Authors Note:

I know I haven't updated in ages but recently I have been reading over most of my fan fics and I have realised that while writing a few chapters of this fic I have cluttered too many ideas into one story.

Please note that there will be a few changes to the plot line and chapters. So if you read the next chapter after these changes are enforced and find some things out of place I suggest that you start again from chapter one.

I know it's going to be a pain in the arse to have to read the story again (only if you have to) but please bear with me on this. If I continued with the story without making these changes it could get pretty confusing and seem really cluttered and hurried. I will not change all of the story line, only what is necessary will be changed.

You can Flame me for doing this and expect to keep your head because I will not bite it off if you do. I know that some of you will get pissed off at me for doing this to you but these changes are necessary for the continuation of this fan fic.

I am accepting your comments and flames (if you send them) with an open mind. Your comments will be appreciated and I will take note of how much a pain in the arse I'm being for doing this to everyone.

This story will not be updated for a little while so keep an eye out for it when I update.


This fan fic's royal pain in the arse author

-- Alavna