July 2009 (12 years later...)

"Everything went hazy for Harry after that. Definitely, Fawkes came to heal his wound and he had locked Voldemort's remains in the Chamber of Secrets. The evil man's corpse will be locked away forever since aside from Harry, there is no other parseltongue alive." said the storyteller to the children in front of him. They were clearly engrossed by the strange tale and that encouraged him to continue. "The bad guys were imprisoned in Azkaban including Peter Pettigrew." The children groaned at that. "Hey, the man still had to pay his debt to society you know but don't worry, he had accepted his fate and was very much willing to comply."

"What happened to the others?" asked a bushy-haired girl with an amazing passion for information as her mother.

"Oh, impatient, are we? Well, Mr. Arthur Weasley was still the Minister and a fair and honest one at that. He was also very active in advocating the rights of other creatures like house-elves, werewolves, centaurs and goblins. Professor McGonagall was still the Headmistress. Professor Snape relinquished his position as the Head of Slytherin House and Potions Master to Draco who turned out to be truly efficient with his job. Professor Snape also assisted the new DADA teacher from time to time -- guess who?"

"Harry Potter?" asked a red-headed boy with pale blue eyes.

The story-teller smiled. "Sorry, wrong answer. Actually, it was Neville. His parents recovered later on since Lucius Malfoy was not there to reinforce their temporary insanity anymore. He also married Susan Bones after he graduated and had a very charming child." The children cheered in response. They had liked Neville too and were glad that everything had turned right for him in the end.

The story-teller continued. "Lavender was a seer unfortunately, she still couldn't control her gift so she tried a different career. She and the Patil twins opened a boutique at Hogsmeade. Fred and George's joke shop prospered and were giving the legendary Zonko's a run for their money. Lee helped them with the business and later on, the three pranksters married Angelina, Katie and Cho respectively. Colin Creevey became the new History of Magic teacher, would you believe? He made the subject very interesting that no one sleeps through the lessons anymore. Unfortunately, he still hero-worshipped Harry and had the tendency to center all his lectures on him." The story-teller grimaced at that but fortunately, the children did not notice.

"But what happened to the dementors? Did Harry order them to return to Azkaban?" asked a beautiful raven-haired girl. Fortunately, she did not inherit the unkempt appearance of her father's hair as well.

The story-teller visibly shuddered at the suggestion. "Merlin, no! Harry sent them back to their world though he never relinquished his position as the king. He just appointed an officer-in-charge. He believed it was the best thing to do. That way, no emerging dark lord would be able to control them."

The children nodded, satisfied with the explanation.

"What happened to the DA? Did they disband?" asked a timid boy who was a little on the heavy side but his friends never teased him about it. The boy was so kind and gentle that they never wanted to hurt his feelings.

The story-teller smiled once more. "I knew someone would ask that question eventually." He said gently then he paused for a while to wipe his glasses that had become quite misty. "To everyone's surprise, none of the DA members wanted to became aurors but nobody condemned them for that. Somehow the people understood without any need for explanations. And anyway, the dark times had passed so there was no intense demand for that. Hermione married Ron and had a beautiful daughter as smart as her mother and as good at Quidditch as her father. She became the head of the Department of Magical Creatures while Ron became the Keeper for the Chudley Cannons, his favorite team. Draco married Ginny and were gifted with a son who fortunately inherited his mother's good looks ---"

"Hey, what are you talking about, Mooney?" cried the new-arrival in mock protest. He had silvery-blond hair and pale blue eyes. Walking beside him was a beautiful red-head who had stifled a giggle after hearing his words.

"Hi there, Devon. We were just talking about my wife's new book. I just wanted to see if the story was good enough to be published." The dark-haired story-teller grinned mischievously. "And I was just telling them how lucky Draco's son was for inheriting his mother's good looks…"

"Oh, yeah? I think you got it wrong…he got it from his Greek God father. Callah, why are you laughing?" Devon grumbled about some unsupportive wife but he was grinning too.

The story-teller shrugged them off. "Anyway, enough with the distraction. Ginny became the Head of Magical Education and I already told you about what happened to the amazing bouncing ferret so I don't need to repeat that." The children laughed while Devon glared at the story-teller. "Harry and Luna married later and had twins…."

