A/N: Look at that guys I'm back already! I was seriously so full of all these new ideas that I just had to start going at it again you know? Well I hope you like this, and I hope you all had a great forth of July! Anyways, lets do this!

Disclaimer: You know the drill. It really isn't mine, no matter how much I wanted it for my birthday...maybe next year.

Rei sat on the bench outside the park, flipping through his notebook again. With a sigh he shut it, placing it back in his bag. Nothing. Absolutely nothing interesting to write about and it was his first day on the field.


Running a hand through his ebony locks the teen stood, heading back to his apartment. He'd just gotten out of college, hoping to become a reporter. It was his first night in New York City, and he was amazed when he was able to come up with an opportunity so quickly but...now he wasn't so sure.

The most he'd found thus far was a poor little kitten saved from a tree by your local fireman, and a homeless bum who happened to get his foot stuck in a gutter somehow...not exactly front page material.

Turning the corner down the street he climbed the fire escape up the side of his apartment building, smirking to himself. He loved doing simple dumbass things like that every once in a while. Climbing in through the open window he relieved himself of his bag and leather coat, tossing them lightly onto the couch in the corner.

"Hey Rei," came a cheerful voice from the small kitchen. Smiling as he sat down at the table he was greeted by two mugs of hot chocolate and laughing sapphire eyes.

"Hi Maxie, what's up?" the blonde shrugged, taking a sip of his drink before answering.

"Been looking for a job, went to an interview."

"That's great!" he offered, blowing on his hot drink. Him and Max had been friends since their sophomore year in college. While he had been studying journalism, Max had been majoring in art. Once he had transferred, Max and Rei had taken to each other quickly. The Chinese teen felt he could tell him anything, knowing that he would listen, and vise versa. Together they'd taken a year off at their college to get some first hand experience, so they had rented an apartment together until they could both find decent jobs and good money.

"Yeah I guess, but I kinda hope they don't call me back." The older teen nearly dropped his mug.

"What...? Why!" Max simply shrugged again, sipping his drink. He fidgeted with the handle of the cup before starting again.

"I don't really like the place..." he trailed off uncomfortably. Rei watched him with calculating golden eyes.

Max was a cartoonist, looking for a job as a comic book artist. He was really very good, and it was the older teens opinion that he could get any job he applied for. He knew for a fact that the blonde wasn't picky, so he couldn't for the life of him figure out what the problem was.

"Maxie?" He looked up when the Chinese teen sighed. "What was so bad about the place?"

"Well," he grinned after a little bit, taking a deep breath. "For one thing it's one shithole of a work place." They laughed, Rei snorting into his mug.

"That bad huh?"

"You have no idea," he beamed. There was a long pause, and Max seemed to think for a moment, almost whispering when he spoke. "And there's this guy..." Suddenly he blushed, standing abruptly to put his cup in the sink.

"Forget I said that."

"Oh no you don't!" Rei grinned, one of his fangs slipping over his bottom lip. "You can't just leave it there, come on, sit." Max sighed, knowing it was a well-disguised command in place of a suggestion. Heavily he plunked himself down in his chair again, leaning back comfortably.

"So," the raven-haired teen prompted. "What's he like?" The blonde chewed on his lower lip for a little bit before answering.

"His name's Tyson Kinomiya, he manages the place I filled out an application for. Does some good work on comic strips himself; he was actually looking for someone for his team. They're putting together a new story this year, manga style. He called it BeyBlade. It was actually a really cool idea, but he needed help with the characters..." he trailed off when Rei waved a hand dismissively.

"Yeah that's great," he replied sarcastically as he finished off his hot chocolate. "But what was HE like." Max frowned.

"He's a gluttoness showoff with too many ideas and not enough tact." The older teen raised his eyebrows when his friend slumped forward on the table. "And I think he's absolutely amazing," he finished mournfully.

"So what exactly is the problem?" Rei cried indignantly. His friend glared at him from across the table.

"I don't think a business relationship would be the greatest idea Kon. If I work somewhere else then at least I won't have to see him every day after he rejects me." The Chinese teen glared back.

