Title: When the Blue Moon Rises, Part Five

Author: frkwerewolf
Fandom: Buffy the Vamprie Slayer
Time-Span: Early Season 4, pre-Veruca, pre-Anya
Pairing: Xander/Oz
Rating: R
Summary: A Blue Moon, a werewolf on the lose, and Xander's life will never be the same again.
Notes: This section contains a small amount of non-descriptive sex. oh, pity, im not making it hardcore.

Part Five

A small hand traced his stomach lightly, circling the belly button before laying flat. Xander shivered, turning his head to look at the werewolf laying next to him. Oz's eyes met his, a red eyebrow raising slightly. Xander couldn't help but grin. Chocolate eyes traveled down Oz's body, olive skin flushing slightly when they reached Oz's erection. Oz smiled and slid his arm around Xander's waist, pulling the larger boy closer to him. Xander held his breath as Oz's naked flesh met his own. His body felt like it was on fire.

Raising his hand, Xander traced Oz's cheek before letting the hand drift down to rest on his chest. A small smile reached Oz's lips before they touched his own.A soft tongue immediately begged for entrance, and Xander granted it. Making a noise that was much too small to be a moan, Xander rolled on top of Oz and deepened the kiss. Their tongues dueled, caressing teeth and gums only to meet once more and start the dance over again. Pulling back for breath, Xander felt Oz draw up his knees, letting Xander's body fall comfortable between his legs.

"We don't have to do this." Oz suddenly said. Xander blinked down at him in surprise. Slowly, his face relaxed into a smile and he wriggled his hips against Oz's. A small grunt of pleasure escaped the werewolf. "Really. I know that-"

"Only you would get chatty at a time like this." Xander interrupted, breaking into a full grin. "Remember the talk we had earlier? I'm okay with this. More than okay. Though, I don't plan on getting frisky with your wolf-self for a while."


"Now can we please get on with the sex?" Xander asked. Oz chuckled, sliding his arms once again around Xander and pulling him down into a light kiss. Xander quickly deepened it, groaning as Oz wrapped his legs around Xander waist, bringing them impossibly close.

A gentle thrust began, each jerking to meet the other. Xander let his lips travel where they wanted. Down Oz's neck, tasting his scent with his tongue. Across his chest, sucking harshly on one nipple, then the other. Back up the other side of his neck, nibbling on his ear. Finally returning to his lips, slipping his tongue into it's warm cavern.

"Mine." Oz growled, arching his hip upward. He pressed his lips against Xander's in a bruising kiss. Breaking it, he panted heavily, his eyes glowing a faint gold. "Mine."

"Too much talking. Yours, got it." Xander mumbled.

The afterglow of sex had for the longest time been a mystery to Xander. Faith had kicked him to the curb and being a raped by a lust driven werewolf did not lead to any post-coital contentment. Now, though, Xander could truly announce he knew what it felt like. Curling up behind Oz, holding the smaller body close was something he would never give up. He was suddenly thankful for everything that had happened.

True, he wish he hadn't been attacked that night. The knowledge that he was still pregnant pressured into his mind consistently. Still, the body and mind laying next to him was more than what he could ask for. He had admitted earlier that day that he had a crush on Oz since meeting him. Their attraction was inevitable. Xander thought it slightly odd that he had gotten over the rape so quickly. From the movies he had seen on the topic (for that was the only time he had come into contact with it) always shown the women dealing with depression and the like for years.

Maybe what was so different this time was the fact that it did happen on the Hellmouth and the person who did it was not of right mind. Xander remembered attacking Buffy when possessed by the hyena. Instinct had taken over. And Xander knew that was what happened with Oz. He didn't know how he was going to deal with this pregnancy. He was male and an underachiever at that. What kind of parent would he make?

Xander opened one eye, watching as Oz twisted around in his sleep. The werewolf only stopped moving when he was able to bury his nose in Xander's neck. A smile played at Xander's mouth. He wasn't known for his careful thinking. Maybe that was enough to explain why he was diving head first into this relationship. Sighing contently, Xander once again wrapped his arms around Oz and fell to sleep.

Xander moaned as Oz rolled them into a position better suited for their current activity. Panting, he looked down at the love-filled eyes of the werewolf beneath him. Letting out another moan, he dove down for another kiss, hips thrust forward almost violently. The heat of passion fogged his mind, his brain focusing on the only thing it was able to comprehend: Oz.

The werewolf bit his lower lip, arching his back to press his body harder against Xander's. The movement picked up, both unable to make a sound except the harsh panting escaping both chests. They were unaware of anything around them. And that was why they did not notice Xander's basement door opening or the sound of a heavy box dropping to the ground.

"Oh my god, my eyes!" Buffy's voice squealed. Xander glanced over his shoulder. Buffy stood, with her hands over her face, her finger separated so she could peek through. Xander almost felt ashamed, but he was far too gone to care.

