
By my reckoning it's pushing two years since I worked on this fic.

What can I say for myself? Not a lot, I suppose. I uploaded chapter 27 after finishing my GCSE exams and starting my AS level course which, before long, turned into my A levels and before I knew it a year and a half had passed and I hadn't done a single thing on the final part of the "Dark" trilogy.

Am I excusing myself? Definitely not. Am I apologising? Definitely so.

But now, as a soon-to-be 18 year old, I have finished school for good and so have three months of freedom which I can, and will, devote to finishing this fic.

I cannot apologise enough for the absurdly extended hiatus this fic has experienced, I really cannot. But chapter 28 is about half done and will be up very, very soon. A week tops.

Thank you all so much for your patience.
