Miss Cupid: Chapter 1

Author: Freya

Disclaimer: GW's not mine, and it won't be for the rest of the chapters I write.

Setting: A random highschool somewhere in the U S of A.

Warnings: A/U, Shounen-ai, 1x2x1 fluff, probably OOC (it's A/U, expect no less) and attempt at humor.

A/N: Enjoy my story! Feedback will be WELL appreciated ;)

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Oh high school, what a wonderful place to be (yeah, right). Especially in the springtime where the flowers bloom and the sun shines down on the aspiring faces of young teens, readying themselves for their next class (what fantasy world do these people live in!?). They say love is in the air for these said teens. The sun shines intently on their smiling faces, engorging themselves in deep mouthed kisses and groping each others behinds shamelessly (now THAT'S more accurate... for an American school that is! Okay, no more crap in parentheses now XP).

"These people need to get a room," boomed one genuinely disgusted Asian teen with obsidian eyes in slits to show his displeasure.

"I know what you mean, Wu," stated a sullen voice to the right of the irked male. His sort-of best friend Duo Maxwell trailed slowly behind him staring absently at all the happy couples lost in their idle banter of worthless nothingness. Duo snorted at that thought. They seemed to be enjoying themselves so much, yet their chatter was so pointless. Or at least it seemed pointless, that was something he and Wufei always agreed on.

Still, Duo thought to himself. He sometimes wished he were one of those kids, those ones with the audacity to make-out in public. It wasn't so much the sexual pleasure from the partner or the making it well known that he wasn't available to anyone else that he sought out. He was just alone, and being alone could suck big when you're an openly pleasant and clingy person.

"Damn you," he whispered to his locker when he was really talking to Wufei.

The Chinese student quirked a curious eyebrow. "Okay, what the hell is it this time?"

"You just had to be straight, didn't you," he asked Wufei while digging through his nightmare of a locker. Wufei shrugged that remark off since he'd heard it, oh, about a thousand times already. He could see where his friend was coming from though. He finds one of the few good guys in the world to fish out and he's straight. Wufei felt a bit sorry for Duo, being a homosexual teenage boy certainly couldn't have been anything easy. Then again, he had more important things to dwell on then his friend's love life... like getting to his class on time.

"Damn it, Duo, the second bell's about to ring. God help you if you make me late for class again."

"Like they actually do anything about it," he muttered gathering the rest of his stuff from his highly disorganized locker. "'You were late! Shame on you! Go sit down!'" he imitated his homeroom teacher.

"Tardiness goes on report cards too, imbecile."

Duo snorted and slammed his locker shut, following his uptight friend with a real chip on his shoulder. He couldn't help it, school put him in a really rotten mood. For any teen, that should've been pretty damn healthy.

Their feet reached the inside of their homeroom just as the bell went off. The teacher at the front desk gave a sort of glare, mostly focused on Duo. It was no secret to Duo that 'that' particular teacher really had it in for him for reasons he didn't know. Not like he gave a sweet flipping damn about it. He had more important things to worry about, like getting his research paper done in that week, getting his geometry homework done before geometry class, and making sure he remembered his gym uniform that day. Two more days of not changing and no credit in that class for that semester.

"Just my stupid luck," he said frowning into his book bag. "I forgot it AGAIN!"

"Quiet everyone!" the teacher yelled as she switched on a vid screen so the morning announcements could be viewed. Duo smiled slightly as another one of his few friends was announcing the weather.

"Ah Hilde," he said to himself in his head. "You just had to be a girl, didn't you?"

After the announcements were through, the bell rang indicating that first class was about to begin. Duo cursed his luck, he had Phys Ed. class first.

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"Hey, what's wrong, babe," said Hilde Schbeiker, Duo's best and only female friend while sliding a comforting arm around him. "You look like hell swallowed you in and farted you back out."

"Gee, thanks," he said taking a swig of his soda. It was currently lunch time, and he already had one detention to serve and two F's on some random stuff he just threw into the trash. "If I stick a french fry up my nose would you stop coddling me and consider me happy?"

Hilde shook her head. "Not this time. As much as I love watching you stick this cafeteria muck they pass off as 'food' up your nose, it's not getting you out of my grasp this time," she said with a temporary play smirk that didn't seem to cure Duo from his morbid state. Then she went serious again. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"What makes you think anything's wrong," he asked, sticking the cold potato product up his nose anyway and showing it off to the German girl. She pretended to laugh for a second before yanking the the mashed fry out of her friend's nose and quickly flicked it away. She had no chance at stifling her laugh when it hit the prep table and caused about ten girls to scream in complete unison. Ah, a chorus of disturbed preps, what a way to make a person's day. Or a normal person's day, Duo wasn't amused.

Hilde shook her head. "If that can't make you laugh, nothing can. Something's definitely wrong." Hilde grabbed Duo's soda and lifted her eyebrows slightly, receiving a shrug from her friend. It was the twenty- first century way of asking, "Can I have a sip of this?" "Sure, I don't care." Hilde took a swig and placed it back down on the table. "Why'd you get it in diet?"

"Diet actually tastes better," he said finishing off his soda. "Not good for a sugar high, but still good."

She smiled and pinched his side. "You're too skinny for diet drinks. And you're going to tell me what's wrong. I'll keep you down here for the rest of the day if I have to."

