Comments: This is my first slash story so be nice! Reviews are always welcome, because I love reading them! Also, I am reposting all the chapters since I've gotten some betas. Thanks for everything, Melanie and Catherine! You guys rock!
Rating: R
Summary: Harry refuses to talk because of something that happened in his sixth year. Now at their last year at Hogwarts together, Draco becomes attracted to him and is determined to find out what's keeping the Gryffindor quiet, not knowing of the horrors that's keeping Harry from talking. Things become more desperate as they realize that Harry is the only one who knows how to stop Voldemort from stealing other powerful wizards' and witches' powers. And Harry is no closer to talking than Voldemort is to applying for Miss Universe.
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor any characters related to it. The wonderful JK Rowling does.

Buttefly Kisses

Chapter 1: Diving For Potter


If there was one thing Draco hated about his life, it was the fact that Crabbe and Goyle were constantly around him. The only time they left him alone was either when he was in the bathroom or when they were feeling extra hungry enough to leave his side. Thus the latter seemed to be the reason Draco found himself alone late that Saturday morning. He showered and dressed in the expensive silk robes he always wore when he wasn't attending classes. He found his school robes a burden, especially when the material left unsightly red patches on his shoulders.

"Come on, Draco!" Blaise yelled. "Stop looking in the mirror, and let's go eat! I'm starving!"

Draco scowled and turned away from his reflection. Was it his fault he liked to be well-groomed? Draco joined Blaise in the Common Room and left with him to go to the Great Hall. Just as they were entering it, however, the three Gryffindors whom Draco loved to annoy appeared. His eyes immediately travelled to green ones. They always did.

"Well, well, well," he drawled, his blood quickening at the thought of excitement that he could rouse from the trio just with a few words. "If it isn't Scarface and his two sidekicks."

"Shove it, Malfoy," Weasley growled.

Draco smirked to himself. He had already known the redhead was going to say that. So predictable. "Stick to Potter's side, Weasley. I'm sure he could support you once your family dies of starvation."

Blaise snickered as Weasley's ears turned red. Draco didn't even flinch when his fist travelled toward his face, knowing full well that Blaise's lightning reflexes would kick in and catch Weasley's fist before it connected with Draco's face. He ignored the two struggling boys and looked back to the green eyes that were calmly watching Weasley attempting to pull away from Blaise.

"What Potter, no words in defence of Weasel?" he asked softly. He heard the Mudblood give an audible gasp, but he was too busy staring at Potter to look at her. He gave Draco a look of disdain before dragging the spluttering redhead away from Blaise.

"That was low," Granger hissed at him.

"It's not my fault Potter's mute," he said.

Her face darkened. "He's not mute. He just doesn't want to talk."

"Oh?" Draco feigned surprise. "He's too thick to string two words together then?"

Potter and Granger grabbed onto Weasley's robe as he made a jump for him, hauling him off to the Gryffindor table. Draco and Blaise went to their respective table. All through breakfast he found his gaze drifting to the black-haired boy who was intently concentrating on his food. What happened last year that made you silent? he asked himself for the hundredth time. As far as he could tell, not even Dumbledore had been successful at getting Potter to talk. If he had Draco would know.

He realized with a start that Potter was looking right back at him. Both were too stubborn to be the first to look away. He felt that familiar wanting that only occurred when Potter looked at him. He saw him shake his head as if to clear his thoughts, still not taking his eyes off Draco. Draco smirked at him and saw, even from across the hall, the Gryffindor blush and look away.

Blushing?! Draco thought incredulously. He's been doing that for a while. He blushed when I looked at him last week, too. He barely even noticed what he was eating as his attention was solely focused on Potter.

"Cute, isn't he?" Blaise whispered, glancing at the Gryffindor table.

Draco nodded in agreement. Blaise already knew of Draco's feelings for the Gryffindor.

"Why don't you make a move?"

Draco shrugged. "It's safer this way. Besides, he hates me. It wouldn't do for him to become involved with the son of a Death Eater. And you bloody well know I'm not the type to profess my feelings and ask him out to dinner."

Blaise laughed as he imagined Draco on bended knee reciting love sonnets to Harry. "I'm sure Harry would run as far away from you as possible if you ever said things like that."

The blond was envious that Blaise could say Potter's name so easily. Draco had resorted to calling the Gryffindor by his surname whenever he thought about him ever since Draco found that he liked him at the beginning of the year. Somehow the last name bit kept Draco's hormones under more control.

"That will not happen since I'm never going to do that," he said.

"Hey, Draco!" it was a sixth year Slytherin down the table. "You ready to cream those Gryffindors in tomorrow's match?"

Draco gave him a smug smile. "Would I do otherwise?"

"Rather confident, aren't you? I wager you'll be too busy gawking at their Seeker," Blaise said so that only Draco could hear.


"Leave me alone," Draco mumbled sleepily. Something was poking him in his back, interrupting his very graphic dream involving a spacious bed, himself, and a certain Gryffindor.

"Wake up, Draco. You're going to be late for our match," an urgent voice said in his ear.

Draco bolted out of bed. "What time is it?"

Blaise smirked at something. "8:50. You have ten minutes before the match starts. Oh, and Draco? You might want to visit the bathroom first to fix your-- er-- problem."

Draco looked down and groaned out loud. After a brief visit to the bathroom he was back out. He grabbed his Firebolt and they both raced down to their locker room to get suited up. The two teams were already in their positions. Madam Hooch favoured both boys with a disapproving frown. Draco gave her his most charming smile and stood opposite of Potter who gave him a challenging look. He answered Potter with a smirk.

