-Blink- -Blink-...! Wow! 22 Reviews? X-men must be popular. Unfortunantly I am not too familiar with the original X-men comics and stuff. My dad has probably more than one series of the comics that I've never read. Although I have seen a lot of the new tv series. That's good right? And both the movies. Those are what this is a crossover with. You will see elements from both the Movie and the cartoon tv show.

What I was talking about with the auras was, in the movie, Cerebro shows the mutants as red lights and the humans as white lights. That's what I was talking about when I was talking about Ranma and Saffron's auras. Ok I'm goin on now. On with the show.

Wait. One more thing.

To A Reader. TECHNOBABBLE! I thougth that was what half this story was so far! Granted however that it probably was slightly rushed. As far as the rebuild a building. Yeah that's what I meant. But repairing cracks like in walls? Easily done.

On with the show.

Chapter Two: Of Arrivals and Curses.

Ranma lay Akane down on the couch.

"Well, now that I think about it, that's why you wouldn't know. I never told ya... heh. Well. Here you go," Ranma said as he handed the letter to Akane.

"Idiot" She muttered.

After a few minutes of silence, Akane was done reading. "Uh... flying and breathing fire? What is that supposed to mean! But, the trip there is free. We can stay for as long as we like? It's not a bad deal barring the whole "you're a dragon" thing." Akane told him.

"Are we goin? Personally I'd like to go. Gettin' away from this place woud be great. Not havin' ta worry about the Kuno's and the Amazon's all the time... Good thing Ryoga and Mousse have given me a break!" Ranms said.

"Well, I'm all for getting out of here too, I guess." Akane replied. She muttered something under her breath but all Ranma caught was the words, mutants and why us.

"So... what are we gonna do about our fathers... and Nabiki?" Ranma asked.

"Someone rang?" Nabiki shouted from the top of the stairs where she had suddenly appeared.

"Nabiki? Weren't you... out somewhere?" Ranma asked surprised.

"Nah, staying here and evesdropping is so much more f un! So... you two are planning on goin' somewhere? Oh! Akane, what happened to your leg!" Nabiki cried as she noticed the cast on her right leg.

"Shampoo." She replied as if it answered all the questions.

"So... is this why your leaving?" She asked.

"Yeah... Shampoo's got it in for me. But what are we gonna tell our fathers?" Akane asked.

"Hey, don't you worry about that! For four-thousand yen! I'll take care of all problems with them!" Nabiki cried suddenly.

"Nabiki!" Akane shouted.

"Wow! So Cheap!" Ranma beamed.

"Ranma!" Akane began to shout, but before she could say anything else Ranma had allready given Nabiki the four thousand yen.

"Idiot." She muttered.

"Pleasure doing business with you!" Nabiki replied. She then turned around and walked upstairs.

"What? It was so cheap!" Ranma cried to Akane after being glared at for a short amount of time.

"Well, you'd better make that call Ranma," Akane sighed.

"Uh... Ok." Ranma took the paper in Akane's hand and dialed the number on the telephone.

"Xavier's Institute for the Gifted. How can I help you?" A woman's voice answered in decent Jappanesse.

"Uh... hi. I'm Ranma Saotome. I uh, got this letter in the mail and I was wantin' to Mr. Xavier up on his offer. Is he there?" Ranma replied.

"Yes. Just a second." The voice told him.

Ranma listened into the phone and heard footsteps.... A door opened. "Ah Jean, has he called?" He heard someone say. Yes proffessor. This is him now.

"Hello? Proffessor Xavier speaking." Charles said.

"Yo, doc! Um, this is Ranma Saotome. I got a letter in the mail sayin you wanted me to come to your school. I was wonderin how I'm supposed to get there?" Ranma asked.

"You will take us up on our offer?" Charles asked.

"Ya, if the trips free." Ranma said.

He heard Akane begin to bang her head on the table. He wondered why.

"Don't worry. Our private jet will be there in your backyard between two and four hours. I hope to see you soon, Ranma. Thank you." Charles said.

"Ok! Thanks Doc." Ranma replied. "One more thing? Well, Two. First does your school have any cats that wander the halls or hang around or anything?

"No..why are you asking?"

"Don't worry about it. Second though, your school has hot and cold running water?"

"Yes... but why.."

"Thanks teach! Bye!" and then he hung up.

".. So, are they coming?" Jean asked.

"Yes... but. I'm going to have to get used to being called 'Doc' I think." The proffessor replied.

