Author's Apology: I'd like to say that I've returned from hybernation, but I haven't been hybernating. I'd actually been overcome by a heavy dose of laziness, which DemonicDragon of Ra has been kind enough to dispell with some, uh, threats. Also, thanks to everyone else who has been 'patiently' waiting for this chapter. You guys rock! So without further ado, here's the next chapter!

Dedicated to: DemonicDragon of Ra

Disclaimers: are unnecessary. Nevertheless, I don't own Code Lyoko, you don't own Code Lyoko, let's leave it at that.


Aelita chose to disregard Xana's greeting and glared at him instead. "What do you want?" Xana ignored his sister and walked towards the screen in the tower. For a few moments, Aelita and Odd watched him as he busied himself with the screen. Finishing, he turned toward his spectators and the screen buzzed to life.

Yumi, Ulrich, and Jeremy appeared on the screen along with another boy Odd had never seen before. But Aelita instantly recognized her brother's friend and accomplice.

"Yumi! Ulrich! Jeremy! It's been so long!" "Odd! I've never been happier to see you!" "Hey!" The five friends excitedly called out to each other, momentarily forgetting their situation.

"There'll be enough time for hellos later," Xana cut in, "but right now, we have more important matters to see to. In a few minutes I'll be able to release monsters from Lyoko into the real world and you can imagine what will happen after that."

"You're just bluffing. It will take more than a few minutes to transfer all the monsters in Lyoko to the real world," Jeremy replied. "Besides, we don't have enough pods to take all of them."

"You're right on all points but you're forgetting something. I now have control of every technological device in your world and I'm currently breaking down the barriers between both worlds."

"So that's why all the cell phones and TVs have been malfunctioning!" said Yumi.

"Yes, and that's how I'm going to release the monsters." Xana said with pleasure on his face.

"But that's impossible!" Jeremy returned.

"I've been stuck here in Lyoko, longer than I care to remember," with a pointed look at his sister, "I've had a lot of free time."


As the roundabout discussion went on, Ulrich had come up with an idea and he got Yumi's attention and whispered the plan to her. Nodding, Yumi slowly made her way toward Lehi as he conversed with Xana.

"Now, Yumi!" At Ulrich's command Yumi lunged at Lehi, ready to strike him. He turned ready, and countered Yumi's attack.

"Maybe I'll enjoy this fight after all. Bring it!" Yumi got ready and the fight began.


While Yumi took care of Lehi, Ulrich ran to Jeremy. "Jeremy, can you transport me into Lyoko? I can try to stop the monsters from there."

"Lehi messed with the computer so it might take a while to get the program going again. Just give me a few minutes." Jeremy was already on the computer, his fingers flying over the keyboard, breaking their connection with Odd and Aelita.

But it was too late.

Outside the warehouse, people watched in fascination as a black haze settled over the atmosphere. When the haze lifted, their fascination turned to terror as mechanical monsters materialized all around them. The streets filled as many ran out of their houses to get away from the monsters in their homes.

--In Lyoko--

"Look, sister. The monsters have already begun to take over Earth. In a matter of hours, I'll be able to accomplish what you never could in all your life, what our father could never do! I'll have Earth and Lyoko!" Xana had worked himself into a frenzy by then, and his older sister looked equally angered.

"It was never our parents' desire to take over Earth. Lyoko was a peaceful kingdom until you decided to destroy it!" She shot back at her brother, but the teen princess wasn't done. "Even if you do succeed in taking over Earth, how long will it last? Your kingdom will crumble and you'll lose control. You'll never be as great a ruler as our father was!"

At her last remark, Xana's face contorted in fury and he shouted back at her. "Don't ever compare me to him! I'll be a stronger ruler than he ever was!" Deciding that yelling wasn't enough, he rushed at his sister, ready to strike her. Odd, sensing his intentions stepped pulled Aelita behind him and was able to counter Xana's attack in time.

"Don't EVER touch her!" Odd's voice sounded cold and his face mirrored his tone, his arm still around the princess. Aelita lightly touched his arm and urged him to leave Xana alone, but Odd would not hear of it.

He turned to face her and said, "Aelita, he almost hit you! I won't let him get away with that" and he broke away from Aelita and went up to Xana.

"So you're challenging me? This should be interesting. I'll even let you go first." Xana got into a defensive posture and urged the blond to attack him. Odd didn't need a second invitation and lunged at the pink-haired boy.

--At the warehouse--

"That was too easy." Yumi had finished with Lehi and he lay sprawled on the ground. She peered into his unconscious face for a moment, and then turned away. "He looked tough and I expected more of a challenge."

"I knew he was just full of hot air," Ulrich told Yumi. He gave her a big smile and she tried to hide her blush as she joined the two boys at the computer.

"I'm done!" Jeremy exclaimed. "Okay Ulrich, you can get into the pod now. Wait a minute, this is odd."

Ulrich and Yumi went closer to the computer to see what Jeremy was pointing at. The screen showed cards for Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, and the monsters on Lyoko. But as the teens watched, the cards for the monsters seemed to disappear off the screen.

"What does that mean?" Yumi inquired.

"It must mean that what Xana said was true. The monsters must be appearing in the real world by now! At this rate, it shouldn't be too long before everywhere will be thrown into chaos."

"Then isn't it too late to go to Lyoko?"

"No, it isn't. Ulrich, you can try to hold off the monsters in Lyoko for as long as you can. Yumi, you'll stay here and fight the monsters here. I'll try to figure out a way to block the monsters."

"Roger, Einstein.," Ulrich said, stepping into one of the pods. Yumi ran out of the room and back to their school.

"Be careful, Ulrich. Xana may have stronger monsters now. I also have a bad feeling that something is really wrong with Lyoko."

"You mean, besides the fact that Xana has now shown himself in human form?" Ulrich smiled reassuringly at his friend. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. And you take care of yourself too."

Jeremy returned the smile and reassured the dark haired boy, "I will. Everything should be back to normal soon." But he had a feeling that everything would never be back to normal.


Author's closing remarks: Thanks again to everyone who reviewed! (I'd hug you ifI could) Just a few more chapters and I should be wrapping up this story. I already have the remaining chapters planned so there won't be any 9 month intervals. Except a bit of action in the next few chapters. Afterall, Odd and Xana haven't begun their fight yet.
If you have any questions, comments, threats, etc let me know.

See you next chapter!