Moonlight Shadow - Chapter 1

Summary: Sango's family was murdered by a vampire named Naraku and ever since she's been tracking down vampires and slaying them. But then Sango meets someone who flips her life around and makes her question everything she's ever believed in….

I don't own Inuyasha


Okay firstly my idea of a vampire is NOT even remotely like those portrayed in your basic horror movies (even though Vanhellsing is one of my all time favs) so here we go My version of a vampire

1) yes does need to drink blood to survive. They do not require food, or water but some chose to eat it anyway for enjoyment or as not to alienate any human they are with.

2) do not have green/freakishly pale skin with long black hair. They look like practically any other human. Though many times when they die they loose their "human lustre"

3) their fangs are retractable (they can shrink/inlarge are will)

4) do not fear galic because it will kill them they just don't like it due to the fact they have super senses (about 5 times better than ours) and garlic is extremily smelly (even for us humans)

5) can be viewed in a mirror. This gets a little confusing, but basically this is because they have a soul (which is what I believe mirrors give us a glimpse of) and since many vampires when they "die" loose their morals which deteriorates their soul their image becomes blurred.

well thats about it. if you have any questions just place them in your review. Hope i haven't made up all not want to read this fic.....sighs oh dear. Well on with the fic...those of you who haven't started running for the hills

It was a warm night is Los Angels. Catching her reflection in a store window Sango grinned. Not many people she new would ever consider walking down one of the most dangerous streets in LA at 1:00 in the morning. Grinning wryly Sango thought. "Then again I've never been normal." Looking back again at her reflection she realized she looked tense, she needed to loosen up. Putting a goofy smile on her face Sango began to hum, the trick was to look helpless, defenceless, weak; she needed to look like prey. If her attitude didn't attract one of their kind her clothes would. She had chosen out tight black pants and a hot pink tank top that showed off her slim frame and well toned muscles, she had purposely left her throat bear, no necklace no coat; she was practically screaming an invitation to any one of their kind.

Hearing voices Sango tensed once more, but it was only two friends walking side by side, it was obvious they were drunk and had just come from a bar. Shaking her head at the stupidity of the two girls, Sango suddenly smiled, was she really any more intelligent? Sango let herself laugh at the thought; after all it was only another thing that made her look venerable. A block of walking later, Sango was getting impatient, why had no one spotted her!?! Her aura was shielded so they had no reason to fear her, who else was there that they could be feeding on!?!

Suddenly remembering the two girls she had just passed Sango thought "SHIT!" and just as if on cue the two drunken girls screamed. Sprinting back the way she had come and in the direction if the screams, Sango prayed she wouldn't be too late. Rounding he corner she saw a gruesome picture that made her hesitate for a moment, there was one of them there, but he already had his mouth at the girl's throat. Throwing a glass bottle at the creatures head, Sango attempted to distract it, but to no avail.

"Damn it Sango! You should know by now that once they have that blood lust they practically ignore everything else!..........Except for one thing that will scare them shtless." Instantly Sango let the shields containing her aura down, allowing it to flood out. Instantly the vampire whirled around, a look of terror on his face, yet reluctant to let go of his meal. "Let the girl go you leech!" Sango yelled. "Why don't you come pick on some one with your own power!"

Letting the girl fall, the vampire snarled at the insult and launched into his attack. "Get out of here NOW!" Sango yelled to the girl who had rushed to her best friend's side. The girl tried to heave the other to her feet but it was no use, the vampire had sucked too much of her blood, she was weaker than a newborn kitten. "I should be lucky she's alive at all," Sango though to herself easily avoiding the vampire's attacks. It was obvious he had just been changed; he was too new to fighting.

Sighing Sango acknowledged the fact that this battle was going to be over very soon and that any clues she had hope to gain about the whereabouts of her arch enemy tonight would never come into the light. Fast as lightning Sango flicked the switch which had held the concealed knife in the small of her back free, and she allowed the vampire a moment of fear, before she plunged the knife into his cold, still heart. The vampire looked confused and then sad for a moment, but Sango felt no pity towards him as he dropped to the ground and within moments turned to dust. She knew better than that, this creature had spent what ever amount of time he had lived as a vampire living off the blood of the humans he had killed. If not for her he would have added many more to that list.

Dropping to her knees she picked up her knife whipping the blood off on her pants, and then re-sheathed it. Turning to the girls, she said, "I'd get out of here now, if I were you, his kind will have sensed his death and will come to investigate." She turned to walk away but the conscious girl jumped up and grabbed her arm. Sango turned and the girl said her voice shaking, "Will she be okay?" Sango looked over at the girl lying on the pavement, already a slight bit of color was forming on her cheeks, she would live. "Yes," Sango said. "She'll probably be a bit weak for a few days, but she'll live." The girl sighed and Sango turned to walk away, but the girl grabbed her arm again and said, "That was a vampire wasn't it?" Sango stood silently for a moment, this girl was smart she realized the danger they had been in, then making up her mind nodded her head and said "yes. Now I must be going, good bye." "Thank you, who ever you are," Sango heard the girl say as she walked away.


Soon Sango was soaking in a hot luxurious bath in her apartment. As she mentally went over the night's incidents she was ready to kick herself. She had made so many mistakes! It couldn't happen again. In her business, mistakes resluted in death. Getting out of the bath Sango dried of and picked up the pen on the top of her toilet and put another tick on the piece of paper that hung beside her calendar.

"Not bad," she thought counting the tallies. "That makes twenty this month," her gaze fell on the calendar and Sango groaned. She had forgotten that she was starting school tomorrow. Damn! Going to her room she hastily packed a bag with a binder full of paper a pen and a pencil, she then carefully chose of a casual outfit of jeans, a pink shirt and a jean jacket. She might not be the prettiest but she would at least look presentable. Glancing at the pile of blood-stained clothes in her corner Sango made a mental note to get them clean, there were more clothes in that pile then there were in her closet.

Crawling into bed, Sango kissed the picture of her family, taken only a month and a half ago. Turning off the light Sango made the vow she made every night before falling asleep; "To those whom I loved, I will avenge your deaths."

Wow this fic sure is dark compaired to my other fics (To Love an Enemy and Love Comes to Those Who Wait) I hope I don't turn anybody of reading my story from the first chapter, eek I didn't think of that and well if I did you should have read the author's note. I did say it was important. Well please review. Buh-bye for now