TimeBreak(Since the shift 8 button won't appear. )

"Two to four hours! RANMA! No jet is that fast!" Akane cried.

"Well they said they'd be here." Ranma said looking at the clock. "And I'm gonna go pack my stuff to be ready for them. I trust them to be on time. Why would they say it if they weren't gonna be here? I guess I'll have to pack your stuff too." Ranma said.


Ranma handed her the remote to the T.V. "I'll go pack my stuff." Then he left. Akane steamed for a few minutes. But then she got over it reasoning that if she coud just reach her crutches she could get up the stairs and too her room... It was a vain effort.

A few hours later they were ready with everything they wanted. Ranma had come back down the stairs twenty minutes later finding Akane crawling toward her crutches on the floor.

Akane... Ok, come on. Ranma picked her up and brought her to her room. Akane pulled out two suit cases and filled them with clothes... Or, told Ranma to fill them with the clothes she wanted.

It didn't take her long to realize that she liked having a broken leg.

Soun and Genma had not appeared. Nor had anyone for that matter. It would be an uneventful goodbye to Nabiki and Kasumi. Akane felt kind of bad leaving without telling her father but she had been told Nabiki would handle it.

Suddenly a very large black ship dropped from out of the clouds. It landed quickly and easily in the backyard of the Tendo home.

"Wow... they come in style." Nabiki said.

"Yeah. Must be fast..." Akane replied.

"Well, bye Nabiki!" Ranma said.

"Yeah, bye oneechan!" Akane cried as she hugged Nabiki. "Bye Kasumi!" She cried turning around slowly on her crutches.

"Be careful you two." Kasumi said.

"Hey, you won't be gone too long right? And Ranma? Don't forget the 30,000 yen you still owe me.." Nabiki said holding up a finger.

"Yeah yeah."

A ramp opened up onto the grass at the back of the jet.

A man walked out. He looked to be about twenty one. He had brown hair that was cut short and red glasses that fit him very well for some reason.

"Hey! You Ranma?" He said in English looking at Ranma.

Ranma didn't understand anything except his own name.

Akane did however.

"I'm Akane. And this is Ranma." She said pointing her thumb out at him.

The man waved his hand.

"Well. I trust you to handle pops and the Amazons and the Kuno's?" Ranma asked turning back to Nabiki.

"Sure! No problem! You two go and have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" They waved and were off. Akane on her crutches walked slightly slower.

They walked onto the ramp and were surprised when it closed bring them completely inside the ship.

"Hello, Ranma, Akane. I am proffessor Xavier." A bald man in a very mechanical wheel chair said.

"Moshi moshi!" Both Akane and Ranma replied.

"Here." The proffessor said handing each of them two small circular objects.

"Put these in your ears. It will allow you to understand English." Charles told them.

They did so.

"Suddenly babbering the other passangers were saying made sense to Ranma. Akane could basicly understand allready.

"I can allready tell we will need to work on your English Ranma." He said.

"Heh! Yeah.. heh... crap.." Ranma said.

"So... this is Ranma? The kid who supposedly killed a god eh?" Said a black haired man who stood in a corner.

"Hey, how do you know about that?" Ranma asked.

"Ranma they said they'd been watching us in China in the letter remember?" Akane said in Japanesse.

"Oh yeah." He replied.

"I could take you." The man said.

"Is that a challenge?" Ranma asked.

"Logan calm down. These are guests. Not Scott." The professor told him.

The man with the red glasses smirked and sort of glared at Logan.

"Well, it's a long trip. Have a seat where ever you like." Charles told them.

They sat together along the benches in the back of the plane. Looking around they saw five people. The first four they had allready met were the professor, Logan, Scott and the red headed girl introduced as Jean

"Hiya! I'm Kitty. Nice ta meet ya!" A younger looking brown haired girl said to them who walked to the back of the plane once they had taken off.

"I'm Akane. Nice to meet you too Kitty." Akane said as she shook her hand. Suddenly she felt a cold rush through her hand. Kitty put her hand straight through Akane's.

"They also call me Shadow Cat. That my ability. I can sorta go through things." She said.

"Wow. That was pretty neat! I'm impressed. You guys have some interesting abilities." Akane said.

"Ya I know... Hey.. why is he freakin out over there?" Kitty asked.


Akane turned around to find Ranma turned directly away from Kitty.

"Ranma there aren't any cats here! It's just a name, baka!" Akane cried.

