Author's Note: To those who have not read DA and the Wizard Revolution yet, I advise you to do so or else you might find it a little hard to understand the contents of this story. I hope you may find this as enjoyable and interesting as the prequel. Please remember to review. Thanks!

Chapter 1 - The Uneventful Term

Harry walked aimlessly along the corridor of Hogwarts, totally unconcerned of the stares and constant whispers of the students around him. After six years of studying in this school, it had become a necessity for him to get accustomed to the massive attention he was receiving, may it be positive or negative...but always unwanted. He learned to be tolerant enough to continue existing without blowing up anything or anyone. In fact, it had been some time since his last outburst and it was just due to the Headmistress' refusal to give the Quidditch captainship to someone else other than himself. Their argument had been terrible but Harry won in the end -- Ron became the new Quidditch Captain.

After that, his famous temper had been noticeably absent. Even Snape's endless snide comments did not have its usual sting. It was as if he turned into a human machine who went through all the motions but his heart was definitely not in it. It was a miracle that he still won the championship for the house team despite his lack of enthusiasm but he did not stay long enough for the celebration. He went straight to Luna's ward to check if there was any remarkable improvement in her condition at all -- there was none aside from the fact that she can recognize direct commands now. He was utterly disappointed at that but he supposed he should be thankful for small favors...

His Aunt Petunia divorced the infuriating Vernon, whose memory of the wizarding world had been obliviated, and changed their surnames back to Evans. Now, she and Dudley resumed their life at Crigod's Commune where they truly belonged. His aunt had gotten a job at Three Broomsticks and Dudley was being taught by their friendly neighbors enough magic to pass the acceleration exam set by the Department of Magical Education and be able to begin his fifth year at Hogwarts on the next term. Harry owled them regularly and was pleased to know that they were adjusting to their new life well. Dudley found it difficult at first but being surrounded with decent people all the time, he soon realized his past mistakes and resolved to change his bad attitudes to be worthy of the Evans' name.

Passing by the groups of students happily chatting with one another, Harry sadly recalled the days when he had been young and unaffected. He was so contented and pleased with his life then, with nothing to worry about other than his potions lessons, Quidditch matches and annoying encounters with the Slytherins. But he knew that Snape was wary of him now despite his obvious display of antagonism towards him. Even Quidditch had been unsatisfyingly easy and his enemies at Slytherin were captured during his last confrontation with Voldemort. Minister Arthur Weasley may be wise in giving them a second chance since they were young and did not possess the dark mark yet --- He gave them permission to continue their lessons in Azkaban -- but it sure made life at Hogwarts really dull to say the least.

And there were still lots of questions plaguing his mind...Was it really Voldemort he defeated? Where were his loyal followers? What happened to Draco? He was not captured so where was he? Sirius' house was empty when the Aurors raided the place. And what about Ginny? He sensed that there was something different about her but what? Harry shook his head disgustedly. He was becoming Moody's younger paranoid.

Harry continued his pace distractedly until he reached the Room of Requirements. He sighed as he entered the room. Waves of emotions instantly flooded his mind. This was the place where the DA was reestablished...this was where they all trained to regain what was forcibly taken from them....this was where he and Luna discovered their feelings for each other....He sat forlornly on the sofa where they usually talked about their plans for the future... plans that usually evolved around what they were going to do after graduation, the careers they were going to take and of course, the number of children they would like to have. They always had happy and colorful discussions since Luna never doubted for even a second that he would defeat Voldemort.

Now, the DA had been dissolved. Yes, they humored him for a while and their meetings continued but the ones who were already out of the school when DA was reestablished just could not be bothered by it anymore. For them, the meetings were futile and they had their own lives to live. He tried to explain his fear and suspicion about what happened during the final battle but they simply refused to listen, dismissing his concerns as a mere aftershock. One by one, the members left the group...each giving their own reasons for leaving until only Ron, Hermione, and Neville were left but he knew they just remained out of politeness.

Later on, he himself decided to stop the sessions. He was very much aware that Ron was Quidditch Captain and a prefect, Hermione was also a prefect and leader of another study group and Neville had enough academic problems of his own. The extra time would suit them well but he was still saddened when he saw the relief on their faces when he said that. It was as if they too did not acknowledge the solidity of his belief that the nightmare was not yet over. But then again, he could not blame them. Their whole year had passed peacefully, without any threat from evil forces and without their usual dangerous adventures.

