Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon ball Z /GT . But that doesn't mean I don't want to

A/N: My first fic ever. So be kind give it a chance and please. Review

I slammed the door as I walked in my room, I practically threw myself on my bed .Even though I wanted to cry and scream in to my pillow the anger inside my stopped me. I hated them for being so damn overprotective. They still tough of me as a baby, even if I was fifteen.

All my friends were allowed to stay out longer then me, or should I say ex friends.

Well, it was like this...me and some friends were out at a party. Everyone who was something was there. So I had to go right? Anyway, everybody was there and having a good time.

I was suppose to be home by ten thirty ,I wasn't having a very good time. Parties and stuff just wasn't my thing but I staid their anyway because this was the night that I was going to tell this guy Jake that I had a small crush on him.

Just as I saw him walk in to a room I was ready to follow him. I made my way through a crowd of people and was almost there when suddenly the music stopped and I felt everybody glaring at the door, and then their eyes turned to me.

In the door way stood my parents. My eyes went wide.

'Oh my Gosh' I thought 'What the hell are they doing here?'

"PAN" My mother yelled

"You were suppose to be home at ten thirty and it's now eleven o'clock, what the hell were thinking?"

"I can say they same thing to you"

"What do you mean?" My face went red in anger.

"WHAT I MEAN? Where should I start? Just now when you barge in here and embarrassed my in front off my friends"

"We are your parents and you should do as we say" She took my arm and started to drag me out of the house.

Not wanting to be more embarrassed I loosened my arm from her grip and gave a death glare

"All right I'm coming. Just let me get my jacket"

As I headed to the big closet where my jacket was located, I heard everybody whispering and laughing at me. I looked down pretended not to hear them. I went in the closet and closed the door. I wanted to scream, but then I saw I wasn't alone in the closet. On the floor were Jack and my best friend Marron making out.

When Marron saw me she just gave me an evil smirk.

"Marron what the hell are you doing?"

"Oh, that's right you have a crush on him don't you. Ha like he'd ever want you" They both laughed and started to kiss each other again.

I took my jacket and stomped out. A boy was standing in front of me and looked at me.

"Pan, your mom is kinda hot. Mind if I..." She punch him right in the face, and heeded home.

So, here I was grounded for tree days. I rolled over to my back and stared at the white ceiling.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. I can't take this anymore" I got of my bed and opened the window.

'This is one of your best plans ever Pan' I tough. I was going to sneak out.

Soon I realist that it isn't as easy at it looks. When I jumped out of my window I tried to carefully walk down the tree outside my window climb down. But as messy as this night looked already it wasn't over yet, I grabbed a branch to try and hold my weight but I slipped and fell down the tree and landed on my ass. I got up and walked away from my house as quick as I could with by back hurting like crazy. I let out a gasp in relief ,as I stood on the pavement a bit from my house that I was not caught by my parents. Then I would be in real trouble.

"Hi you" I turned around and saw a huge man starring at me.

'Oh crap. Why didn't I change clothes before I got out"

All I was wearing was a large T- shirt that I slept in and nothing else put my panties. I was silence as he looked me up and down. I began to feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey, look here you I don't know what kind of weird psycho you are but if I were you I'd wouldn't come any closer than that"

"Heh and what are you going to do to stop me little missy" This guy was giving me the creeps.

He stepped closer to me, all the anger inside was starting to bubble up and with all my power I punched him right in the face. He fell on the ground and I started jumping up and down at my success.

"Man, that felt good .Hehehe I'm not only hot I'm strong to. But damn why did it have to hurt so much" I said to nobody particular as I held my hand that was red on the knuckles.

I looked over at the weird guy and saw that his hand was beginning to move.

"Shit what if he wakes up" I stared to run, but there was no were to hide.

Then I saw that a door appeared in the corner of my eye. I didn't think twice and ran to the door. To my relief it wasn't a sloppy bar or something it was a choosy little café. I sat down on one of the tables.

A waitress came over to my table and looked at me with a fake smile.

"How can I help you miss?" I gave her a fake smile and said sarcastically in the same happy tone as her

"Well..for start don't give me the number to the plastic surgeon that did your nose"

All I got in response was a" humph.." as she walked away and talked to one of the other waitresses, that walked over to my table.

She stood there and glared at me with evil eyes.

"I see she gave you the number..." I mumbled. Her eyes was still on me but now she look like she was going to kill me.

'This is going to be a long night' I thought as I laid my head in my arms.

Author's Note: So This is my first fan fic. Please tell me what you think. I'm not so good at writing but anyway Review. If you have any ideas please tell me. I'll appreciate it a lot.

Changed it a bit so it would be easier to see what it stood it was all messy before

- Frida