When it's hot!

Okay some people wanted a sequel and I did one, I hope that you enjoy it.

Warning – Yaoi Tala/Kai/Rei

Lemon within chapters.

Summary – life's been good recently but how can it change, specially after Christmas night. Sorry bad at summeries.

Thanks to for all who reviewing my Christmas Tale.

Chapter 1

The office had been horrendous since the new year, it seemed that everyone in the world wanted the new improved Bio-Volt and the price was getting higher and higher also because of the increase in their stocks and shares the companies that supplied them wanted more money, all this leading to a rundown pissed off Kai.

Kai was completely annoyed at having to continually send out the same message that the company was not for sale, in the end he made a standard E-mail and continually sent it out. As the boss of the company all business like this came to his door, luckily while he dealt with that Tala dealt with the rest with the help of Rei, their newly employed Secretary and lover.

Since Christmas night the Neko Jin had become part of their love as well as their bed, they all loved each other and no-one was ever left out so what could go wrong. Kai always had that thought in his head but he had the hope that something would go right for a change, especially since the news that Boris had been found hanged in his cell and Voltaire had gone mad at the news so had to be placed in an Asylum, so both men where out of his life completely.

Yawning Kai closed the file on his desk and looked at the time, it was 10 o'clock at night turning left he could see Tala's light still on and the red head working hard to finish a report, stretching the bluenet got up and wondered over to Tala's door.

"Come on Tala" he said quietly getting the other man attention. Tala looked up and smiled before getting up himself.

"Suppose you right," he said chuckling as he picked up his Keys and jacket and made their way to Rei's area to find the Neko Jin asleep on his arms by the phone.

"Rei" said Tala shaking Rei, making the Neko jump and turn wide awake to face Tala.

"Come on Kitten, time to go home" said Kai giving Rei his jacket before they took the lift to the car park where they all piled into Kai's new black Jaguar and started the trip home.


They reached the house and stumbled in, they where all tired and wanted to go straight to bed.

"Stop!, Dinner first" came a female voice of Diana, who had taken the role of their mother through the past couple of months.

"But" said Rei yawning.

"No eat, you'll all way to thin to be healthy. Once you have eaten you can go to bed" she ordered marching them towards the dinning room where their meal waited for them, the smell of roast Chicken and vegetables set their stomach rumbling. Smiling their thanks the three dug into their meals clearing their plates.

"you three seem to only eat, sleep and work. Where is the fun that you used to have. You need a break from that office" fussed Diana clearing the plates away and serving pudding. The chocolate Gateaux was ate in silence before Kai answered to please Diana.

"yes, I know we need a break" he mumbled trying hard to keep his eyes open.

"go on off to bed with you" smiled Diana pleased that they agreed with her. The three once again slumped into the hall way, climbing the stairs to go to their room. They changed into their sleeping clothes before falling into the bed to sleep, not saying a word to each other.


Morning came with the shrill ring of the alarm, Rei cracked an eye open, he felt awful like he hadn't slept at all, he rolled over to climb out off the bed ignoring the pounding in his head, the others had yet to move so he took the advantage of getting the a shower first hoping it would wake him up.

While Rei showered Kai smacked the alarm off and went to wash followed by Tala using the toilet, they didn't joke or talk only do what needed to be done.

Rei went down stairs and sat at the table falling asleep on his folded arms almost immediately. Diana came into see the sleeping Neko Jin, she made her way over to him to wake him but stopped and felt his forehead, Rei was too hot for normal but it wasn't a full blown fever.

"Come on Rei back to bed" she said nudging him.

"Can't" he mumbled sitting up struggling to stay away.

"No you're ill" she insisted, she turned to see a very tired Kai enter followed by an equally tired Tala.

"That's it all three of you back to bed" she ordered "you all exhausted and Rei is getting ill, now back up those stairs and back into bed"

"But!" said Tala stifling a yawn.

"No buts, I can get John to take over the main calls, only phone for emergencies, now up those stairs and sleep" Diana ordered sternly, too tired to argue the three went back up stairs getting changed once again, falling back into bed this time closer together.


Tala woke with the sun on his face, opening an eye slowly he glanced at the clock to see it was nearing lunch time, sitting up he looked at the other man in the bed watching the light plat across their faces, this was something he hadn't done in along time, after awhile Kai started to stir, his eyes opened catching Tala's blue ones.

"Hello" he croaked stretching, Tala leant over and kissed the slate haired boy.

"Morning or afternoon" smirked Tala.

"I think that sleep did me good" said Kai yawning but smiling..

"I think we should think about that holiday" said Tala thoughtfully.

"But the company" said Kai.

"Come on, we'll move this downstairs so we don't wake the kitten up" said Tala getting up and putting on some casual clothes, Kai followed the example and they left the Neko Jin to sleep while they moved to the lounge.

Kai settled on the settee while Tala took a chair facing him.

"I think we could do with a holiday, our jobs can temporally taken over by other people like John is today and wouldn't you like to spend some more time with us without the thought of work" said Tala looking into those scarlet eyes.

"Suppose" said Kai thoughtfully "we have been promising ourselves a holiday for the last 6 or 7 years"

"Exactly" said Tala "we could do with some rest, I'm sure that Diana said something about Rei earlier".

Kai was about to answer when Rei walked in still in his sleeping clothes and one of Kai's jumpers, he shuffled in sitting by Kai and leaning against him falling asleep.

"He's ill" stated Kai shifting Rei so he lay in Kai's lap.

"See, we need a holiday" said Tala.

"and I have the perfect place" said Diana as she walked in with two coffees and a glass of warm milk. "Spain, it's April so the weather will be warm without being boiling and it's beautiful with things for everyone to do"

"Prey tell us more" smiled the Red head indicating to the other chair. Diana sat down and started to tell them about the place that she went to with Steven, a place called Torrax.

"I could get you a list of Hotels there" she finished.

"yes thank you" said Tala smiling at the older woman "we have a place to go, we just need somewhere to stay"

Diana left the room to find the list.

"Spain?" asked Kai.

"It's somewhere we haven't been on a business trip or with Voltaire" Tala replied seriously

"Brilliant idea" came Rei's quiet voice looking up.

"Are you alright Kitten?" asked Kai looking down at the Neko. Rei shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Kitten, drink this before you go to sleep" said Tala handing out the drinks. Rei took his drink, drinking deeply he felt drowsy and fell asleep in Kai's lap a little more restful that the first time.

"I thought some warm milk would let him sleep it out." Said Diana smiling fondly at sleeping Rei. "Here is the list"

"Thank you Diana" smiled Kai taking the list and looking the list over. The rest of the day was spent readying the holiday and phoning work, Kai and Tala doing the arranging while Rei spelt on in bed after Tala had carried him up there, giving him his tiger that Bryan had brought him.