"Heh.. ya I know! heh. Hi Kitty!.. heh I'm Ranma n.. nice ta meetcha." Ranma said. He turned around and put out his hand. At first, to Kitty, he seemed quaky for some reason but they shook hand and didn't say much after that.

Kitty walked back up to the front area.

"Hey Akane? Do ya think we'd be able to keep my curse and the Neko-ken a secret?" Ranma whispered.

"Yeah I guess we could. But we'll be here for two months. How long do you think you'll be able to keep away from cold water?" Akane asked.

"I dunno. Hopefully a long time." Ranma replied.

Akane nodded.

The rest of the flight went on without much conversation between anyone.

In about three hours they landed. Akane had fallen asleep on Ranma shoulder. Ranma watched throught the front window as the basketball court came up and they flew in.

"Hey! Akane! Wake up! We're here!" Ranma said.

Akane woke up fast. She got up and got her crutches and walked off the jet.

"Follow me. I'll show you to your rooms." The professor told them.

They followed him and after a few turns and an elevator up they ended in a marvelous front room. "Up the stairs on the left. Door thirty one and thirty two."

"Thanks doc." Ranma called once he reached the top. "Hey is there any place to train here? Like a dojo or somethin?"

"There is always the outside. And there is the danger room on the third level down. Just take the elevator." The professor said.

"Thanks!" He replied.

"And about our classes?" Akane asked.

"Don't worry. I'll send a list to you and you can choose what you wish to learn." The professor turned away. As he was leave he shouted back, "You can get to know your classmates today. Most of them are outside." And he dissapeared around the corner.

"Well..." Akane started. "Yeah... Well lets go drop our stuff off in the rooms."

Ranma walked into his room. There he saw about 14 beds. 'Hmm... A dorm room.' He though. There were six un occupied beds. All the taken beds were scattered randomly.

Ranma chose one near the door. He simply set his things down on the bed and didn't bother to unpack. He left the room. Since Akane had decided to unpack he chose to go outside. He walked over to where most the people were. The basketball court.

He stood and watched for a while but said nothing.

Both teams seem very even.

It was a five on five game. Full court. Two people were sitting out on a bench also watching.

Kitty was one of the two sitting out.

"Oh! Hi Ranma!" She waved.

He waved back and walked over.

She turned back to the boy on her left.

"So this is Ranma, Kitty?" The boy asked.

"Yeah, that's him. Ranma this is Lance. Lance, Ranma." She said.

"Hmm... so what can you do?" ance asked.

"Uh... well... I'm a master level martial artist, if that means anything... What can you do?" He asked.

Suddenly the ground began to shake.

"They call me Avalanche." He replied.

The shaking stopped.

"Wow. You did that?" He asked.

"Yup" Lance replied.

"Here watch this." Ranma said.

He walked over to a rock nearby. It was abot the size of a basketball. He tapped it and it exploded. The players turned to see what in the world made the explosion.

"Holy!... Is that your ability?" Lance asked.

"Uh... it's one. Just a technique. I've got a lot of better ones." Ranma explained.

"You have better abilities?" He asked.

"Yep. I'm the best!" Ranma stated plainly.

"Ranma no baka." Akane said as she approached. "Showing off allready eh? Hi. I'm Akane."

"Well. Hey you can show off too Akane. Give em a sample of your cooking. It'll leave them in awe more than anything that I could ever do." Ranma stated.

"Ranma..." Akane glowered. She began to form a small red line around the her.

"But they may be to sick to be able to tell. "


"Hey Akane. I just thought of something. Is there anyway you could sell whatever you make in the kitchen to some super secret lab facility? I bet they'd pay millions for the stuff you can make!" Ranma went on. Not even aware of Akane's impending doom.

"RANMA NO BAKA!" Akane cried. A huge mallet appeared. It smashed Ranma straight into the sky. All they heard was him screaming. "WHAT DID I DO NOW!" Before he disapeared to the naked eye.

"Eh... is he gonna be ok?" Someone asked.

"Yeah sure he'll be fine. I went easy on him this time." Akane said. "He has a disease called foot-in-mouth syndrome. It acts up every now and then."

Suddenly a black dot appeared in the sky hurtling striaght towards the fountain.


"Baka." Akane mumbled.

Ranma crashed directly into the fountain.

"Well there goes secrecy." Akane said.

A girl stood up out of the water.

"AKANE! Can't you ever just not aim for water!" Ranma-chan yelled.

Half the student body feinted.