
By: Suzuko

Chapter 003: Inu-maru and Inuyasha

Inu-yasha walked only a few paces ahead of the group as they were traveling through this forest. All day there hadn't been a single word about Naraku or the shards and everyone was getting tired. "Inu-yasha please everyone needs a break we've been walking for hours and there's been no sign."

"You said that you sensed a shard during the blast and I want to find it before another demon does."

"And you also said that you smelled your brother but we haven't seen him either Inu-yasha some of us have lost feeling in our legs." Kagome complained and Inu-yasha scoffed.

"You humans are…" Suddenly a flash of green landed on Inu-yasha and the others had to take cover as dirt and rock went everywhere. Miroku was the first to pop out from behind a nearby tree that he had taken shelter behind. Even though the man looked human but the aura around him screamed youkai. Kagome and Sango both popped their heads out from behind the trees like himself and watched as the youkai lifted his load up further so as not to fall off. That was when they saw the girl the youkai held she was from what he sensed only half demon Kagome on the other hand thought it bright and drew her bow yelling. "Hey let her go!"


"Mm… Heero…" The girl uncosciously moaned the youkai paid no heed to her moan or the others as he eyed Kagome before jumping over to the girl from the future demanding. "Era."



"The feudal era." Kagome said and the youkai in front of her scoffed sort of making her mad at him for not believing where they were. "I was asking what era do you come from your not wearing a kimono."

"Oh uh modern early 21st." Kagome said and the youkai repositioned the girl again then said. "Relena sure is heavy."

"Is that the name of the human you're carrying?"

"Bastard how dare you jump on my head." The group and two strangers turned to look behind the youkai and saw a pissed Inu-yasha glaring at him the youkai handed the girl to Kagome and stood in front of the two to protect them. Inu-yasha drew the Tetsusaiga and the youkai in front of him stared at him in disbelief. Before saying. "So the book was right you are a live."

"Heh hate to disappoint you bastard but I don't die that easily if we've fought before that is unless you sent someone to kill me. You Koga's older brother or something?"

"No I'm yours." The youkai said not drawing either one of the swords at his side Inu-yasha spit out some dirt and laughed. "That's rich I only have one brother and that's…"

"You would think he was your only sibling like lord Inutaisho predicted you are the true wielder of the Tetsusaiga since Sesshomaru still hates humans."

"Shut the fuck up and fight bastard so I can cut that lying tongue out of your fucking mouth." Inu-yasha yelled before leaping in the air and taking a swing at the youkai in front of him. Kagome held the unconscious girl in her arms wondering where she'd come from seeing that only demons had hair this color. Suddenly the girl opened her eyes and looked around trying to get her bearings she then asked in a language that sounded like a mix of different ones. Although the rest sounded funny Kagome understood the words 'hero' and 'where'. They were both spoken in English although the rest was wasn't in English or Japanese Kagome pointed toward Inu-yasha thinking that she was asking where her savior was. The girl pushed herself away from Kagome and ran to the youkai who had previously held her who at the moment was dodging Inu-yasha reaching the unknown youkai she wrapped her arms around his neck tears rushing down her cheeks.

"No Heero you still haven't recovered from those wounds Naraku inflicted upon you this guy could kill you."

"You speak youkai."

"Huh?" Relena looked at Heero's opponent and stood protectively in front of him not moving even though the youkai behind her tried to move her out of the way. Miroku came up to stand next to Kagome and asked. "Does it look like we came in the middle of this?"

"I know Inu-yasha just stopped when he heard the girl say something to the youkai then asked if she knew youkai. Inu-yasha you think the rest of us could get an explanation?"

"You think I know what this bitch is thinking trying to protect a youkai who could rip her to shreds."

Suddenly the world started to spin in Heero's vision and Relena turned around just in time to catch her protector as he collasped. Kagome concerned ran over to the two and standing by their side demanded. "What happened why'd he faint?"

Then she noticed the blood soaked front of the mystery youkai and knew it had to be coming from his chest. They weren't very far from Kaede's village and Kagome knew they could get him there with Inu-yasha's help. Kagome gave a pleading look towards Inu-yasha but the hanyou glared at her and with that look she glared right back at him. "Inu-yasha he's hurt the least we can do is take him there if he becomes hostile you, Sango, and Miroku can stop him before he destroys the village."


"Please Inu-yasha."