"What makes you so sure he'll reject you? I think you have a pretty good chance."

"What makes you think he's gay? He'll kill my ass if he's straight."

"You worry too much." Rei shook his head, standing to dump his mug in the sink. "Besides Maxie, I know you. This is what you've always wanted to do. I for one wouldn't blow a chance like this over a misconception."

"Yeah well, what have you been doing huh? I hear you got a job."

"You heard right," the Chinese teen growled, filling the dishwasher. "And it sucks." Max winced.


"Where do I begin?" he yelled at the ceiling. "My first REAL chance to get out on the field and do my own story and there's jack shit going on in the world." The American teen giggled.

"Well, at least you can say you've got a job." Max ducked as Rei threw a wet towel at his head. It splattered against the opposite wall with a loud 'smack'.

"One that won't last if I can't find a story."

"You're such a whiner. Give it some time, it's only your first day." Sighing, the raven-haired teen shut the dishwasher and started it, flipping on the mini T.V. sitting on the counter.

"Maybe..." he muttered watching the screen.

"...In other news, Voltaire Hiwatari, prominent business associate of the Vodka chain in Russia was recently placed in custody with the help his own grandson, Kai Hiwatari."

The two teens looked on intently as the anchorman paused to show two photographs. The first was of a wealthy looking man, probably in his fifties, with long silver hair and piercing grey eyes. To his right was a boy, nineteen maybe, about their age. He had two-toned blue hair, and a stoic composure that made his crimson eyes stand out against his pale skin. Along his cheeks were brilliant blue triangles, like war paint, intimidating. Max blew out a breath.

"Wonder what happened there," he remarked sarcastically. "They look so happy."

"Officials say Kai charged his grandfather with child abuse, to which he pleads not guilty. It is uncertain when or how the trial will go, but neither of these men are revealing anything."

Suddenly the screen changed and Kai was seen getting into a limo without even looking up, ignoring the questions that circulated around him. The old man did essentially the same thing as he was led away by two senior police officers, leaving the reporters with no answers.

"We'll be back tonight at eleven, I'm Kenny----" Rei shut the T.V. off, tossing the remote onto the counter.

"Why can't I get a story like that?" Max shrugged, throwing his arm around the older teens shoulders.

"You just need to give it time...seriously. Relax, it'll come."

"There's some wishful thinking." Suddenly he yelped, clutching the bump slowly rising through his hair. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

"For being a pessimistic smart ass," he smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I think we both need a night off."

"Doing what?"

"Hanging out, partying, the usual," he replied vaguely. "I saw a club earlier today that looked awesome." Rei eyed him.


"Loud as hell."



Rei grinned, heading to his room to get changed. "Let's do it."

Rei smirked at their reflections in the window of Max's car as they stood in the parking lot. He had discarded his t-shirt and jeans in favor of a tight, scarlet tank top, and black, low-rise cargos. He'd let his long hair loose, tied in a ponytail at the base of his neck. Turning, he glanced at the tattoo of a great tiger printed on the back of his shoulder blade and smiled. He loved the way it looked against his skin.

Max on the other hand had donned a loose, navy blue t-shirt that slipped suggestively off one of his pale shoulders. It swung around his hips against the tight leather pants that hugged his legs possessively and clasped around his neck was a thick black collar with silver buckles that Rei had bought him last year as a birthday present.

"Ready to go Maxie?" The blonde smirked, pulling out a fake ID and tossing it to his friend. Max had taken a computer graphics course last semester and it'd come in pretty handy...

"Awesome," Rei praised, turning towards the club.

Surprisingly, there weren't many people waiting. Still, he figured it might take them a while to get in. So, heading straight for the bouncers with a discrete twenty each, they walked through without any problems.

When they entered the room was dark, the mass of thriving bodies moving together as one entity. The music pounded against them until it forced its way into their blood, pooling and mixing in their systems until they became the steady beats and rhythms that crashed against the walls. The strobe lights electrified the bodies swimming together on the dance floor, seemingly slowing them down in a bluish-white glow. It was so loud, almost suffocating, but the two out of college teens relished in the heat.

