Chapter 2

Snape stood in front of Number Four, Privet Drive, eating a piece of cheese. He was a strange sight, but all the same he knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. A bony woman answered the door and almost fainted at the sight of him.
"Is Potter home? I'm take him away." Snape said in a quiet voice.
Aunt Petunia suddenly became much nicer to him. "Yes, he's in the living room, please, do come in."
Snape stepped inside, following Aunt Petunia into the living room, where he saw Harry glaring at the TV where 'The Beatles Live: a recording' was on. So, Dumbledore was right...what a strange person...
When Harry saw his Potions Master standing in the Dursely's living room, he nearly fell off the couch, which is saying something.
"AH! YOU!" Harry yelled, standing up so quickly that his glasses went askew.
Snape sighed. He always got these reactions. "Get your things boy, you're going to stay with me for the rest of the summer."
Harry looked horrorified. "But...why?"
"Because I'm really your father!" He enjoyed he look of shock and torment on Harry's face before saying, "Not really, Albus gave me some cheese."
Harry's mouth was open slightly. "Cheese?"
"Yes, cheese. Sweden's finest. Now, get your things! And I want to see how much of the homework I gave to you that you've finished."
"But I haven't had the chance to work on it!"
"I don't want to hear excuses! Hurry up!"
Harry muttered something nasty and sulked all the way up the stairs. He noisely threw all his stuff in his trunk and grabbed Hedwig's cage and came back downstairs. Snape was still standing there. "Well? Let's see it then!" Harry handed him a piece of blank parchment. "Tut tut, Potter, I'm disappointed in you."
"You've always been disappointed in me, Professor."
"Oh, yes, right...much too much Galaxy Quest." He muttered to himself. "Well, come on Potter...I have to show you to Dumbledore so we can sign the deal."
Harry scowled and followed Snape out the door. "So how are we going to get 'home' Oh Great Wizard of OZ."
"10 points from Gryffindor!" Harry looked at him as though he were stupid. "Er...detention..." Once again he looked at Snape as though he were very stupid, "Oh damn it all! Just...go!"
Harry went outside and Snape followed him. He reached into his robes and pulled out a candy bar and a rotting banana. Harry cringed. "What are those for?"
"It's the Portkey, you imperitent child!"
"A Hershey's bar?" Harry asked in disbelief.
"Of course not! That's mine!" He held out the rotting banana, "This is the Portkey." He tossed the putrid thing at Harry where some of it's inner contents splattered on his shirt. He looked up to see Snape stuggling with the wrapper, which he finally got open with his wand. "Muggle rubbish...the things they dream up..." He held tightly on to the chocolate then activated the portkey. He took a bite of chocolate and was enjoying it so much he didn't realize he had not been touching the Portkey.

Harry looked around. He was in the middle of a forest with a Portkey he didn't know how to use. He dropped it on the ground and started to walk off in the direction of the fading sun. He wasn't sure how long he walked, but was startled when he walked into a clearing where a dark-looking two story house stood. He eyed it wearily before walking up the pathway and knocking on the door. There was no answer. He looked around some more and 'Ahhh'ed when he saw 'Snape' above the door. He smiled wickedly and pushed open the door....

::Next:: Not sure, I have to work on chpater 3 of Lord Elrond's House, but I'll try. Sorry to leave ya with such a cliffhanger, but cliffhangers are my specialty....oh yes...
Disclaimer: I don't feel like putting everything so I'm just gonna say none of it belongs to me and leave it at that..mwahahahaha...anyway, please review! I've got it to where annonomous can review, thanks to Rising Penguin of the Sun!