He sometimes thought that maybe he was wrong...maybe his suspicions had no basis at all... but nevertheless, he continued his solitary training to prepare for whatever was to come. It may not be Voldemort but he knew that some new dark lord would rise to power. It had always been the case... Dumbledore told him so. And if that time would come, he would personally ensure that the evil would be defeated once more. He would never allow it to take over and destroy many lives, hopes and dreams --- never again.

Feeling more alone and out of place than ever, he gradually withdrew from his circle of friends especially now that Ron and Hermione had each other and Neville had started pursuing Hannah Abbott. He knew they were worried about his growing state of depression and his manic obsession to excel in Charms, Potions, Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts --- subjects which he considered useful against evil later on. But after several failed attempts at cheering him up, they wisely kept their distance, hoping that one day everything would return to normal. Harry hoped so, too.

Right now, all that were keeping him sane were mere memories...and the mission he set for himself. Some might term it sadistic or masochistic tendencies on his part but he knew in his heart that he needed to go on... He would never forget Lucius Malfoy's cryptic statement at the battle at the Ministry of Magic...--- 'You will soon wish you had never been born....' --- nor would he forget the diabolical glint in his eyes. It was not an empty threat. The enemies were planning something...


"Mr. Potter, what are you still doing here?" asked Professor McGonagall curiously at the boy who was currently watching his schoolmates fighting their way out of the castle to spend the much needed vacation with their families.

"Oh, Professor, sorry for not informing you earlier but I wish to stay here if it is okay with you." replied Harry quietly.

The Headmistress looked slightly taken aback but managed to regain her composure quickly. "It's alright with me but don't you want to spend some time with your relatives?"

"Luna needs me more. She has no one else and to be honest, I just don't feel like going back there." he replied truthfully.

The Headmistress nodded her head in understanding. "Well, if that's the case.... don't you worry, some of your friends are staying here as well. The Weasleys, Miss Granger and Mister Longbottom will be here to keep you company." Harry raised one eyebrow questioningly. "Arthur and Molly will be going to Egypt for a World Wizard Conference there, Hermione decided to stay here because of Ron and Neville have to take remedial classes in Potions - maybe you can help him with it since you have been quite skilled in that area." suggested the Professor hopefully.

"I'll do that. Thank you, Professor."

"You're welcome, Mr. Potter, but do me a favor, will you? Please spend some time with your friends more. I can arrange for a trip to Hogsmeade for all of you if you like." said the headmistress, apparently worried about his usually cheerful student detaching himself from everyone and everything that used to be important to him.

"I will think about it."


"Oh, Mr. Potter, fancy seeing you here. I guess you came to visit Luna. She has made some improvements, you'll see." said Madam Pomfrey excitedly upon seeing Harry walk through the door.

Harry smiled and nodded politely. He saw Luna sitting on her bed, eagerly playing with the Rubix cube that he gave her for Christmas. He was amazed to see her actually being able to arrange it properly given her condition. Clearly, her natural intellect had not been affected by her trauma. He slowly approached her, not wanting to disrupt her concentration.

"Oh, hello Harry." Luna said immediately when she spotted him. Harry blinked in surprise and looked questioningly at the healer.

"It's really quite complicated - how the human mind works. As for Luna's case, her mind selected good memories and she only remember those. We will tell her everything eventually but for now, I advise you to be careful with what you say. She might have a relapse if she became upset about anything." explained Madam Pomfrey before she continued arranging her supply of healing potions.

"This little cube is very amazing Harry. I never thought I would have so much fun with muggle toys before. Do you have any idea when I can get out of this place?" asked Luna while she continued tinkering with the cube.

"Umm...I don't know. I will ask Madam Pomfrey later. How are you feeling now? Do you remember anything a-about ..... about us?" asked Harry tentatively to gauge how much she could recall.

"What do you mean by 'about us'?" queried Luna, clearly perplexed by his question. Harry looked crestfallen and dropped his gaze.

"N-nothing." he lied. 'Maybe she just needs more time...' he consoled himself.

"Oh, okay. You know I was wondering why my father has not visited me yet. Madam Pomfrey never lets me read the newspapers at all. She said it would be bad for my health but I am really bored here. Could you please tell me what's going on now?" said Luna, giving him a radiant smile. Harry sucked his breath as he stared at her first real smile since the 'unfortunate incident'. He really wished he could kiss her now and embrace her tightly but he could not... not yet at least.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"N-nothing." he shook his head slightly. 'I must look like an idiot.'

"Umm... can't you say something aside from 'nothing'?"

