Author's Note: Hey all! My first Kingdom Hearts fic...dedicated to Sarah (god knows which one No I think she knows.) because...well she made me. So tell me what you think?

Disclaimer: Obviously, I do not own Sora or Riku or any of the other KH characters, they belong to Squenix (and Disney?). So yeah. Don't sue me, I'm not making any money off of this—still as poor as ever. Hasta la vista!
Sora closed his eyes for a moment and leaned back against the tree branch that supported his weight, high up in the tree. He dropped his hammer onto the platform he was nailing into the tree trunk and wiped the sweat from his blue eyes. The time read 12:15 on his watch; Riku should be back soon with food. Thinking about Riku made Sora's stomach knot up, so he brushed thoughts of food and Riku aside and picked up his hammer again. He'd decided to finish the tree house by the end of the week, so they would have another week of summer to enjoy it. So far that day, he'd managed to get most of the floor up; the walls and roof were already in place. Sora realized he'd be finished ahead of the deadline and grinned. Of course, that was mostly Riku's doing, since the silver-haired boy was a much faster worker than he was...and there he went off again, thinking about Riku.

Sora shook his head, clearing it of thoughts that were definitely not conducive to work. The sun was moving across the horizon at an alarmingly quick rate—when had it gotten all the way over there?! Sora squinted, growled, and hurriedly applied himself to his work. He had been working diligently for about fifteen minutes before Riku reappeared, carrying what appeared to be a picnic basket. Grinning, Sora swung down from his branch and met the other boy at the base of the tree.

"You brought us a picnic, Riku?"

Riku smiled quietly. "My mom wouldn't let me out of the house without overloading me."

Sora nodded. "That's okay. We'll just keep some up here."

"It'll spoil." Riku told him blatantly.

Sora looked down and nodded, disappointed and a little hurt at the way Riku had said it. Had he said something stupid? "Yeah...yeah you're probably right..."

The other boy sighed, making Sora glance up again. Was that a flash of worry in Riku's eyes, or something else? Sora blushed and looked down again, forcing himself under control. Don't be stupid, Sora. What do you know?

"No, we'll leave some here. I'll build an ice box or something." The taller boy finally relented, reaching a hand to ruffle Sora's hair.

Sora grinned. "Race you up the tree!"

Riku smirked. "I'll win—"

"Ready? Go!" Sora yelled and scampered up the tree, grabbing for tree branches as they appeared in his field of vision. One particularly vicious twig whipped at his face, and Sora felt a dripping warmth on his cheek. In the excitement of the race, it dimly registered that he was bleeding, but Sora ignored it; it didn't hurt. He reached the platform a little after Riku, who sat back and smiled at him.

"Told you I'd win."

"Oh shut it." Sora sat down in a huff, which was quickly forgotten as Riku suddenly moved, quick as a cat, to kneel next to him, a frown on his face.

"You hurt yourself."

"What?" Sora felt Riku's finger brush his cheek lightly and remembered the cut. "Oh! No, it's just a little cut. It doesn't hurt. Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Sora realized he was rambling, but it was a little hard to concentrate on what he was saying with Riku's fingers on his face and Riku's warm breath on his cheeks. Sora's eyes fluttered shut. "Riku..."

The emptiness and cold after the warmth of Riku's hand when he withdrew it was almost painful. The brown-haired boy's eyes snapped open to see Riku watching him with a peculiar look on his face. He could almost see the puzzle pieces fitting together behind Riku's teal eyes. The silver-haired boy leaned forward again, bringing his face perilously close to Sora's. Sora felt his breath hitch at the tiny fraction of space between them.

When Riku spoke, his voice was soft, caressing. "I beat you Sora."

Sora could only nod, staring at Riku's moving lips, wondering...but no.

"What's my prize?"

Sora blinked. "Your...your what?"

"Prize, Sora. What'll you give me for winning?" Riku was so close, too close. Yet not. Sora didn't want him to move. Ever. Unless it was to move closer. He blushed.

Sora knew what he wanted to do, but he wasn't sure he could. Finally, he took a deep breath and closed the gap between them, bringing his lips to Riku's. From the way the other boy reacted and responded quickly, Sora knew this was what he'd been expecting.

Sora was the first to pull back, and he had a moment to watch Riku with his eyes closed. The brown-haired boy stared, and realized for the first time that Riku really was...beautiful. Perfectly formed, even features. Long silver lashes and long silver hair that fell to his shoulders. Full, very kissable lips that smiled as easily as they smirked. And beautiful, open aqua blue eyes...wait a moment. With a jolt, Sora realized that Riku's eyes were open and he was looking at him with one eyebrow raised. The blue-eyed boy blushed and dropped his eyes, staring at his hands, which were clenched in his lap.

Very gently, more so than Sora had ever seen Riku be, the silver-haired boy lifted Sora's chin. "Look at me, Sora."

Sora did.

Riku was smiling. "You seem to have read my mind."

Sora couldn't help but grin. "I hope that was a good prize."

"Maybe I should race you more often. Up taller trees, for bigger prizes." Riku cocked an eyebrow again and Sora laughed.

"Next time, I'll win. And we'll see what happens then, eh?"

Riku looked surprised at Sora's boldness—Sora was rather shocked, himself—but recovered quickly and looked like he liked the change. "We'll see."

Then, quickly, before Sora had a chance to blink, Riku had pulled him forward and was kissing him again. Their lips met with an almost audible sigh of emotion; starbursts danced in Sora's vision. They were rather pretty starbursts. It was different this time, no longer tentative and awkward, but forceful, full of meaning and feeling. Sora decided that if it got better like this each time, they might have to practice more.

He told Riku so, and Riku laughed, long and loud. And then, they did just that.