Duo arched a questioning brow. "Why? You're an honor role student, your attendance is perfec.... why do you always do this to me?"

"Because I'm a stubborn bitch, that's why," she said grabbing the pressure points in his neck much to her amusement. "Tell meeee, I bet you anything I can help."

The long haired braided boy pondered about that for a second. "How about no. You go to your class and forget I exist for the rest of the day rather then dwelling on my problem with... " Duo paused, and Hilde's eyes pried with fixation.

"With?" she said with her arms crossed. "I swear I will stay down here all day if I must."

It was twenty minutes until the lunch period was over. He figured, ah what the hell? Good old Hilde never let him down. Besides, he hated lying. To say nothing was wrong was a terrible lie, he hated doing it. Sighing in defeat, he and Hilde found another empty table in the darkest corner of the cafeteria where all the goth kids usually sat and put her listening ears on for her friend. "Having dating problems by any chance?"

Hilde smirked when she realized she hit the nail right on the head. First time too! She had to remind herself to gloat to a random teddy bear in her room later.

Duo smirked and brought his arm around Hilde. "Hilde my gal, with the Maxwell charm what makes you think I've got dating problems?"

She blinked once. "Because you're attracted to guys."

The boy blushed and nodded. "Yeah, that's true."

"Not very many people in this school are gay you know. At least not very many who have come out of the closet about it."

"Like us two?"

She nodded, stood, and yanked Duo up by the wrist. "I knew I could help you. I knew it!" she said excited while pulling a piece of plastic that looked like a genuine business card out of her breast pocket. "Here, this'll help."

Duo took one look at the card and shoved it back to her. "Forget it."

She snorted and pushed his hand away. "I knew you'd say that. And I know how stupid it looks, but I'm telling you, she's awesome!"

"This is Relena Peacecraft," Duo said recognizing the picture right away, snorting at the name typed above the picture. "Miss Cupid" was she? "This is the richest girl in school, sister to the best jock in this school's history. You honestly think this girl would even consider hooking me up with anyone?"

Hilde shook her head, the amused look never ceasing. "So, even a boy as isolated from school shenanigans as you knows about Milliardo Peacecraft," she said completely brushing off Duo's last sentence.

Duo half smiled. "I saw his picture. He was pretty hot."

She had to laugh at that. Only Duo could spot out jocks that actually DID look good.

"Will you do it? Relena's always right on the other side of the cafeteria. She takes clients at any time."

Duo looked at the card, observing it pretty closely. Only someone damn rich could pull off making business cards made of more top of the line plastics then even his own school ID. She didn't seem to be smiling her best in the picture, nor was her posture or her hair perfect. Her eyes held no holier then thou attitude in them, and the exact words on the card stated "Come and let me search out a perfect partner for your lonely soul." For someone to put that in such words... though it still didn't seem very reliable.

"Have you ever done this?" Duo finally asked.

Hilde smiled. "Would I have the card if I hadn't, silly?"

"Then where's 'you're' play thing?"

Her eyes twinkled in delight as the second picture emerged from her breast pocket. "She's a freshman in college," Hilde stated proudly. "Her name's Catherine Bloom."

Duo nodded in approval. "She's a real beauty. Relena does off campus people as well, eh?"

"Yup. She doesn't charge very much either. She is rich after all."

His brow arched. "Wouldn't she charge more if she was so damn rich?"

"Usually they do," Hilde said yanking him toward the other side of the cafeteria after checking the clock. "I guess she must be a genuinely nice person then."

A rich girl nice. What were the odds?

It turned out however that Relena was indeed pretty nice. She remembered the whole hook up between Hilde and Catherine and asked how it was going. If she could remember something like that then her business must not have been booming too well. Then she explained shooing the ones who only sought out just sex rather then love. Yet another someone who was disgusted with out of control teenage hormones. He liked her!

"Alright then, Duo! This is his name and the place you'll be meeting him," she said handing out an index card with the name and address written perfectly with one of those shiny purple pens. "When I see him in class later I'll give him your name and where he'll be meeting you. Eight-thirty tonight, got that?"

Duo smiled genuinely at the blonde who was currently ignoring the recited banter about how kind she was from her "friends". She bet her bottom dollar all of them wanted to be her friend because of her social status and not just her. It depressed her in a sense, but the smile Duo had on his face made her day.

"He's a good friend of mine Mr. Maxwell. It took me months to find him a perfect date. I'll make this one free of charge."

The whole table began to clap for Duo, and braided boy bowed. That action made Hilde squeak with pleasure. Nothing like good news and great connections to get a friend to bounce back.

"Thanks a bunch, Miss Relena!" Hilde said saluting her with one hand while taking Duo's arm with the other. She was excited for Duo and started suggesting things Duo and his possible new "boyfriend" could do on a date.

-------- TBC --------

A/N: Eeep, short! This chapter was very short -chews on her pillow- You can probably tell from the weirdness in characterization that this be my first GW fic (or at least the first I had the guts to show off) I'm going to warn you, this is no fic to be taken seriously. Read it out of boredom and enjoy it! You can tell me my grammar sucks too if you must, I know it does. My BETA-reader is on vacation and won't be back until the end of the month ;; Sorry -runs and hides-