"HA! HA! You can't catch me, Ryu!" Ty called. He ran, barefoot, across the beach. Ryu jumped at him, but missed, and fell face first into the sand. .

"HA! HA! H-OO!" Ty ran right into a tall, muscular man. He fell into the sand. Master Haku stared down at him, his gold hair was streaked with silver. His, normally kind, blue eyes dug into Ty's. "So-sorry, Master." .

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again." Then the huge man stalked away. Ty rubbed his head, and raised an eyebrow. 0.o

"What is with Master Haku?" Ty asked, as Ryu walked over. He was wiping sand out of his red, spiky hair.

"I heard him talking to himself last night." He said, o.o. Ty turned to him; his brown eyes were concentrated on some distant cloud, as he tried to remember the dialogue.

"Well…what did he say?" O.O Ty asked. Ryu brushed some more sand out of his hair, then started.

"He said something about the door opening, it was really weird. He talked about going home, and other crazy things." Ryu said. -.- He sat in the sand. Ty sat next to him.

"What door? Isn't this his home?" Ty asked. ?? Ryu gave him an annoyed look. T.T

"How would I know?" he said. Ty shrugged, he laid back in the said. He grinned

"What a great day!" he stated.

"Looks like it's going to rain." Ryu stated ll. Ty opened his eyes. The sky was getting very dark, and very quickly.

"This isn't rain." 0.o Ty said. The darkness shrouded the little island that they lived on. Ryu stood up, and he followed.

"What is this?" Ryu asked.

"I don't know…" O.O Ty muttered. The darkness got closer, as if a fog was settling in. "R-run!" OoO He yelled. They sprinted off to the cabins in the shelter of the forest. The other islanders were screaming and running for shelter.

"Ty, Ryu!" O.O their friend, Hya was standing at the entrance of a cabin. Her long black hair was messily tossed aside, half-braided, and her green eyes were filled with worry. "What is going on!?" ?.? She asked. They jumped into the cabin, and she slammed the door shut. "What is going on!?" she asked again.

"We don't know!" oo Ty said. He turned to the window. "The darkness is transforming!" !o! he yelped. The others looked out. Black bunny people fell from the darkness, and landed around the cabins.

"Get the weapons!" OoO Ryu said. Hya handed out wooden swords.

"We have to protect the town." / Ty was angery now. He kicked open the door. "Come and get some!" !.! He froze. Master Haku was speaking with the monsters!

"Take me with you, please!" O.O he begged. The monster nodded, and reached out and touched Haku, and he became one!

"Master Haku!" o Hya screamed. She ran at the monsters, Ryu followed, and Ty came last. They stabbed and sliced at the beasts, but it did no damage. The monsters looked down, and raised their eyebrows. 0.o

"We aren't hurting them!" !o! Ryu said. He ran back.

"Look, the Darkness is getting closer!" someone from the cabins pointed. Everyone looked up. The cloud was almost on them.

"Retreat!" o Ty ordered, and they ran back. Then the Darkness covered them. "HYA! RYU!" OoO Ty screamed. There was no answer.

. . .

"Hya, Ryu?" Ty asked into the darkness. He stood up, and looked around. It wasn't the Darkness, he noticed, It was just gray…

You are the one who carries the light.

"I am?" 0.o Ty asked. "Who are you?" ?.?

Use it to find your friends.

"How do I use it?" ?o? he called. Then his chest felt warm. He looked down, and saw that it was glowing. He put his hand over his heart. "My Heart? Is that the Light?" IoI he called.

Open your heart, open the door, enter the Kingdom Hearts.

"Open the door?" Ty remembered what Ryu had said. "I want to find my friends!" then everything went white.


I hopped you liked it.
