Title: The Potter-boy Problem

Author: Roslyn Drycof

Chapter: One---Voldemort's Plan

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Lord Voldemort has a new plan to rid himself of the "Potter-boy Problem". A reluctant Draco Malfoy is recruited to carry it out, but things don't exactly go as planned. He isn't as obedient as the Dark Lord would like and he loses control at a crucial moment. Whoops! HD

Warning: Themes of slash, swearing, mpreg, and angst

Pairing: HPDM (also: RWHG, GWNL and others)

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter in any way, shape, or form.


Tom Marvolo Riddle, otherwise known as Lord Voldemort, sat by the fireplace in his latest headquarters pondering the Potter-boy Problem. For far too long, that Potter-boy had been a nuisance. How was he to take over the world if that stupid savior of the wizarding world was always around to stop him?

He hated the boy, truly hated him. Most of it was because he was the enemy and kept thwarting his plans, but part of it was because Voldemort craved the boy's power. Oh what he could do with such power! He would never admit it out loud, but Potter's power nearly rivaled his own. Why did the stupid boy have to throw in his lot with the Light, with those idiot do- gooders?

All that power. . .gone to waste. If only there was a way for him to strip the boy of his power. Wait, maybe he didn't have to strip the boy of his power to get ahold of a power like it. Didn't much of a wizard's power depend on their ancestors? Well, in most cases it did.

That's it! A plan immediately began forming in the Dark Lord's mind. It was perfect, beyond brilliant! And with a little help from a couple of his followers, it would be foolproof. As long as the boy was as thick- headed as it was said, Potter would discover the plan only when it was too late. Much too late to stop his world from crashing about him. . .

"Malfoy!" Lord Voldemort called out to his most loyal Death Eater.

The blond-haired man entered the room almost immediately. One of the things Voldemort liked about him, he was always puntual and always obeyed. Quite the perfect follower, with all that power and money he also brought.

"Yes, my lord?" Lucius Malfoy bowed, a questioning look in his icy silver eyes.

"You will bring your ssson to me."

Lucius looked surprised behind his cold mask and murmured, "Is this wise, sire? He is only seventeen and not yet initiated into our ranks."

"You will not quesstion me, Malfoy. Bring him to me." The Dark Lord's tone brooked no argument and the Death Eater nodded his head in obedience. "Yes, my lord."

Moments later, the room was empty yet again and Lord Voldemort went over his new plan with satisfaction thrumming through his veins. Yes, this plan would work beautifully.

Over in Draco Malfoy's prefect room at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a face appeared in the flames of the fireplace. Lucius Malfoy looked out of the fire and sniffed disdainfully at the sight he found.

His son was studying at his desk, a serious look of concentration on his face. This was not what caused Lucius's disapproval, though. The sight of his son's bloody lip did.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, what in the seven hell's has caused you to get that ugly mark on your mouth and why was it not healed immediately?!" his father's voice boomed from the fireplace.

With a gasp, the seventeen year old Malfoy heir jumped to his feet and faced his father. "Potter assaulted me again and I ran out of the healing potion you sent me."

"Already? I sent it only three months ago! Your behavior is disgraceful if you've needed to use it as much as you have."

Draco hung his head, hiding his gaze from his father. He looked properly ashamed, and yet Lucius could see a spark of defiance in his son's stance. Not helpful when he was to see the Dark Lord, but at least the boy had a backbone. Lily-livered fools did not last long around Lord Voldemort.

"Draco, I have come to tell you to use the portkey I sent you. The Dark Lord wishes you presence immediately."

The silver-eyed boy stared at his father in shock. The Dark Lord wanted to see him? Why? He wasn't ready to face that hideous thing yet! The Dark Lord would sense his reluctance to join him and he'd be history. He didn't want to die yet. Seventeen was too young to die!

Gulping, he swallowed his fear and put up the mask of indifference he always wore. A Malfoy must never show their true thoughts. It was unseemly, and it could get you killed. "Yes, father. I will join you shortly."

"Good, son. Remember, never show fear in front of the Dark Lord and agree with him on everything. Is that understood?"

The boy nodded and Lucius disappeared from the flames.

Draco sighed with relief that his father was gone, but felt his gut clench at the thought of meeting the Dark Lord. Why would he want to see him? How could he help the Dark Lord? Dear Merlin, he didn't want to help that snake!

