luck trying." I smirked at him. He pulled a sword out and thrusted at me. I blocked it and
pushed him back. I lunged at him and he blocked it. I took a step back and glared at my opponent.
Nappa came at me slicing across my appendage. I bit my lip as the pain shot up my arm. He smirked.

"Oh come on Trunks, do you really think you can beat me? Master of Tokyo? Soon to be ruling the world?
I don't think so!" He taunted.

I closed my eyes trying to block out the pain in my arm. The cut was very deep and I was losing
blood fast.

"After I kill you I'll have Usagi all to myself. All of her sweet blood and enticing body will me mine."

My eyes snapped open. I felt vehemence welling up through my body. I let out a cry of fury and
attacked Nappa. He could keep up with all my movement and I injured him in several places. I
stopped and he was panting.

My eyes narrowed at him. Anger written across all my features. "You bastard. Usagi will never be
yours." And with that little statement I swung the axe cutting Nappa's head off. He turned to dust
and floated to the floor.

I stood straight up and yelled. "Master Nappa is dead. If you don't want the same fate, I suggest
you flee." The werewolves stopped and looked at me. They next thing I knew it was just Goku and
Usagi and me in the hall and the sound of werewolves running away.

Usagi and Goku looked at me. Usagi ran over to me exclaiming, "Trunks, you're hurt!"

"It's nothing Usagi. Really." I told her. She looked at me like I was two.

"Not bad? Really? Then whose blood is all over you?" She asked me.

"Uh, Nappa's?"

"Vampires have BLACK blood."

"oh, right." I scratched my head. Usagi shook her head at me and tore off a piece of her shirt.
She wrapped it around my cut trying to cause the least amount of pain. Like she could ever hurt me.
I smiled down at her and took her hand off my wound and placed a feather kiss on it. I could feel my
desire for her swelling up in me again. She looked up at me with equal passion.

"Now's not the time for making sweet monkey love, we got to find Vegeta, Gohan and Hotaru." Goku
interrupted us.

Usagi blushed and I laughed. We started down the hallway looking for Vegeta. After turning a few corners
he found Gohan and Hotaru making out on the floor.

"And you thought we were bad!" Usagi exclaimed. Gohan and Hotaru shot up fixing their clothing.

"Gohan, you are lucky I'm not your mother or else she'd freak out on you." Goku told his son. Gohan
reddened and looked at the floor. Hotaru was blushing furiously.

"Trunks! What happened to Nappa?" A voice barked behind me. I turned around to see Vegeta marching
towards us.

"I killed him."

"Very good. Does that mean we can leave this forsaken place?"

"Yes sir!" I answered.
Vegeta turned and behind walking down the hallway. I put my arm around Usagi's waist and lead her
down the hallway. She leaned heavily on me as we walked out in to the night. I checked my watch. It
was close to midnight.

"Lets head home." Goku said behind me. Vegeta nodded and turned off towards the hotel.

"I'm taking Usagi home." I told them. Vegeta nodded and we watched Vegeta, Goku, Gohan and Hotaru
walk off towards the L.Q. I began walking down the street with Usagi still at my side. She yawned and
rubbed her eyes.


The end.

HAHAHHAHAHAAA!! Just kidding! I promised some Lime didn't I? Well, here's the rest!


Around midnight found Trunks and Usagi laying in Usagi's queen size bed. Trunks had his arms wrapped
around the sleeping girl. Moonlight cascaded through the window onto the sleeping couple putting them
in a glow. They were both exhausted and having sweet dreams about the other. Trunks' were a little
naughtier than hers and envolving them booth naked in his hot tub, after all, he's the hentai.

Usagi snuggled closer up against Trunks' naked chest seeking more warmth. Her body still glistening in the
after glow of their love. Trunks pulled Usagi a little closer rubbing her naked skin. Usagi's comforter
covered their bodies from prying eyes, a.k.a. Minako and Rei.

"I knew it! Look at them! I told you they were gonna have sex."

"Shut up Minako! Do you want to wake them?"

"Oh, right."

"Don't worry, Trunks will take good care of her." Rei assured Usagi's twin. She hauled the gawking
blonde from the door and back out into the hallway outside her apartment.

"I know he won't hurt her, she's just lucky to find a cute rich handsome nice guy." Minako sighed.

THE END (for real)

Well? How did you like it? R&R pweeeze!