Vacation Daze by Cienna

Chapter 1 - Escape from Tokyo

Disclaimer - This fanfic is purely for entertainment and I will be receiving no money from it. Unfortunately.

Author's Note- This chapter is somewhat fluffy. Hopefully, later chapters will have a little angst (among other things) thrown in as well. Please read and review.

"Ban-chan! Let's go on vacation! Can we? Please, Ban-chan?"

Ban looked at his enthusiastic partner and sighed, exasperated. "You know we don't have that kind of money, Ginji."

"But we made so much money on our last retrieval. We deserve some time off."

Ban knew that Ginji was right for once. They had made a significant amount of money on their most recent retrieval, but not enough to start taking trips. Not when they had debts to pay off and more important things they could use the money for. Like a deposit on an apartment.

"I don't think so, Ginji. We really need the money for other things."

"Please, Ban-chan! I really want to get away from the city for awhile."

Tired of Ginji's whining Ban snapped. "I said it's not a good idea."

Ginji's face fell and he looked away. Instantly Ban was sorry he had spoken harshly. The last retrieval had been difficult for both of them. Ban's back had been severely injured and although he was almost completely recovered now, Ginji had taken the whole thing pretty hard.

"I'll think about it, okay?"

"Really? Wow, I never thought you'd actually go for it, Ban-chan!" Ginji was instantly back to his usual bouncy self.

"I didn't say I was going for it. I said I'd think about it," Ban replied.

"Well, that's better than nothing. If we go to the beach there will be girls in bikinis, Ban-chan."

"Oh, so you've already decided where we're going. Exactly how long have you been thinking about this?"

"Only since this morning. But I know you really like the beach so I thought it would be a good place to go. We could rent a beach house and drink tropical drinks."

Ginji's description was sounding better and better. Ban found himself becoming tempted against his will. What the heck. They already had another job lined up so they might as well splurge. The job could definitely wait a few weeks. It wasn't like they went on holiday very often. He took a swig of his lemon ice tea and gave in.


"Okay?" Ginji seemed to be struggling with severe disbelief.

"I said okay. Let's go tomorrow before I change my mind." He still couldn't believe he was agreeing to this.


Ginji's arms were around him before he could say another word. He felt a faint tingling that could have been from Ginji's electricity. It wasn't unpleasant and he let the feeling linger a moment before pushing Ginji away.

"Are you all right? I didn't shock you, did I?" Ginji was looking at him worriedly.

"No, no." Ban was strangely out of breath. "I'm used to it by now."

"Your face looks a little red, Ban-chan."

"I said I'm all right!" Ban gave him his best menacing glare, but Ginji just laughed.

"I'm going to go buy some stuff for the trip. Let's see, we'll need sunscreen and snacks and Vaseline and…"

Ban choked on his drink. When he managed to get the coughing under control he looked at Ginji and spoke very slowly. "Why exactly do you need to buy Vaseline?"

"Well, you know. In case we get a bad sunburn we can use it."

"That's aloe, Ginji. Not Vaseline."

"Aloe…right. That's what I meant." Ginji smiled at him innocently and Ban nearly choked again.

"Well you better start working on that, then. I'll get a phone book and see if I can find a place to stay that's on the beach."

"Okay!" Ginji paused and looked at him seriously. "I'm really glad you decided we could go, Ban-chan. I think we'll both have a really good time!" Ginji moved in for another hug and Ban frantically pushed him away before anything else embarrassing could happen.

"I'll see you tonight, Ban-chan!"

Ginji smiled and walked away as Ban breathed a sigh of relief. He knew his friend didn't mean anything by the frequent hugs and other physical gestures, but that didn't stop Ban's body from responding against his will. And since their last mission Ginji had seemed to crave a lot more physical contact. Ban was having a difficult time keeping things innocent on his part.

It was surprisingly easy for Ban to work out all the arrangements considering how short notice it was. He wasn't able to find a house on the beach, but he did find one a short distance away in an area that was supposed to be private and secluded. They packed the car with the supplies Ginji had bought and set out early the next morning. They were going pretty far south so it would take most of the day to get there.

Ginji began asking how much longer after about an hour, but Ban quickly put a stop to it. "One more question like that and we're going back to Tokyo. I'm serious, Ginji. I don't need someone acting like a five year old during an eight hour car trip."

"Sorry, Ban-chan, I'm just really excited. Do you think the beach house will have a big bed?"

Ban shot Ginji a startled look, but his expression was completely innocent. "Why do you ask?"

"I just thought it would be nice to sleep in a big soft bed after sleeping in a car for so long."

"I'm sure the bed will be …fine." Ban's face flushed as he remembered what the travel agent had said about houses with double beds being cheaper than twins. He was already beginning to regret that decision.

"Good. I think you should try to get a lot of rest, Ban-chan. Remember what the Doctor said."

"He said I'm fully recovered, Ginji."

"He said you need to get extra rest. I'm going to make sure you spend a lot of time in bed."

Ban was beginning to doubt he would get any rest on this vacation at all. Not with Ginji making statements like that.

"Your face is red again, Ban-chan. Are you sure you're all right?"

"I'm fine. Why don't you take a nap or something?"

Ginji looked slightly hurt, but obediently closed his eyes. Eight long hours later, they had arrived.

The sun was just beginning to set and Ginji immediately ran off in the direction of the beach.

"Ginji, get back here! We have to unpack the car!" Ginji heard him and surprisingly bounded back, grabbing Ban's arm.

"The car can wait, Ban-chan. I want to see the ocean. And the sunset. With you." Ginji smiled at him, his eyes glowing golden brown in the fading sun.

Ban couldn't think of anything to say to that. He let Ginji lead him to the beach and they stood at the edge of the water taking off their shoes and letting the waves wash over their bare feet.

"I'm glad you decided we could go on vacation, Ban-chan." Ginji's voice was faint, barely heard over the roar of the waves.

In answer Ban put his arm around Ginji's shoulders, resisting the urge to run his fingers though his friend's soft, spiky, hair. They stood like that for a long time. Until the light had disappeared over the horizon and the beach was bathed in shadows.