"I'll say it Inu-Yasha." Inu-Yasha knowing what she meant picked the limp form of the brown haired demon up and slung him over his shoulder and the group followed him back to the village.

Three hours later

Although no one but Inu-yasha could understand the language this girl had earlier spoken the hanyou wouldn't help Kagome get any answers from her. They had bound the male youkai's chest to stop the bleeding even though the wound was healing faster then Inu-Yasha's the youkai still wasn't conscious. The girl who the mystery youkai had called Relena sat with his head in her lap stroking his hair lovingly knowing that he was hurt. Kagome scooted over to Relena and tried to speak English. "So is your name Relena?"

This got a response in English instead of the other language from Relena. "You can speak English?"

"I learned but we couldn't understand what you were saying in that other language I'm sort of fluent in English. Is your name Relena?"

"Uh huh."

"So how do you know this demon?"

"Is that what you call him here a demon is that other one like him?"

"You mean Inu-yasha? (Relena: nod) Sort of he's just a half demon but he hasn't lost a fight yet even if he has to use our help."

"This guy in a weird baboon pelt who held me hostage against Heero called him Inu-maru I wonder if they're related."

"What?" Kagome demanded and Relena looked at her. "He called Heero…"

"No before that."

"You mean about that weird guy in a baboon pelt."

"Yes. He held you hostage against this guy."

"Uh huh. Heero told him to let me go because I'm more important where we live then he could imagine. I think he called the man in the baboon skin…"

"Naraku?" Kagome inquired and Relena nodded her head just then a moan came from the occupant of her lap and the two girls looked down at the person there worriedly. Heero opened his eyes and saw Relena along with a girl giving him worried looks he wanted to go back to sleep but the pain in his back and chest wouldn't allow it. He wanted to sit up but Relena just pushed him back down the girl who from the smell was the holder of the shikon no tama. "The priestess Kikyo's reincarnation?"

"Feh!" Was the only thing Heero got from Inuyasha when he tried to get an answer from the hanyou that was glaring at him from across the room. Relena looked at the two and asked turning to Kagome. "Why's he acting that way toward Heero."

"Inu-yasha's always been anti-social unless he plans on insulting you anyway you do realize people are going to think you're a youkai."


"Oh that's the Japanese word for demon."

"Then does that mean that I'm in feudal Japan?" Relena's expression went to that of shock and Kagome looked at her strangely seeing as she was wearing clothes a little older then this era. Heero gave a curt laugh and sat up much to Relena's protest he held his hand up to her face placing it on her left cheek. Relena was left dumb struck and what shocked her the most was when Heero kissed her pulling away just to give her a small smile. Turning to look at Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo he told them as his gaze turned hard. "I've been looking after Relena for five years her well fare is my business and even though my brother is part of your group I don't trust any of you."

"Your brother?" The three humans all looked at Shippo and it was Myoga who said in a voice of admiration from the neck of Heero who grabbed the flea demon and started to squeeze the life out of him. "Lord Inu-maru you have returned I thought you dead when Naraku threw you into that abyss but seeing you alive and with your brother once more..."

"And where were you coward? I told you to watch my brother and stepmother when Sesshomaru threw them out of the castle now I know all this time you were following me. Damn cowardly bastard." Heero said before squishing the tiny flea demon that had previously been sucking his blood. Relena then got his attention much to his dislike for he wanted to kill the old coot but still he listened to her in youkai as she told him. "Heero why are you and that old man flea talking in such a strange language why can't you speak English I just don't understand."

"Because this is the feudal era of Japan Relena and they don't speak our language or English your lucky that Kagome can speak one of your languages." Heero said to her though this brought a set of tears to Relena's eyes he pulled himself over to the crying human. Pulling Relena into his lap he held her this was something that he had watched Noin and others do when the princess had a hard day. Relena instantly fell asleep and the old woman known as Kaede pulled out a spar futon gathering her into his arms and lifting her up he walked over to the mat. Kagome followed him and put a kimono over her to keep her warm thanking her Heero went to sit against the wall, which was more comfortable. Heero knew that he was bleeding again but ignored it knowing that in a couple of hours he'd be completely healed. But he couldn't sleep because it was the monk who asked. "That girl isn't Human is she Heero or is it...?"

"I do not wish to ever be known as that vile demon again he failed in protecting the two things he loved. Heero Yuy though has the ability to protect Relena and my princess will not lose her life. The answer to your other question is that no Relena is not a human she is a hanyou like my brother. I thank you for the help Relena has had a hard travel and if she were to have gotten ill I would have no means of taking the best of care with her."