It was perfect.

Taking his hand Max led his friend to a table in the corner, flashing him a grin before disappearing in the pool of burning flesh. Rei smirked. If they were all going to Hell anyways, they might as well live a little.

"Hey!" some guy called over they noise. "Can I buy you a drink?" Turning, Rei sized him up.

He was only slightly taller than the neko, ice blue eyes and jet-black hair. Pale skin...charming smile... The tiger stood, pulling the other against him by the nape of his neck. He didn't seem surprised at all as he wrapped his arms around Rei's waist.

"Maybe later," the neko purred. "But you can take me out there," he nodded towards the dance floor. The other smiled as he pulled him, swaying his hips a little.

"By the way," he yelled. "I'm Mark." The tiger grinned, shutting his eyes as he took the music inside him, feeling it pull at his body until it was impossible to resist it anymore.

"Rei," he called back before his voice was devoured, and the motion consumed him.

Max and Rei fell into a couple if chairs at a free table as the song changed, laughing hysterically.

"I am SO glad you were there!" the neko doubled over.

"Man," the blonde gasped, resting his head in his hands. "That guy was all over you, what was I going to do? Walk away?" Still chuckling to himself, Rei tossed a napkin across the table that displayed a hastily scrawled seven-digit number.

"You're kidding..." Max trailed off, picking it up to toss it over his shoulder.

"Hey!" the Chinese teen protested.

"What are you going to do call him? Oh, I can see it now..." he raised his hand to his ear as if it were a phone, and offered his best impersonation of his friend. "Oh hi, is this Mark's girlfriend? Yeah, this is Rei, I'm sure you remember me, you know from the club a few days ago..." the Chinese teen cracked up, leaning forward over the table.

"That WOULD be bad, huh?" Max rolled his eyes.

"What gave it away? She was only about ready to kill you..."

"Not my fault." The American teen knocked him playfully upside the head as he stood.

"Sure it wasn't." Stopping for a minute he nudged his friend, pointing at the bar. "You want anything?"

The neko shook his head, watching his friend walk off in search of a good drink. Leaning back he sighed, happy with just listening to the music. He let his eyes wander over the room, as he thought about absolutely nothing. Suddenly, something caught his attention, and he followed it all the way around the room.

Lithe body, leather jacket, pale skin, wild bangs; he was perfect, and moved with a confident grace that no one else the teen had ever seen possessed. It was like watching a lion stalking its prey...mysterious, captivating, frightening even, but riveting just the same.


Leaning forward, the neko rested his arms on the table, trying not to lose his dream in the dark, thriving heat of the dance floor. The figure was moving towards an empty table in the corner, his strides swift, and self-assured. He turned and sat quickly, nearly melting into the shadows behind him. Rei blanched.

Blue triangles...crimson eyes...

"It's not possible," he muttered to himself as Max sat back down. The American teen cocked an eyebrow.


"Maxie," the neko hissed. "Look across the room to the far left corner and tell me what you see." The blonde gave him a skeptical look before turning in his chair to scan the corner for a moment. Abruptly he whipped back around, facing his friend.

"Isn't that...?" Rei leaned back with a grin.

"I thought so too." His friend made to smack him again.

"So get the hell over there you idiot!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"You wanted a huge story," the blonde rolled his eyes. "What are you waiting for?"

"You saw him on T.V.!" Rei glared back. "What makes you think he'll talk to me?"

"Alright I'll make you a deal," Max offered, his eyes glittering. "If you go over there and at least TRY to start a conversation, then I'll at least TRY to see Tyson even if I don't get the job." The Chinese teen looked his friend straight in the eye.

"And if you do get the job?"

"I'll take it."

"Deal." They clasped hands, and Rei stood, heading towards the lone figure at the corner table.

Any and all reviews/comments or the like will be responded to (unless it involves a question pertaining to my story), in the final chapter. Flames are openly accepted as fuel for my blowtorch that I shall use to cook hotdogs and fuel my resolve to become a better writer than I am now. So thanks for stopping in, and let me know what you thought!
