The Long And Winding Road

Summary: JT & Emma--lifelong friends (and now Degrassi seniors) with an interest in becoming more. But there are also concerns--and Manny--to deal with.

Disclaimer: I don't own the show, the characters, etc.

Note: This is my first time writing Degrassi fanfic and I wanted to tell a story featuring my 2 favorite characters, JT & Emma. I'm in the US and so haven't seen all the episodes yet, though I've heard about some of the plots we've missed, such as Manny's pregnancy/abortion. Thus, I worked in some elements and ultimately went my own way. Basically, anything that's happened on the show after "Holiday" & "This Charming Man" isn't canon here. This story also starts with JT, Emma, etc. in Grade 12. (Though, like in late-Season 3, Snake did go into remission at some time before the events in this story.) The first chapters will establish the situation and set everything in motion.

Chapter 1 -- I've Got A Secret

It was a Friday afternoon in late October. The final class of the day at Degrassi Community School had just ended, and Emma Nelson was standing outside near the front doors trying to hand out flyers to mostly disinterested exiting students. JT Yorke walked out of the building and stopped once he was standing beside Emma.

"Emma, Emma, Emma…surely you're starting to run out of reasons to hold protest rallies."

"Never," Emma smiled.

"What is it this weekend?" JT asked, a smirk on his face. "Save the anteaters? Protecting the rights of the slime growing in the caf's freezer?"

"Why no, JT," she answered, "but thanks for the ideas. When it's time to focus on those issues, you can lead the way. I can't think of a better expert when it comes to slime."

"You flatter me," he responded.

"I'm way too nice," she teased.

"So, Emma, what is Degrassi's most socially conscious senior concerned about right now?"

JT grabbed one of the flyers, read it and looked back up at her. He looked again at the paper, then back at her once more.

"You're kidding," he said in disbelief.

"Well…I just thought…this weekend we should protest the fact that nobody showed up for the last protest."

"That does it, Emma Nelson," JT said, shaking his head. "You are officially burned out on protests, rallies, save the whatever, help control this, help fight that, and all the rest."


"And just look at this waste," JT interrupted. "Printing out all this paper for a protest about protests that nobody will show up for. I have half a mind to call the tree police and tell them what you're doing."

"Oh no, you wouldn't do that!" Emma said, starting to laugh.

"I just might," JT continued. "We're talking demerits. Maybe even getting kicked out of the 'Bark of the Month' club."

"Not that, JT," Emma replied, now playing along. "I didn't know you could be so cruel."

"It's for your own good, Emma. The first step is admitting you have a problem."

"Oh, okay. I'll try…M-m-my n-n-name is Emma…and I'm a protest-aholic."

"Hi Emma!"

By now they had both started laughing.

"Okay, JT," she then said in a more serious tone. "Point taken. Maybe I HAVE been going a little overboard lately."

"Just save that energy for the really important issues," he advised. "Know which battles are worth fighting."

"JT, you do know that you've become a major pain since you started getting so wise these last few years."

"True," he responded, "but then you thought I was a major pain before that, too, so I'm not worried."

"You on your way to the theater?" she then asked.

"An assistant manager's work is never done, Emma."

"I know. If you're not there to keep the popcorn machine running, who knows what would happen."

"So sweet, yet so humor-impaired," JT countered, rolling his eyes. "When you work for one of the only movie theaters in town that's not a megaplex or showing only the most popular films, you learn to do a little of everything."

"Like counting pretzels," she joked.

"Yeah, like counting…HEY!"

"Just teasing, JT."

"So…tomorrow, usual time?" he asked.

"Of course," Emma replied without hesitation.

"This weekend, it'll be 'The Gold Rush,' starring The Little Tramp. And don't worry, Emma; it's nothing sleazy. 'The Little Tramp' is just Charlie Chaplin's nickname because he played a vagrant in his comedies."

"I know," Emma said, rolling her eyes. "Now go, so you're not late."

"Later, Emma."

Emma watched JT as he walked toward the student parking lot. She then looked down at the stack of flyers in her hand. As she did this, her former close friend Manny Santos exited the school building and approached her.

"Hey, Emma," Manny said after some hesitation.

"Hey," Emma replied, equally hesitant.

"Whatcha got there?"

Emma looked back down at the stack in her hands.

"This? Nothing. Just…stuff for my recycle bin."

"Oh," Manny responded, feeling awkward. "So…major plans this weekend?"

"The usual. Study, hang out with some friends…"

"See a movie…" Manny added to Emma's list.

"Um, yeah, I guess," Emma confirmed.

The two then started walking down the front steps and toward the curb.

"So, Emma, how is JT these days?"

'Still vertical,' Emma thought to herself, 'which is probably why you never gave him a chance, Manny. You like your guys to stay horizontal as much as possible.'

Emma smiled. She was sorely tempted to say those thoughts out loud, but she refrained.

"I don't get a chance to chat with him much anymore," Manny continued. "Mostly different classes and all."

"JT is fine, Manny."

"From what I've noticed, the two of you seem to be really close."

"Of course we are," Emma responded, annoyed. "It's called friendship. One that's lasted since the first day of kindergarten and just keeps growing."

"Emma, I just meant…"

Before Manny could finish, a car pulled up beside them. The driver was Emma's friend and fellow classmate Courtney Harper.