"Heero-san or Yuy-san-"

"If you're trying to be my friend call me just plain Heero that what that baka Duo calls me. If you think that's too hard or if you're a coward call me Yuy-san."

"I think for now I should call you Yuy-san."

"What ever Higurashi-san." Heero said shocking Kagome the male youkai gave a pained chuckle before saying. "I read about all of you in a book it stated that my little brother was alive-"

"Hold it that's where you got me mixed up I ain't your brother." Inuyasha said but Myoga interjected setting things straight. "But milord Inu-maru-sama is your eldest brother and the only one who could ever get close to him was your dearly departed mother. Lord Inu-maru is one of the three siblings in your family that were born from a wolf youkai and raised to be servants." Myoga said and Heero lowered his head in shame when one of the humans asked why the youkai male said. "The Inutaisho before our father became the taisho despised wolf youkai and when learning of his only son's mating of my mother he came after her and would have killed her. And because our father was yet not experienced enough to kill the former Taisho our father made a deal with the bastard one that involved my mother becoming a lowly courtesan and any off spring that were conceived by the union would be adopted by him and raised as meer servants. In some small way I loathed you and Sesshomaru because you both were born after the old man died. I knew both my parents the longest and shortly after I was born a sister was conceived then finally I had a brother who wasn't that bright but couldn't be blamed because after his birth my mother killed herself." Kagome gasped in shock tears coming to her eyes Heero's cold expression didn't waver though it stayed there unwaviering. Heero then looked sternly at Inuyasha. "Do you know why our father made you the protector of the Tetsusaiga?"

"Huh?" Inu-yasha noticed he had been lost in thought and mentally cursed himself before answering this Heero guy's question. "Because it was my father's most powerful weapon."


"What do you mean 'no' I know it is." Inu-yasha said getting ready to draw the fang Heero held up his hand and said. "Our father was there at your birth and when you opened your eyes to him our father was filled with such joy an emotion that is hard for demons to understand and have. He announced that you his hanyou son were the heir to his great fortune and lands the proof being the fang. You look like him and you were even named after him so just like I promised our father long ago my loyalty lies with you brother. I am your faithful servant like I was with our father and mother that is if you choose to have me as such."

"Then I will be too." Everyone heard Relena say as she stood in the doorway clutching her kimono top to her chest. Heero got up and said in youkai. "Relena you don't know what your asking this isn't like in the war people will look treat you-"

"I don't care Heero your pledging your loyalty to this stranger and what would you have me do here?" Relena asked. Kagome went over and sat next to Inu-yasha and asked the dazed youkai. "What did they say Inu-yasha?"

"That Heero guy just pledged his loyalty to me as well as the girl she's a hanyou and I don't smell much strength from her. Right now their fighting over her going with us she's just as stubborn as some people I know?"



"Osuwari." And with that the hanyo hit the floor bringing Heero and Relena out of their argument. Going over and bowing to group Heero asked in Japanese. "Relena is very stubborn but she knows how to take care of herself and how to use a bow and arrow please allow she and I to come with you on your journey."

"Well this is a very unexpected Kagome a demon who pledges his loyalty to Inu-yasha besides Myoga. Now he is begging to follow you on your journey." Kaede said poking at the embers of the fire Kagome turned to the others and they all said it was up to her. With a nod she had agreed and Relena had asked if they agreed and he repeated Kagome's answer. This earned the wolf/dog youkai and giant hug before she went and hugged everyone including Miroku and Inu-yasha much to annoyance of Heero.

That night

Everyone but Kagome, Inu-yasha, Heero, and Relena were inside the hut the couple from the future had gone off somewhere. Kagome and Inu-yasha right now were talking under a tree or more like the hanyou was up it listening while the young priestess was talking. "Inu-yasha what do you think of Heero?"


"I see you don't like him but he seems nice and he's very protective of Relena."

"He called her a princess but what kind of princess looks like her?"

"Well she comes from a different country then we do it isn't like everybody in the whole wide world looks like one particular race. With all the demons you've seen you can't believe that there are so many different types of humans."

"Yeah and more people to call me things in different languages." Inu-yasha grumbled and Kagome rolled her eyes before he said. "But there is one thing I noticed."


"She holds herself like a princess and she didn't say anything about the way I looked though it's probably because she's with my brother."


Yay finished Chapter Three yay.