I don't want to become another mindless slave of his! Please, don't let this be about my Initiation. It's not supposed to happen for another year! I'm not ready for this! he thought, his thoughts churning furiously.

Knowing he was only prolonging the inevitable, Draco walked over to his closet and picked out his only black hooded robe. It wasn't the robe of a Death Eater, but it would have to do. He slipped it on and pulled out a necklace from where it lay hidden underneath his shirt. With trembling fingers, he opened the circular pendant and touched the charmed ruby in the center.

A hooking sensation grasped his navel and he was suddenly standing next to his father in the Death Eater Headquarters. The elder Malfoy looked impatient and motioned for him to follow him down the dim hallway to the room where the Dark Lord was waiting.

Concentrating on controlling his emotions behind his mask of cool composure, he followed his father's hooded figure in silence. They soon reached a large door of heavy birch. Draco thought it a fitting type of wood for a Death Eater headquarters. Birch was a tree symbolized with death and was often seen in graveyards. And who knew how many people had died within this dark place?

The door opened and the two Malfoy males entered the room to find the Dark Lord grinning maliciously. He looked almost pleased, and everyone knew that usually wasn't a good thing for someone. The Dark Lord had to be thinking of killing someone to look like this. And at the twinkle in his red eyes, it had to be someone who was a great nuisance to him.

"Ah, quick asss alwayss, Malfoy. I knew I could depend on you, unlike some people I know," the Dark Lord greeted them, a flash of annoyance marring his last words. Someone was going to die, and Lucius had a feeling it wasn't whoever the Dark Lord was pleased about killing. Lord Voldemort so did enjoy killing. . .

"I have a plan that will finally get rid of that Potter-boy."

At these words, both Malfoys stared at the Dark Lord in surprise. He sounded so sure of himself. What could the plan be this time?

The Dark Lord continued a few moments later, drinking in their reactions as if it were a delicious elixir. "I have finally thought of a plan that will not only get rid of him, but give me great power at my disssposal as well. The plan will take nine monthss to complete, but it is time I am willing to wait for."

Nine months? Lucius thought through the hints his master was giving and felt his throat go dry at the conclusion he arrived at. "You don't mean to impregnate him, do you?"

"Ah! Ever the clever one, Malfoy. Yesss, I do. And when he is still weak from the birth, I shall kill him and ssteal his child to raise as my tool and eventual sssuccessor. What power a child of hisss would have! Could you not imagine a child of sssuch power in our handsss?"

The Dark Lord was surely insane! Yes, a child of Potter's could bring them a lot of power. But how were they to accomplish this mad scheme? Someone would need to give the boy a fertility potion and someone would have to impregnate him. There was no way they'd be able to do this!

"Your ssson will be most insssstrumental in helping thisss plan sssucceed."

Oh no, he was not suggesting. . .

"Sssnape will partner Potter and your ssson in class and ssswitch their assignment to that of a lussst/fertility potion. They will both drink the potion ssso asss to make things less sssupiciouss, and young Malfoy will impregnate the Potter boy," Lord Voldemort explained, immense pleasure sounding in his sibilant voice.

Draco felt his stomach plummet as he heard the Dark Lord's plan. He was to screw Potter and get him pregnant?! Lord Voldemort was surely out of his mind! How could he expect him to shag Potter? Yes, Draco knew he wasn't exactly straight, but the Golden Boy was almost certainly heterosexual. There was no way this would work!

"Young Malfoy, I can sssense your reluctance. Why is thissss ssso?"

He took a deep breath and looked at the Dark Lord. "I am not sure this would work, my lord. Potter is surely straight."

"That does not matter. This lust potion will negate gender preferences. He would bed a wild hippogriff to get rid of the burning insside. He will be no problem. You, though, you mussst make ssssure you top him. Isss thiss undersssstood?" Lord Voldemort's crimson eyes burned into Draco, searching for reluctance to obey. He found a lot of reluctance. . .and defiance. This was an independent boy, not easily controlled. He didn't want to join the ranks of Death Eaters, the Dark Lord could tell. But no matter. The boy would join him or die. Power such as the Malfoys held would not be allowed to get away like Potter had.

In a voice filled with promise of pain and death if he did not obey, the Dark Lord hissed, "You will obey or die. Which is your choice, young Malfoy?"

