Author Note: sorry about the wait. I know I said I'd have the epilogue out a day after the last chapter but then work got in the way. Don't you hate when they actually want you to do things? Damn. Well, I hope you enjoyed the story and from here you can take the story wherever you want. Perhaps happily ever after for Lily and James actually exists somewhere. Here's hoping…or just using our imagination. And thanks to Mugglenet for Potterverse stuff.

2: remember, this is an epilogue so it's short. Sorry to complain, but I really hate getting reviews about chapter length. But this one is short for a reason: it's the end!

'Potter! Potter! Potter!'

Thousands of separate voices in the Quidditch stadium melded into one as Lily made her way up the steps to the VIP viewing box. It was so loud that she was having trouble hearing anything else.

But luckily the noise broke for a second and she was able to discern another name being called out.

'Lily! Over here!'

She looked up to see James' agent Dan standing by two empty seats at the front of the box. She took the last few steps with a smile.

'Thanks for getting me a ticket at such short notice Dan,' Lily sighed.

He waved her off with a grin. 'Anything for the girlfriend of my biggest client. I made sure to get us seats at the front so that James will see you when he does his slow lap around the pitch.' Dan guided Lily to her seat. 'You picked a good game to come to.'

'What's so special about this one?' the redhead asked as she absently waved her Falmouth Falcons pennant.

'It's the last game before the playoffs, though the outcome of this game won't affect the standings. But Falmouth and Puddlemere are the best teams in the league and won't meet again until the finals, which they're the favourites to do. This match is kind of a preview for the finals. Plus, James hates Puddlemere's seeker Ewan Gordon, though he's never said why.'

Lily blushed, knowing the reason. 'I think I can answer that. Ewan and I used to date on and off at Hogwarts and James hexed him on a regular basis in account of it. One time he-'

Lily was cut off by the announcer's voice echoing through the stadium as he introduced the visiting team of Puddlemere United. She paid little attention as the players dressed in navy started flying around the pitch. She only had eyes for the team dressed in dark grey, one in particular.

Lily jumped as the announcer spoke again. 'Alright Falcon fans, time to meet your players…'

While he paused, the din grew deafening as the home team was the clear favourite.

'Falmouth's captain and seeker, the man who will guide us to victory, the one…and only…James Potter!'

Lily leapt out of her seat and cheered like crazy, not caring how stupid she looked as half of her goal was to draw James' attention over.

When he finally caught sight of her as he did a lap around the pitch, his face split into a huge grin and he sped over.

Forgoing words at first, James leaned into the box and kissed his girlfriend firmly which caused the spectators to cheer suggestively.

Releasing her, James sat back on his broom. 'Lily, what are you doing here? I thought you had to work today.'

'I promised you I'd come see a game, remember?'

James laughed, shaking messy hair off his face. '7 months together and this is your first game. Very devoted you are.'

Lily's face held a mock-angry look, though her boyfriend knew she was joking. 'Hey-'

James cut off and decided to rile her up a little more. 'And you can't use the excuse that I never come to see you work, because the last time I checked St. Mungo's doesn't have a cheering section. Plus, I've seen enough of the inside of that emergency ward this year to last me a life time.'

She just glowered at James. 'You know how crazy my schedule is! But I unexpectedly got the day off, and what better way to start our anniversary weekend?'

A blank look crept onto his face. 'It's our anniversary this weekend?'

Lily's mouth dropped open. 'You forgot this weekend was our…'

James' laugh interrupted her tirade. 'I didn't forget. I just like how cute you look when you're angry. 7 months since our first date; I'm not going to forget something like that. Especially since I tried to get you to go on that date for 7 years.'

He leaned in for a kiss. 'One for good luck?' he asked innocently.

Lily smiled and softly kissed him. 'Good luck…not that you need it.'

With a grin, James pushed off to meet his team. He took a quick detour on his way there and spent a minute talking to the man inside the control booth above one of the scoreboards.

Lily had always enjoyed watching Quidditch at Hogwarts, but it had been a long time since she had watched a game so she took in the ensuing one with relish.

The Puddlemere-Falmouth game was skilled yet extremely dirty. James flew with ease, and after awhile, Ewan Gordon gave up looking for the Snitch and instead studied James for signs that he had spotted it.

It was the roughest game Lily had ever seen, including those between Gryffindor and Slytherin. She shrieked and closed her eyes as a Bludger aimed at his head caused James to push his broom into a sharp roll. She let out a huge sigh of relief as he righted himself but then he was off like a shot.

'And Potter has seen the Snitch! He's off with Gordon in hot pursuit. But Potter's ahead by a broom's length which will give him a distinct advantage.'

That broom length was all James needed as his capable fingers quickly closed around the Snitch, the stadium erupting in cheers. Lily leapt out of her east as James pumped his fist in the air, and she blushed as he pointed to her and mouthed 'this is for you!'

Lily watched as James turned towards the control booth and gave a thumbs up to the man he head been talking to before the game. A second later, a fireball came out from the scoreboards at each end of the pitch. They collided together, colourful sparks erupting every which way. But Lily opened her eyes as the bright light died down to see that the sparks had formed dazzling words 30 feet tall.

'Lily Evans, will you marry me?'

Her eyes flicked over to James who had flown over to rest just outside the viewing box.

'What do you think, Lil? Want to give forever a shot?'

The entire stadium seemed to be holding their breath along with James.

Lily just stared at him, emerald eyes wide in shock and mouth agape. But she quickly realized that she was the centre of attention for thousands of people and forced her voice to start working.

'I think I'm up to the task.'

'Is that a yes?'

'That's a definite yes.'

The biggest smile appeared on James' face and when Lily realized how happy those simple words made him, she vowed to think of other ways to keep that smile on his face.

Easing his broom as close to the box as he could, James hopped into it and passed his broom off to Dan who quickly edged away.

The raucous cheering of the fans seemed to fade away as Lily and James held each other. Leaning in, they whispered 'I love you' as their lips met.

James pulled back to Lily's dismay. 'I have a ring but it's not here, it's in my locker because I didn't plan to ask during the game because I didn't think you'd be here and-'

Lily put a finger to James' lips to stop his dazed ramblings. He was quite cute when at a loss for words, but Lily had other things to do in mind. 'Just shut up and kiss me.'

'Now that is something I can do.'

Author note: done! Yay! Another story in the hole for Lisa. Umm, yeah, the ending, oops. It sucks, but what can you do? I can't seem to escape the clichés. But until next time…