"Sorry...I was just surprised, that's all." He wondered what he should tell her. He decided to concentrate on topics that he considered safe. "Well, Gryffindor won the House Cup and Quidditch Cup this year. We had the Yule Ball too. I wish you could have gone, though. It was fun, lots of food and good music."

"Who's your date to the ball then?" said Luna.

"No one. It was supposed to be you but you were still sick so I did not bother to go." he answered truthfully, curious as to what her reaction might be.

"Me? Why me? I thought you're dating Cho..."

"You're special that's why I wanted to take you. Cho and I broke up ages ago. She's going with Lee now."

"Whoa! I never would have thought Cho would go for him but I guess we cannot really judge other people's choices." said Luna without commenting on his reference to dating her.

"Yeah, we cannot judge other people's choices." he said thinking about Ginny and Luna's father.

"Harry, can you please ask Professor Flitwick to visit me soon? I know I missed a lot of classes but maybe we can arrange something to make up for my absences and be able to take my O.W.L. tests."

'It's good that she can still recall what year she's supposed to be in but how can I tell her that she already missed the tests without upsetting her?' Harry panicked slightly when he saw that Luna was watching his reaction carefully.

"It's okay if you don't want to do it, Harry. I know you might have other important things to do." said Luna, misunderstanding his reaction.

"No, it's not that, Luna. You know I would do anything for you." Luna looked mystified by his statement. "It's just that the term has already ended. I'm sorry but you already missed the O.W.L tests....Actually, you um- missed the whole school year." he braced himself for the outburst but miraculously, Luna was still calm.

"Oh, so that explains why I could not remember any of my lessons. That's alright, Harry. I will just talk to Professor Dumbledore later. Maybe we can arrange something so I can take the tests this summer." said Luna confidently. Harry closed his eyes slightly at the mention of his fallen mentor's name.

"I'm afraid you can't, hon. But you may speak with Professor McGonagall -- s-she's the new headmistress now." said Harry cautiously, hoping against hope that she would not ask him about Dumbledore.

"Is that so? Alright, then." said Luna nonchalantly then her eyes widened slightly. "You called me 'hon'?"

Harry sighed with relief. "Don't mind that. It's just an expression." he winced at how lame his reply sounded but it was the best excuse he could think of at that particular moment. Before he could accidentally let slip more damaging remarks, he smartly called the attention of Madam Pomfrey and made a graceful exit .

"Bye, hon." He heard Luna whisper softly before he could close the door behind him.

For the first time since the tragic summer, Harry allowed himself a real smile that astounded everyone who noticed it. Feeling more alive than ever, he rushed to his bedroom and retrieved his Firebolt. He only paused for a while when he saw his bestfriend gaping idiotically at him.

"Get your broom, Ron. We're going to fly." Ron nodded dumbly, not sure if he was hearing him right but he quickly got his broom too and followed Harry to the field.

They zoomed past each other for a while, enjoying the rush of the warm breeze on their faces, unmindful of anything. Harry was in his element, accelerating his Firebolt to its maximum capacity and flew so fast that Ron could not keep up with him anymore. Ron stopped in midair and contented himself with watching his bestfriend whizzing around him with a smile that never seemed to waver. Harry was in high spirits and he was sharing it with him.

Finally, Harry halted his amazing exhibition and sat on the grass beckoning Ron to join him.

"What's up, mate?" asked Ron.

"Luna's going to be okay." said Harry happily. Then he proceeded to tell Ron about her upcoming recovery, how calm she was when he told him she missed the whole year, how beautiful she looked when she smiled at him. "She's really, really incredible!"

"Yeah, I would probably freak out." agreed Ron, glad to see his best friend join the world of the living again.

"Not only that. McGonagall told me we could go to Hogsmeade if we want to. We could all go." Harry looked thoughtful for a moment. "There's just one catch, though. She doesn't remember we're a couple yet so we'll just tell her that's it's just a simple get-together okay?"

"That would still be cool! At least you can be with her again. Oh, I can't wait to tell Hermione." said Ron excitedly.

"I can't wait to tell her too." said Harry seriously then stopped at seeing his bestfriend's expression.

"Welcome back, mate." Ron said suddenly and hugged him like a long-lost brother who just found his way home. When they broke apart, their eyes were both red and unshed tears started to flow. They grinned foolishly at one another as they wiped the tears away.

"So I guess it's not just a girl thing, huh!" said Ron.

"Yeah, but we need to get rid of the evidence first or we won't hear the last of this if anyone finds out."

They both laughed at that and as they made their way to the castle, Harry vaguely wondered how crazy he had been to think that Hogwarts was a very depressing place.