Written for a drabble challenge - A Touya/Yuki/Yue threesome. Well, almost. Well, Jo-chan just needs to learn that when she asks for threesome fics, I actually sit down to /think/ on how I can deliberately make them wierd and/or creepy. This one, at least, won for 'wierd'.

It's under 'general' because it's not very romantic, and there isn't a 'pointless yaoi sex' category, although THERE SHOULD BE.


Touya isn't dreaming. He isn't dreaming, but he must be, because he's got his arms around Yuki and Yuki is pressed against him, skin to skin, and Yuki is pale and smooth like moonlight, but warm. Yuki's breath is hitching in a way that he's never heard it do before, and Yuki's eyes, when he looks up, are--Touya pauses.

Yuki's eyes are /purple/.

That Touya has stopped dead doesn't seem to phase Yuki all that much, and he shifts and brings his mouth down the side of Touya's jaw. Touya's breath is fast and uneven as his eyes shut of their own accord. "Yu--" he manages to gasp out, but he cannot get further than that syllable.

One of his hands grip at the mattress, the other slides down from the back of Yuki's neck, until he encounters something firm, but soft, not like flesh but like--


Against him, Yuki shudders and teeth clamp down lightly on his neck.

The--/wings, they must be wings/--flex slowly as he runs a curious hand up their length; with his eyes closed, this is perfectly, utterly natural.

"To-ya," Yuki breathes, the sound as familiar to him as his own voice. "/To-ya/--" and his voice is suddenly deeper and harsher, but it doesn't surprise Touya at all--

The wings flare out suddenly as Yuki comes. Touya opens his eyes and can see nothing, because they have blocked out even starlight; they are beautiful, pristine, and magnificent.

When Touya comes, he makes no sound, although his hands grip Yuki's shoulders so tightly that he almost imagines he can hear the sound of fragile, hollow flight-bones cracking.