"Like us, dad?" asked the raven-haired girl and a pale-blond haired boy.

"Yes, like you….They left the wizarding world and only their closest friends knew where they were and what their business were but they lived happily ever after." Lander Mooney, the story-teller closed the book and watched the children's reactions. "And that's the end of Lana's final book entitled 'Harry Potter and the Lost Prophecy'. Do you like the story?"

"Yes, we liked it very much, dad!"

"That's a cool story, Uncle Lander. But where's Aunt Lana?"

"Oh, she's preparing your snacks right now. You see she's quite nervous about your reaction so she decided not to be here while I tell you the story."

"Oh, but we liked it, uncle!"

"Then you can tell her yourself later. I'll just go and see if she needs help." Lander stood up and headed for the kitchen. Devon and Ginny followed shortly.

"Do you think it's wise to publish that book, Harry?" asked Draco suddenly, dropping the pretense.

"Why not? It's very educational and lots of children will benefit from it."

"Won't we be discovered?" asked Ginny, voicing out her own concern.

"I won't be risking the exposure of our world since it will only be released in the muggle world and they would all think that it's just a normal fairy tale." Harry replied calmly then smiled when he saw his wife nervously wringing her hands while staring half-heartedly at the sandwiches and juice on the table.

"Did the children like it?" she asked worriedly.

"Like it? No, they did not like it…." His wife's beautiful face fell in disappointment. "They did not like it….but they loved it, hon!" he said and embraced her wife tightly.

Lana's eyes immediately shone with happiness. Then shyly, she removed herself from Harry's arms when she noticed Draco and Ginny smiling knowingly at them. "Oh, hi!" she said then remembered the snacks she promised to the kids. "Why don't you all help me bring the food to the children? They must be hungry by now…after all, it was a very long novel."


The four adults were surprised at the sudden noise that could only be identified with apparation but they were not bothered by it anymore.

"Came to take your children, I suppose…" commented Harry, pleased to see the new-arrivals but did not like the mode of transportation they had used.

"Oops, sorry, mate. We had planned to use the car but the traffic was so heavy and we couldn't wait to see you again." said a tall and finely-built man with a mass of red-hair. It was Ron.

"Yes, we have something urgent to talk about." said Hermione, still bushy-haired but was not bothered by it.

"Very urgent." Neville agreed, his timidity gone but the gentle manner was still evident.

"Shh…let's us talk about this later…" said Susan Bones-Longbottom as she helped Luna make some more sandwiches.

After everything had settled down, the eight adult witches and wizards carried the food and walked silently to where the children were. They stopped in their tracks when they noticed that the children were discussing something…interesting.

"Your mom's a really great writer. I wonder where she got all her ideas...I mean they're so detailed…the characters and events are so real. She described everything so vividly as if she was there and witnessed it all happen…It's freaky!" commented Draco and Ginny's son.

"Well, she's a little weird. Mom said she used to snap at her for making up stories but they ended up as friends anyway and your mom put her creativity to good use." said the Weasley's daughter.

Hermione eyed Luna sheepishly but Luna waved her off. "It was a long time ago, Hermione, and as your daughter mentioned, we ended up as friends anyway." said Luna with a warm smile.

"Do you think there's a chance that Hogwarts really exists?" asked the Longbottom child.

"No way! It's pure fiction. Mom said so." replied Potter's son and crossed his arms stubbornly as if the matter had already been settled.

"But it would be cool, don't you think?" commented Potter's daughter dreamily. "Just think, we've all just turned eleven and if that's real, then we could all go."

"Yeah, cool! Provided that we'd all go to Gryffindor House, of course. Apparently, it's the best house there."

Behind the door, the Gryffindor's nearly choked with laughter at the sight of Draco's horrified expression but they all knew he was just kidding around. They continued to listen.

"You know I really find it weird that our birthdays are so near each other."

"I know what you mean. It's such a strange coincidence. It almost seem that we're all blood brother's and sisters."

