Harry Potter opened his eyes. It was dark, warm and humid, and a loud, deep scream had awoken him.

It took him a few minutes to realise that it was he who was screaming.

He stopped, trying to focus on what was wrong.


Ron. What about him?

Harry's breath caught in his throat as he remembered what he had saw.

Ron. Blood. Screaming. Pain. Death.

It took Harry a lot not to scream again. He fell out of bed, and scrambled towards the door, pulling on his invisibility cloak. He reached the landing, and debated whether or not to go and fetch Hermione.

No, it might get her into danger, and he wasn't even sure what the problem was exactly.

He set off in a sprint through the castle, cursing how large it was, heading for the Forbidden Forest, where he had seen Ron. It seemed to take forever, but soon he was scrambling out of the castle, past Hagrid's hut, and deep into the thick trees.

He saw Ron.

Ron was lying on the path, wearing his pyjamas. However, the top was slashed, revealing Ron's chest, which was dark with blood. His head was rested on his shoulder, his eyes closed, his hair blowing messily over his forehead. Harry's heart ached as he looked down at Ron.

Who dared do this to his Ron?

His Ron?

Yes, his Ron. Harry loved Ron so much, and realised now that he always had done.

He flew to Ron's side, abandoning the cloak, and kneeled down with him. He touched Ron's face gingerly, then stroked his hair.

"Harry?" whispered Ron.

"You aren't alone, Ron," Harry murmured.

A tear rolled down Ron's face. "It was.... Voldemort."

"I have a feeling he'll be back before the end of this year," Harry sighed. "But I'll deal with him. He will pay for this."

Ron sighed. "Harry... I need you."

"I need you too," confessed Harry, a strange contentment filling his heart, and butterflies filling his stomach. "Ron... I love you."

His words hung on the night air. Ron looked slowly up at him, his eyes wide and bright.

"I love you too..."

Then the two guys were in each other's arms, kissing, embracing, living life truly for the first time.