Author: SMoonEmpress

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters--please don't sue me!

Hey guys! I'm a major Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon addict, and have recently become a fan of the Zoicite/Minako pairing. So I thought I'd write a fanfic featuring them!

Remember that this is based on PGSM and NOT BSSM. The characters from the live actions series are quite different from their anime/manga counterparts. For instance, Minako is already a famous idol, and happens to only have 6 months left to live. Now THAT'S drama!

There are several spoilers here, so don't read if you haven't seen any episodes past Act 34.

Please read and review! Authors thrive on reviews!

Note: This takes place directly after Act 35.


6 months left...6 months left...

The words echoed in Minako's mind as she silently paced her barren apartment, her guardian stuffed-cat Artemis stretched on the black leather couch snoring softly, oblivious to her distress.

At first, she hadn't been bothered by the diagnosis. When the doctor told her she had about 6 months left to live, she had felt strangly unaffected. Almost detached. She had accepted it, and vowed to use the little time she had left on earth to fulfill her mission...

Her mission, as Sailor Venus, to protect the Earth. To keep the Prince of the Earth and the Princess of the Moon apart. To prevent the repeat of the past. But that was before.

Before she had met Usagi-chan, and the other senshi. It should have been so easy to make Usagi forget...to rip apart her memories and hence solve so many problems. But the look on Usagi's face, and that song...

C'est la vie...As long as I am me, I want to keep loving you...

She couldn't do it. Minako had failed her mission, and she was kicking herself now for it. But she knew, deep in her heart, that it was the right thing to do at the time. She shouldn't have accepted Zoicite's help--he was the enemy now, as he had been back during the Silver Millenium. Yes, they had similar missions, but in accepting his help she had agreed to help him protect Endymion. She knew she'd have to pay for her betrayal sooner or later.

Minako sat down on the opposite end of the couch, suddenly feeling faint. The feeling was familiar--she was experiencing more and more fainting spells closer and closer together as time wore on. Was this the right thing to do? She knew she was sentencing herself to death by not at least trying the surgery. But if she agreed to it, her mission would have to be placed on hold, and by then it might be too late.

"C'est la vie," Minako thought, a bitter smile playing on her lips, "that's life."

Minako shook her head, pushing her negative thoughts to the back of her head as she felt some of the faintness fade. She didn't have time to worry about her decisions. Standing up she stretched as she walked over to the window.


Minako jumped at the sound of that cold, calm voice. She didn't even need to turn around to know who was in her apartment, but she did anyway. Endless blue eyes met hers as she met his cool, level gaze.


He gracefully stood near the door, dressed as usual in his Shitennou attire, his long white hair pulled back in a low pony tail tossed casually behind him. He was a stark contrast to the black furniture and dark decorations in Minako's apartment. His left hand fell relaxed against his side. His right hand toyed with a knife tucked in his belt. Minako prepared to transform.

"Why didn't you come?" He asked her, his voice strangely emotionless. Minako hesitated before answering.

"You saw what was happening. The princess was losing her memories. I couldn't just leave her!" Minako's eyes wandered over to Artemis who still slept soundly on the couch. Stars suddenly danced in front of Minako's eyes as her balance wavered.

Zoicite didn't seem to notice.

"She would have been fine. Now my master is being held prisoner by Beryl!"

Minako placed one hand on the wall to steady herself. She couldn't faint now...she WOULDN'T faint now...

Minako managed to nod in response.

"Do you have nothing to say for your betrayal?" Zoicite slipped the knife out of his belt. Minako didn't even have time to feel worried. The last thing she remembered before losing consiousness and hitting the floor was Zoicite shouting her name. And then, silence.


There's the first chapter! More coming soon! Please review...onegai?