"Coincidence, my foot! It's necessity, child! We all thought we're going to die then…." muttered Draco under his breath as he listened to the children's conversation. The others nodded in agreement.

The adults decided to put an end to discussion before it gets out of hand when, out of the blue, four tawny owls soared through the open living room window and dropped several thick parchment on the children's laps. The adults were unprepared to see the purple wax seal on the parchments complete with the familiar elegant 'H' with the miniature images of lion, serpent, badger and eagle embellished around it.

They turned to their children who were gazing at them expectantly instead of being terrified upon learning that they're different. The children had just finished reading their letters and were patiently waiting for an explanation.

"Is this a prank?" one of children asked when the adults failed to say anything. The excitement in his voice betrayed the fact that he wanted the letters to be authentic.

Again, no response. The adults just stared at one another in confusion. They knew this moment would come eventually but they haven't discussed it thoroughly yet.

"This is precisely what we wanted to talk to you about, mate." Ron whispered to Harry's ear.

The children eyed them suspiciously.

"If these letters are what we believe they are, then you've all got a lot of explaining to do." another one ventured courageously after a very long and uncomfortable silence.

Finally, the author of the Harry Potter series relented. "Yes, I think we do." Then she motioned her husband and the others to sit comfortably as what she was about to say would take a very long time to finish. "Now, let me tell you the real story…."



Thanks to all who had responded to my challenge. Here are the most interesting ones.



it seems like it must be. after all, happiness can only last so long for harry potter. it just wouldn't do for them both to live, and that proposal scene seemed like the perfect setup for her death- she didn't want to die without knowing she had given harry everything. it only makes sense- unless your brain is far more complex than mine.



Luna because Luna's Harry's fiance and mostly every fanfiction I've read has Harry's girlfriends dying...

Ron because well, he's tied up, got death eaters all around him and is the most unfortunate person on the light side...Need I say more?.



Why? Well, Luna because she and Harry have a relation and most Filipinos root for tragedy... though, i don't... Ron because he's already in the place to die. He's the sacrificial lamb... the tool that Voldemort uses for blackmailing people in the Ministry and Harry. But i'd really go for Ron.



Why? Because he said that he owes his Life to Harry and I believe that he might save him...

DRACO Why? His father hates him and he wants revenge. As seeing this I conclude both of my predictions...

Aaran St Vines


The whole Harry Potter story line was started by JKR as a children's story. Wormtail doing something valiant and redemptive would true to the theme. Anyone else of the seven dying, with the possible exception of Draco, would be "unfatihful." ---- Actually, what I think you are going to do is have Riddle cheat and try to AK (killing curse) Harry while the coin is in the air. Wormtail jumps in the way and takes the blast. Harry AKs Riddle a fraction of a second afterwards. The coin lands tails up and Harry jumps in, with the others, to subdue the Daeth Eaters. ---- So my theory of your intentions goes.




a)He is the other boy the prophesy could have been about in the first place.

b) of all the characters he's the one who seems to have developed the courage and the cunning I think will be needed to see what needs to be done in time to 'entrap the souls'

c) because it's always the character I least want to die that bites it and I happen to like the way you've characterize Neville's growth throught the events in this story.



Why I think so: It's probably the last thing somebody would think of. It probably won't even be thought of.and in an interview, JKR suggested that Harry MIGHT die. Might. Also, I have been reading books in which the most unlikely thing happens. I think that Harry will die. Maybe as a martyr?


We'll, I must admit I had done something wrong with the challenge because I did not give you the choices but I'm quite surprised that nobody suspected Ginny or Snape of being the unlucky one. After all, they had done something terrible in the past though they both eventually redeemed themselves.

Anyway, why Dobby?

I chose him because his death would be the turning point of the house-elves' situation. It would force them to realize that they have a choice. Their existence is not only limited to being eternal slaves. They could do something worthwhile with their lives if they are just willing to fight for their rights. Then other creatures would follow because if the 'lowly' house-elves could do it then why couldn't they? Therefore, the creatures associated with the dark side won't be driven to follow any dark lord that would emerge because the ministry and all wizards would be more broad-minded…more accepting.