"You ready, Em?" Courtney called out from behind the wheel.

"Yeah, let's go," she replied. "Goodbye, Manny."

"Emma, about JT…"

"You want to know something about JT, Manny?" Emma interrupted. "Today he told me about this movie. He said it stars The Little Tramp."

"That's…uh…Chaplin, right?" Manny said, uncertain of Emma's point.

"Right," Emma answered, getting into the car and putting her seat belt on. "But at first, I was starting to wonder if maybe you might have added making dirty movies to your resume. Don't you think that nickname is just…perfect? Have a nice weekend, Manny."

Courtney and Emma drove off. Manny, visibly sad, stood at the curb awhile longer.

Soon, Emma and Courtney were sitting in a booth at Ryan's Grille, formerly The Dot.

"All calm now?" Courtney asked. "Claws back in their rightful positions?"

"I'm fine," Emma replied.

"You've told me before, but it's so hard to believe that you and that girl used to be best friends."

"Yeah, Courtney. She was once this nice girl who'd never dream of stirring up trouble. Then one day it's like aliens must have jumped out of the bushes on her way to school and shot her with the Slut Ray 3000. After that, she decided the less clothes the better, the more flirting the better. Anything goes, including her close friendships. I don't know. We made peace after she had her miscarriage last year, but sometimes, she just gets to me and I can't help wanting to tell her off."

"Like whenever she mentions JT's name?"

Emma glared at Courtney in response to this question.

"Hey, Emma, it's okay. No accusations. Just a natural assumption."

The conversation was interrupted by the waiter, who brought over their food.

"Hamburger and fries," he said to Courtney, placing her order in front of her. Then he turned toward Emma. "And one chicken sandwich, extra mayonnaise."

"Thanks," Emma and Courtney said, in unison.

"It's so much nicer here now," Emma began after the waiter left them alone. "The good service, less noise, a real family restaurant instead of just some noisy dive. And now it's family owned. The old place looked like it could have been a front for the mob or something. The Great Tater Tot Inferno that torched The Dot ended up being a blessing. Don't you think so? You've been in the neighborhood for about a year now. Enough time before the fire to make a comparison."

"You're trying to change the subject, Emma."

"Who? Me?" Emma asked with an overly fake innocence in her voice.

"How long did JT and Manny go out?"

"Off and on for a couple of years," Emma explained. "Mostly off. It was a week here, a day there. Whenever she could be bothered to fit him into her schedule. You see, Courtney, the bad thing for Manny about going steady with JT was that it interfered with her self-appointed duty to date all the boys in the upper grades."

"Okay, Emma, but after awhile he must have expected he wouldn't be the only one. Still, he kept trying to date her anyway?"

"JT likes to date cute girls. Apparently even skanky ones. But even more than that, JT likes to help people. Friends, family, people who pick on him, you name it. He doesn't like to see people hurt. He'll joke with them or argue them out of a crazy decision or just sit and listen. It's one of his best qualities, one of the things I lo–…one of his best qualities."

Courtney nodded her head, while continuing to put the pieces together in her mind.

"But it also means it's easier for him to get hurt," Emma added.

"And the baby Manny was carrying…was it…?"

"JT's? No. They never got that close, thank God. It was Craig Manning's. You've met him a few times. Finally, there came a point where JT stopped asking her out. They barely speak anymore unless it's school related. Maybe she finally told him something that convinced him he couldn't reform her."

"Then all is well," Courtney said.

"Sure, but the last thing JT needs is for Manny to start asking about him and putting him back on that roller coaster."

"So you're his guardian angel?"

"When I need to be," Emma said with a big smile.

"Whether he asks for one or not," Courtney responded.

"Like he says, we're the Two Musketeers. We always look out for one another. Friends to the end."

"Never more than friends?"

"We probably know each other too well," Emma explained. "Ever since we were little. JT would never think of me like that."

"But hasn't he known Manny just as long?"

"Exactly," Emma replied. "If JT was going to pull one of his clumsy but adorable come-ons with me, I'm sure he'd have done it long before now. He doesn't see me in that way. After watching me stumble through several relationship disasters, I can't really blame him."

"But, what if he WAS interested?" Courtney asked, though feeling she already knew the true answer. "Would YOU be interested? Would you take a chance and turn that lifelong friendship into something more?"

Emma hesitated for a moment, then smiled.

"So…um, how's your burger?" Emma asked, trying to change the subject.

"I thought so."

"This is silly, Courtney. Anyway, after we finish here, do you want to drive around for awhile and then come over to the house?"

"Sure. Or maybe we could make a stop at a certain cinema and see how a certain someone is doing."


"Just a thought," Courtney said, holding her hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, your house it is."

"Great. Oh, and Courtney, if you even think of telling JT about this conversation…"

"You mean about the feelings you have which you say you don't have because he can't know you have them because of this strange idea that nothing could ever happen? How could I tell him when it doesn't make any sense?"

"Good," Emma stated. "No sense thinking about something when there's no chance it will amount to anything. Not that I've been thinking about something that wouldn't happen."

"Right. Keep telling yourself that, Emma, and some day you might even start to believe it. And that would be unfortunate."

End Note: Emma eating chicken...not a mistake. Don't worry. This kind of food choice will eventually be explained.