For those who have read the first installment of these three stories, you will recognize this prologue as the epilogue of the first story. I thought it was appropriate to join the two stories that way.

This is the long-awaited sequel to "In Happy Hiding." It's not entirely necessary to have read that story to read this one, but I highly recommend it. It's not too long and readers enjoyed it! And if you do go back to catch up, please review it for me!

Anyway, that story took place in the past. This one will be in the present and the final story will be in the future. So, I decided to post this prologue to remind everyone that I haven't forgotten about the sequel I promised you! And for those of you who haven't read the first book, to give you a chance to catch up!

Ciao! Be back soon!

-Moon Pie

Leaving Oblivion- Prologue

A Story Ends, A Story Begins

Serenity and Endymion were very much in love, bringing joy to their respective kingdoms. They had three years to get to know each other better and during these years, their love only flourished "like a blooming rose" as Endymion liked to say. Each passing day only held more love for the other. These three years were the height of the Silver Millennium. It saw the engagement of the Earthen Golden Kingdom and the White Moon Kingdom with the fast approaching union of Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity. Everything seemed perfect.


Serenity had been only 16 years old when her powers had awakened. She'd been inexperienced with the Silver Crystal and her seal on Beryl, Metallia, and their Dark Kingdom was not complete. So three years later-the princess was 19, the prince, 22-on the eve of the wedding day, Beryl returned with all her hate, all her recovered forces, and all the vengeance of Queen Metallia.

Beryl held a deep, raw hatred for Serenity, Endymion, the Senshi, and the Generals. After she attacked, her first move was to bring pain and torture to this happy group. First, using Metallia's powers of persuasion, she pitted the Golden Kingdom against the Moon. The King and Queen of Earth were assassinated by their people for allying with Queen Serenity. Endymion barely escaped his planet with his life. His own people hunted him. Everyone except a small village west of the deserted Golden Palace turned on the moon and the Prince who was loyal to it.

Frightened and angry, Princess Serenity sent her own Senshi to help Endymion's generals to sneak him off the planet and into the ever-loving arms of his would-be mother-in-law and her kingdom. She also saw to the safe escape of a family by name of Tsukino and a young woman named Naru and her family. However, not days after this, Metallia's powerful hand brushed the minds of the Four Generals. They turned on Serenity and Endymion and attempted to murder the couple. The Four Inner Senshi were forced to battle with the men they were deeply in love with in order to protect their beloved Princess and her Prince. All eight warriors died in the agonizing confrontation; the Senshi were forced to murder their fiancés, then killed themselves soon after.

The Prince led the assault against his own people, his loyalty always to his princess. Beryl attacked the pair in the chaos of battle, breaking through the strictly defensive forces of the White Moon. Endymion fell, protecting his princess to the end. Grieved by his death and burdened by an overwhelming feeling that all the suffering was her fault, Serenity took her own paramour's sword and drove it right through her broken heart, dying alone in anguish and self-loathing.

Queen Serenity fled the refuge of her palace when she felt her daughter's soul fade away. She saw her precious Serenity and her beloved would-be son- in-law entwined together on the ground in a dead bloody embrace of everlasting love.

Tormented by her grief beyond word and feeling, the last Queen of the Mon for a millennium to come, took the Silver Crystal that was linked to her daughter's heart, and used it to grant her daughters unspoken last wish. The Queen used every last ounce of her life force to send every soul on the moon forward in time a thousand years to a new future on earth, placing a weak seal on the evil, drowned deep in a cavern. She sent her daughter, almost son, and her daughter's court and advisors to the small village that had remained loyal to her to the end. This village grew into a city called Tokyo. The Queen died a lonely death on a barren moon, her only hope placed in her daughter, Serenity, and the man who never left her side.

And so, the ever-loving, brave and selfless Serenity was reborn as cheerful, innocent Tsukino Usagi with a heart full of love to spare. Her Prince, valiant, loyal, tender Endymion was reborn as distant but jovial and good-humored Chiba Mamoru, searching for a love to fill his emptiness. A story ends and a story begins when at last, these two, finally, meet.


Hope your interest is peaked! Stay with me, this will be another fun ride, just like "In Happy Hiding" and "The Unexpected"!

Please review!

As always, until our next meeting,

-Moon Pie