On a lighter note, I just don't want Harry, Luna, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Draco and Ginny to die. They are still too young and they deserved to live their lives to the fullest after the chaos of war. Snape had endured more than his share of torture and other kind of suffering so I've decided to let him off the hook and be able to enjoy life he dies a natural death.

As for Wormtail, I believe he had partially redeemed himself after risking his life to save Draco, Ginny and bring Harry's 'corpse' to Godric's Hollow. But I don't want his redemption to be that simple. Remember, he had betrayed Harry's parents, put Sirius in Azkaban for twelve years and still had the gall to help resurrect Voldemort after Harry stopped Sirius and Lupin from brutally murdering him. A swift and painless death is actually not a punishment but a reward. I want him to suffer first (I'm so cruel…) then he could go on with his life later --- as a renewed man.

There… I hope I had explained myself well enough to everyone's satisfaction. My mind may not be as complex as others' but I'm sure I possess a crazier one :

As for another sequel, I haven't really decided yet if I want to continue this story but if I receive numerous requests, maybe I will. If ever, the third book would occur twelve years after the second war and would feature the advanced DA members' children though I haven't come up with appropriate names for them yet (any suggestions?)…Of course the usual crowd would still be there but the main antagonist won't be Voldemort. Yes, he's dead and he's not coming back…If Harry's parents and godfather could not be resurrected then why should he be granted that privilege…blah-blah-blah…Anyway, just email me at if you're interested



: Thanks so much for reviewing. It was really inspiring to know that a fellow Filipino had read and appreciated my stories. You were also the first to respond to the challenge. Oh. by the way, I had started reading your fanfic (Twisted Destiny) and it was very interesting. I hope you would be able to finish it soon.

wlippinc: Hey, thank you for supporting all my stories. Your reviews have inspired me to finish the story

Prongs Padfoot: I really appreciate your enthusiasm and I hope all your questions have been answered now

mollys cousin: Another great reviewer! Just wanted you to know that your reviews gave me a very warm feeling and kept me going when I was too depressed to write anything.

Xylor Anamay: I really appreciate your support and the advice you gave me about Harry and Luna's tender moment before the fight. I had forgotten about that and to tell you frankly, writing that chapter made me realize that I'm not that good at writing a love story….but at least, I've tried. Hopefully, I would improve with constant practice.

Ioci: I know you wanted some stories to end with Voldie winning but I'm glad you stuck with this story though it was obviously not the case. I really don't want fiction to have a sad ending cause we already have the real life for that…I mean, in reality, most bad guys already got the upper hand so why extend it to fiction where we have absolute control with the way things would turn out.

Melissa: It's amusing to know that somebody else had hoped that Ginny would turn evil. I must admit I didn't really like her character but somehow, I don't think it would be really fair for the kind-hearted Weasleys to have the only daughter (and youngest too) turn evil so I changed my plot along the way to accommodate her redemption. That's my first excuse and the other…well, let's just say that I have a certain penchant for happy endings :

icequeen240: Hey, thanks for responding to the challenge. You have given me a very interesting and enlightening insight--an obvious indication that you've put some considerable thought to it. :

michelle1506: Hehehe I'm glad I shocked you enough to pique your interest

Adara: Hey, thanks for reviewing especially for the last two chapters and thanks for responding to the Reader's Challenge too.

Pink180: Thanks for the reviews and I hope the advice I gave you was useful enough.

secret-snowfall: Thanks for the compliment and I hope the ending was quite to your liking

Nedvedisno1: Thanks for reviewing though I'm not sure if you still had time (or interest) to finish reading. I just want to take this opportunity to tell you that I really liked your stories and I've been following up your third book - Legacies of the Man who triumphed. You did a great job there. For those interested, you may view it at - just search for his author's name.

Semi Ani Yona I'm also not sure if you've also read this story but I'd like you to know that I appreciated your constructive criticisms. If you've noticed, I've written longer chapters now (heheheh)

I also want to thank the following and I hope I had not forgotten to mention anybody:
















Fearles Pheonix


Friend of Frodo














Loony Holly


Lord Ravenclaw


Luna Lovegood of the Harry Potter Role Play Group





