It took almost all of Draco's control not to turn and run in terror. In Lord Voldemort's eyes, he saw only a monster intent on building an empire of death. There was no remorse or guilt there, only sadistic pleasure and a hatred so deep it scared the shit out of Draco.

His reply was obvious. There was no way he was going to die. With a strength that welled up from his inner defiance of authority, he gritted out his answer through gritted teeth. "I will obey, my lord."

A hissing sound of laughter filled the dark room. "I haven't seen such defiance since that Potter-boy last faced me. It is amusing, but only so long as you recognize your place and keep to it."

Draco knew how close he'd come to death and stepped back, his head lowered in a display of obedience. The Dark Lord'd laughter soon faded and he commanded, "Go back to Hogwartsss and don't let thissss get out. Tell Sssnape I wish to ssssee him."

The seventeen year old nodded and scurried out of the room. Using the Port Key, he quickly arrived back and school and threw off his hooded robe. Adrenaline still raced through him as he grabbed a school robe and hurried to Snape's private chambers.

He knocked on the portrait hole to his godfather's room and was quickly greeted by a disgruntled Professor Snape. "What is it, boy? Do you know how late it is?"

"I am sorry, sir. But He wishes to see you."

Severus paled and pulled the boy inside his rooms. "You've seen Him?"

Draco nodded and bit his lip at the anger burning in his Head of House's eyes.

"You aren't Initiated yet! Why were you summoned to him? It makes no sense!" Luckily, the Professor didn't seem mad at him but at the Dark Lord. Unusual behavior for a loyal Death Eater, but most things about Snape were odd.

"He has a new plan to get rid of Potter and I am to be involved. He wishes to see you about your part in it."

The older man froze from his pacing about the room. "Involving a mere boy in his plans? Is he insane? What could he hope to accomplish?! And at school, nonetheless!"

"Sir, it is a strange plan, but it could very well work. I-I don't want to say anymore until you've seen the Dark Lord."

Severus turned to look at his godson and saw the fear in his silver eyes. He was saw the barely restrained defiance and knew the boy wasn't participating in the plan willingly. Hopefully, that meant there was still a chance of saving him from becoming a Death Eater. At all costs, Draco had to be saved from that fate.

With a grim look, the Potions professor told the blond-haired teen, "Go to bed. We will discuss this tomorrow. Do not mention it to anyone. Is this clear?"

"I already have clear intructions from the master not to tell anyone. I'm not stupid, Sev," Draco retorted, his usual behavior rising to the surface now that his fear from his visit to the Dark Lord was fading.

"See that you remember. Now get out," Professor Snape told his student, turning away and disappearing into his bedchamber.

Sighing, Draco made his way out of his godfather's rooms and slowly walked back to his own room. His thoughts were all jumbled, and he felt dread at the thought of going through with this plan. He didn't want to help cause Potter's death, even if they were enemies. It just wasn't right.

And bedding him, ugh! It was gross and disgusting, even if Potter was considered an attractive bloke. Yeah, Draco was bisexual. But hell, he didn't want to shag Potter. They hated each other. . .and it was Potter!

Why do I have to lose my virginity to him? It's not fair! he cried out silently as he entered his room, slamming his palm against the wall.

Ignoring the stinging pain, he clenched his fists and closed his eyes. It just wasn't fair! Why did he have to give up his virginity to his worst enemy, all for the purpose of getting him pregnant so he could be later killed? It was crazy! How could he be expected to do something like this? It just wasn't fair. . .


"The Potter-boy Problem" is a brand new story I'm writing. I absolutely love mpregs, and I just had to write a new one. This one is completely unlike the other mpregs I've written under other names. It is more mature and isn't pointless/AU like the others. I am actually including a plot line with Voldemort in it, gasp!

I hope you like it and I already have the basic plot for up through Chapter Four done, so it shouldn't take too long for me to update. I am taking my time in thinking out the plot and writing the actual story so that it doesn't rush as much or run away from the basic point of the story. Slash will be introduced in this story early on, but unfortunately no fluff until later. Don't get too impatient with me, and I'll try to make things happen. Okay? Please review and tell me what you think so far. Oh yeah, and I will make the chapters longer as I go!

Thanks and much love, Roslyn Drycof. . .