This world and it's characters is not owned by me in any way, they belong to J.k Rowling, and Harry and Darco belong to each other, the only thing that's mine is the plot and blah blah know the rest and I'm sure you don't want to hear it again so here you go , what you've all been waiting for (Or at least I like to think so anyway lol).....

Warning: this is Slash, meaning sexual relationships between two guys. If you do not like this then leave now and don't bother to read it.


"There are so many dead Draco" Harry whispered into Draco's arms as they lay there. "I know, I know, but it happens, this is war" Draco replied quietly as he pressed Harry closer to him. Harry nodded and pressed his face against Draco's chest, Draco could feel the hot wet tears sliding down the dark haired boy's face and seeping into his night shirt.

He cradled the weeping boy until he was asleep, then let the darkness embrace him as well as he fell asleep in the dusty room in Grimauld Place. After all the survivors had landed at the ministry of magic most where sent home to their parents while Harry, Draco, Neville, The Patil twins, and the Weasley's all went to Grimauld Place with the rest. Now they were both lying there in a dusty old bed in a small room in the place. After Dumbledore had talked with the ministry of magic he came to Grimauld Place as well to take residence. He made the announcement that the list of dead would be read out loud in a ceremony taking place tomorrow and that now they should all put this out of their minds and get some sleep until the next day.

Everyone had taken his advice and found a room in the place and the next day at twelve o'clock there would be a meeting in the kitchen to the order members and the students there where they would read off the names of the dead and a similar but larger ceremony would take place at the ministry of magic for all the parents of the students that had been attending Hogwarts and the announcement would be made. The war is on.

For now there was nothing to do but sleep. And Draco and Harry slept, dreading the next day and the day after that and the day after that and so on. War was truly on.


Ginny's POV:

In another room in Grimauld Place Ginny Weasley lay curled up in her bed. Her eyes were fixed open, tears pouring down her face as she fought against herself to keep from making noise as she wept. It had always been so, she was a quiet girl and she cried silently in her bed at night. She was always skipped over, being the smallest Weasley and the only girl she was forgotten many times. She was used to it. Tonight though, she didn't cry over that, or over being a pawn in the dark lord's plans, or that Harry would never love her. Tonight she cried because almost everyone she knew was dead.

When Snape had come rushing towards Dumbledore's office she knew something was wrong. Their search party group had been split up and she and Neville where heading towards the Library to look for Hermione when they saw him go. She turned to Neville and ran following Professor Snape with Neville behind her.

When she got to Dumbledore's office Snape had started a floo fire and was ushering everyone into it and to the Ministry of Magic. Fred and George where heading to the great hall. "Ginn the castle is going to blow up or something, go with Professor Snape to the Ministry, we have to go to the great hall" they shouted to her as they ran past. She looked around panicking, she couldn't decide what to do. Finally as the castle shook once again, she turned and ran out the door.

She was running down the last corridor to the great hall when she heard a girl scream. She grabbed hold of the corner wall and stopped herself just before she had gone into the corridor and looked to her left. There were five black cloaked figures pulling at something. That was what had screamed, it was Hermione. Her face was bloodied and her cloths were torn and she was being dragged away by the many death eaters. Hermione spotted Ginny and yelled "Ginny!!!! Help me!!!!"

Ginny looked into Hermione's scared eyes as two of the death eater's turned to look at her. Hermione stretched out her hand to Ginny and then the castle began to shake again. Ginny turned and ran as Hermione called out her name again. She brought her hands up to her ears and pressed them tightly to her head as she continued to run to the great hall.

When she got there she stared through the opened doors of the great hall. Bodies littered the floor everywhere. She walked over to the door in shock and hide behind it. She saw her mother. She was fighting a black hooded figure. The death eater raised its wand and shot a jet of black light right at her and she flew backwards hitting the wall and then sliding down it to the floor with a wide gash across her forehead. The death eater approached slowly, her hood had fallen off. Bellatrix lestrange stopped in front of her and raised her wand.

Ginny saw Harry and Draco run out of the hall beside her as a jet of green light flashed from the death eater's wand and hit her mother squarely in the chest and she went limp. "MOMMY!!!!!" Ginny screamed and she began running blindly towards her mother. The lady death eater turned to look at her but Ginny leapt onto the women, knocking her down hard on the floor. She stuck her wand underneath the women's chin and cried "Avada Kedavra!" but nothing happened. The women just lay there laughing cruelly. Ginny clenched her jaw and yelled "Avada Kedavra!!!" once again but nothing happened.

"Silly little girl, you think you are powerful enough to use an unforgivable? You think you have enough hate in you child?" the women said mockingly and laughed again. Ginny screamed, her hatred for this woman was burning her skin, turning her insides to fire. Tears of frustration and anger were flowing down her cheeks as she looked into the women's hollow eyes. "Yes" she said coldly and yelled "Avada Kedavra!" this concentrating all her energy and her anger into the curse.

A jet of green light went from her wand into the women's neck and her head dropped lifelessly to the ground, her eyes wide in surprise. Ginny dropped her wand and sat up on the body. She had done it. She had killed someone. She had killed the women who murdered her mother. She felt horrified at herself, but not because of what she had just done, but because she had enjoyed it.

Just then she felt an arm wrap around her and a Neville's scared voice came, "Ginny we have to go now!". She snatched up her wand and let herself be pulled away by Neville as she stared back fixatedly at Bellatrix Lestrange's body, then at her mothers. Before she knew it she was on a threstal and in the air and the castle had just blown up behind her landing small bits of dust and debree in her hair, and then she was here, at Grimauld's place in her bed crying silently.


The next Day at the ceremony Harry felt like the walking dead as he and Draco stepped into the crowded kitchen for the ceremony. The names had begun to be read aloud as the list went on and on. As Colin Creevy's name was called Harry's attention drifted of to the site of all the dead body's and of the castle collapsing leaving only ruins and clouds of dust. "Mrs. Molly Weasley" Dumbledore read gravely as the Weasley family huddled up close together at the other end of the room. "Cho Chang, Terri Boot, Professor Sprout, Madame Pince, Lavender Brown" the Patil twins burst into tears along with their parents who had arrived earlier. After a few more names were called Dumbledore said "Remus Lupin is in St.Mungo's when a spell scrapped his pinky finger, it did not cause enough damage to be fatal and will only keep him there for about less then two weeks" He paused and Looked towards Harry and then at the Weasley's before he continued, "Miss Hermione Granger has been reported missing, anyone with any knowledge of her whereabouts is urged to step up with the information" He finished as Hermione's mother began to cry into her husband's arms.

Harry turned to look at Ron who looked relived but worried sick about Hermione, and he looked at Ginny who had turned a sickly shade of green. 'She must be feeling so dreadful about Hermione' He thought to himself.


Authors Note: First I want to thank everyone of you nice kind people who reviewed When All Else fails, THNAK YOU!!! Thanks to everyone who is nice enough to review, your reviews really go a long way. Okay this is what I have so far but I'm thinking of not continuing it, but who knows. PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!! I'll be updating soon but for now this is all I got, enjoy and leave me some nice long reviews while you're at it ;).

P.S. Hey at least now you know what really happened to Hermione, course some of you, like Silver Malfoy Potter over there, had figured it out, the ring explanation should be in the next chapter.