Author's Notes: If you like happy endings, please read no further. Just pretend that you didn't even see this chapter.


The cawing of the raven breaks through my drug-induced haze and I am forced back into the land of the living. As I open my eyes I immediately realize that I am back at Manticore. I glance around the room as I gingerly move my limbs, finding that they are tied down. That's when I hear her. The blonde bitch. She tells me that Zack died for me. I suppose that's some sort of whacked irony—he gave into that phony sentimentality to save me. My brother died for me, the ultimate sacrifice from a soldier. I briefly recall him telling me to fight. Promise me Maxie. Promise me, you'll fight them. I will fight them big brother. And I have been.

I have everyone here convinced that I am back amongst them. I am X5452, a genetically enhanced killing machine. Fuck them. I've had freedom. I've had friends. Most of all, I've had love. And I want each of those back in my life.

They started my training while I was still in the hospital bed. I was watching hours of war clips filled with the words, "fight," "kill," "destroy." Every night, when I knew that I was alone I would cry. Me. The girl that has never in her whole life shed tears. Well, that's not really fair, I have shed tears. But this time I was crying for myself and for all that I have lost. I don't do the whole self-pity thing. I have to get out of here. I did it before; I know that I can do it now.