A Song of Three

I am a blade: shining steel that cuts,
I am a sun: blazing summer's light,
I am a seeker: for a riddle's truth,
I am a hawk: flying boldly above,
I am a river: guarding my land's heart,
I am a doom: that must wait its day,
I am a captain: of the White Tower,
I am the first: who but I
will here one day rule, kinglike?

I am an arrow: sharp flung point of steel,
I am a moon: palely shining high,
I am a night: of dreams and visions,
I am a raven: dark secrets I yield,
I am a river: telling my land's tales,
I am a promise: of things that will come,
I am a ranger: in fair shadowed land,
I am the second: who but I
will take the reign, abandoned?

I am a shield that holds back shadow,
I am a walker: over houseless hills,
I am an eagle: soft flight and sharp eyes,
I am a flood: that washes all anew,
I am a healer: with herb, skill and gift,
I am a gift: of hope for all men,
I am a prince: of people long gone,
I am the last: who but I
will this ancient kingdom rule?

Author's Note:
This is (1) for all those I have splashed in the electronic Anduin with - as it is just over a year since some of the most magic few days of my life and (2) for Rachel - happy birthday.

This is triple borrowed -
Boromir, Faramir and Aragorn are borrowed from Tolkien
The blade and raven references are borrowed from Fileg who wrote them first and best
The format is borrowed - roughly - from 'Song of Amergin', where Amergin, Bard of the Milesians, lays claim to the Land of Ireland, as translated by Robert Graves (from The White Goddess.)
Fileg posted this in her LJ and I loved it. I'm sure I don't understand the form - and I know I can't scan - but undeterred I decided to play with it anyway.