"There better be no lifeless bodies by the end of this game," Hooch said. She looked at both teams with her golden eyes. "Beaters, I'm sure that all four of you know the difference between a Bludger and a head. I want a game that will not result in missing limbs. Captains, shake hands."

Draco extended his hand to Potter's who accepted it. He noted the couple of calluses he could feel on the Gryffindor's hand. Potter suddenly let go and blushed, staring at the ground. You really are acting peculiar, Potter.

The whistle was blown and Draco immediately kicked off the ground. Thirteen other brooms rose up beside him, but only one followed him up higher than the other twelve. Draco glanced to his left and spotted Potter flying next to him. He watched as the raven-haired boy looked around for the Snitch. Draco himself strained his eyes to glimpse a speck of gold, but could see nothing.

"Finnigan passes it to Ginny-- intercepted by Watson-- passes it to Biend-- closing in on Weasley-- oh-- Slytherin scores." There was a loud groan from the Gryffindor side.

Draco smirked at Potter. He scowled at Draco. Draco's eyes widened as he concentrated on something over the other Seeker's shoulder. He was past Potter before he even turned to see what Draco was looking at. Draco was ahead by a few seconds, but knew that Potter was catching up. He dived for the ground, neck to neck with Potter. Just when the front of his broom was about to touch the grass, Draco pulled out of the dive. From the relieved sighs of the crowd, so did Potter. Draco turned his body completely around and started lazily flying backwards at a slow speed, letting his feet graze the grass. He laughed at the Gryffindor's bewildered face.

"Really, Potter, there is no need to look around for the Snitch. I was just tricking you into thinking that I saw it. You are quite gullible, you know that?" Draco laughed again.

Potter's face reddened with unmistakable anger. Undoubtedly at himself, not at me. The thought made Draco smile. With a quick swing of his legs he was facing forward again. By now the score was 70-60, Slytherin in the lead.

If I could just find and catch the bloody Snitch we'd win against Gryffindor for the first time since Potter came here. Draco looked over at the other Seeker and his heart nearly stopped. He's seen the Snitch! Shit! Draco sped after him. Faster, you bloody broom! He cursed himself for not keeping an eye on him.

Draco saw the golden ball flying as fast as it could from them. He caught up to Potter and once again they were neck to neck. They both dodged a Bludger sent at them from God knew which Beater. The Snitch zig-zagged left and right and flew up and down. Both boys followed the ball's path. It flew in between the Chasers. Draco had to twist his body to avoid collision with any of the players. He realized that Potter was not beside him. One glance told him that the raven-haired boy had taken an alternative route. He was flying under the Chasers instead of through them like the blond was doing.

Oh no, he's going to get to the Snitch before I do! Draco bent his torso forward until he was almost laying on the broom. He urged his broom to go faster, still moving from side to side to prevent hitting anyone. He and Potter both escaped from the group of Chasers at the same time. The Snitch was now racing upward. I'm closer to it than he is! Draco thought triumphantly. He tilted his broom up and was practically vertical with the ground. Come on, Draco! You have the advantage! Just a few more centimetres. His fingers brushed against smooth metal before the ball was snatched away.

Draco looked over to see an empty broom. Fuck! Without even taking the time to look down to see its rider Draco turned his broom and dived. Potter, you bloody brainless git! Are you so determined to make sure that I don't catch the Snitch that you'd throw yourself off the broom? Draco refused to think about how high they both had been. The Gryffindor was falling and the ground was getting dangerously closer. Draco was going so fast that his eyes watered, making it difficult to see. He quickly blinked them away. He was only a foot away from him. Faster, Draco! his mind screamed. He flew past Potter and caught him around the waist. His broom jerked violently as it and its rider was caught in Potter's momentum. Draco struggled to hold onto Potter and steady his broom at the same time, which was not an easy feat. After a few dread-filled seconds Draco managed to still his broom. He used all his strength to swing Potter onto his broom so that they were facing each other.

"Idiot," Draco breathed. His heart was pounding furiously. Both boys were breathing heavily, staring at each other. He was so close that Draco could see the tiny freckles on his nose. Potter closed his eyes and rested his head in the crook of Draco's shoulder. Draco could feel the Gryffindor's breath on his neck. A smell of strawberries wafted up to his nose. He lowered his head so that he could whisper in the other boy's ear.

"You're a real idiot. Why in fuck's sake would you jump from sixty feet above? Damn you Gryffindors and your so-called bravery. It should be more like stupidity. You could've gotten yourself killed," Draco was angry and his voice showed it.

Potter only moved closer. His mouth moved and Draco knew that the little twit was smiling. He growled and started lowering them both to the ground.

Teachers ran to the two as they landed. Draco was surprised to find that his arm was around Potter's waist. He let go and let Professor Dumbledore take the green-eyed boy off his broom. The two teams had already landed and rushed to see what happened. Draco dismounted and watched as Dumbledore placed Potter on his own two feet. Potter smiled and opened his right hand to reveal the golden Snitch. A cheer went up from the Gryffindor team and moans of disappointment from the Slytherins.

"Ah, yes! Potter has the Snitch!" the commentator said, sounding gleeful. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! And it's thanks to Malfoy that Potter's alive and kicking! Gryffindor wins 230 to 100."

Draco's team surrounded him with crestfallen faces. They patted him on the shoulder and left to go to the locker room. Draco took one last look at Potter, who was getting checked over, and started walking across the field in the direction his team had gone.