"Unless you want a show, I suggest you leave." Oz growled from underneath him.

"He really does talk too much." Xander announced to Buffy, before letting his lips return to Oz's.

Buffy couldn't help but watch them a moment longer, until she realized Giles would be entering the basement behind her. She decided the entertainment she would get from seeing the look on his face was not worth the lecture she would later receive for not warning him. Darting back out the door, she closed it in time to block of a loud howl. Blushing heavily, she gave Giles' a sheepish grin.

"I think they are... still working out their relationship." Buffy told him.

"What do you mean? We need to speak with Xander about his pregnancy!" Giles said urgently, moving to open the door. Buffy quickly blocked his path. "Buffy, he needs to set up an appointment with a medi-wizard!"

"I really don't think you need to go in there, Giles." Buffy said slowly.

"What could they possibly be do-" Giles stopped mid sentence, his mouth forming a small 'O'. "Right... Let's just take the books back to my place and we can research this better before bringing it back up to Xander."

"Umm..." Buffy smiled apologetically. "I kind of dropped them in there."

Oz sat in the chair assigned to him for a moment, then jump up to pace the small office. Buffy watched him over her fashion magazine. Giles was past the door with Xander, having insisted that it was best Oz remained in the waiting room. Willow had refused to come. It had been over a month since the spell. Over a month since the first time Xander and he had made love. Oz hid a faint smile at the memory, before continuing his pacing. His wolf raged inside him, demanding to know where his mate was. Oz was the more logical of the two, knowing Xander was having his first appointment with the doctor. A wizard that specialized in male pregnancy.

Maybe Giles was right, Oz mused as he fought down a growl at the thought of someone examining Xander. His Xander. Slumping back down into the chair, Oz forced a sense of calm to envelop himself. He watched Buffy's amused gaze, which quickly returned to her magazine when she realized she was looking. He fought back his need to stretch his hearing out, to listen in on the conversation that was taking place in the room beyond. It was only a wooden door, surely he could hear past it.

Looking down, Oz entertained himself with his painted black nails. A chip was appearing on his index finger. In an attempt to feel calm, he began picking at it. He could hear Buffy make an annoyed noise as bit by bit of black nail polish drifted to the floor. By the time Xander exited the room, most of his nails were bare. Xander raised an amused eyebrow at him. Oz ignored it, jumping up to discreetly sniff him down. Xander was the only one to notice the flare of his nostrils, and the pregnant boy grinned.

"Well, Mr. Osborne." The wizard greeted. "I am happy to say that things a progressing nicely. Due to the events surrounding the date it was conceived you can expect the growth rate to be rapid, as compared to human terms. Now, Mr. Harris, I would like to see you in one month."

Later, Oz turned to Giles for explanation. "What did he mean by rapid growth?"

"Wolves are with child for very little time compared to humans." Giles told him. "The fact that you are a werewolf will effect the growth of the child. Don't worry, everything is safe."

"I'm having a child." Xander stated in the middle of Giles' living room four months later. The rest, including Willow, all looked over at him. His stomach was large, the size visible in he single white tank top he wore. Willow and Buffy exchanged glances at the odd expression on Xander's face. Willow had learned to adjust to her best friend dating her ex-boyfriend, even to him being pregnant. Oz wouldn't let her touch Xander, though.

"Yes, Xander, you are." Giles replied, his voice mumbled from behind his large book.

"No, I mean I'm having a child."

"Indeed you are." Giles said.

"Umm... I think he means that his water broke." Willow said softly. A loud thump caught their attention. Oz, who was once sitting on the couch, was now laying on the floor having apparently fainted. Willow cleared her throat. "Okay. Giles? You go call the medi-wizard. Buffy? Find a comfortable place to put Oz where he will be close, but out of the way. Xander? I want you to take deep breaths and don't panic."

"Oh, no, not going to panic." Xander shook his head violently. "Willow? Willow? Willow?"

"Yes, Xander?" Willow showed no sign of annoyance to Xander repetition.

"Your still my buddy, right?" Xander asked helplessly, clutching his large stomach. "I know your mad at me, but your still my buddy? Gotta have you as my buddy, Willow. Won't have this baby if your not it's godmother. I don't care what Oz says. Willow? Willow? You still like me, right?"

"Xander, calm down." Willow said firmly. "Yes, I still like you. Your one of my best friends. I would be honored to be the baby's godmother. Do you need anything?"


"I don't think that would be a good idea." Willow told him calmly. "Now, let's get you upstairs so you can lay down."

"Do you think it's a good idea to give birth on Giles' bed?" Xander whispered as they passed the kitchen and made their way up the stairs. Willow didn't reply, instead she helped him onto the bed and brushed away his bangs. "Is Oz okay?"

"Don't you worry about Oz." Willow told him, smiling. "Your wolf man will be just fine. We need to concentrate on you now."

"Oh, that's nice. Me is good." Xander mumbled, before breaking into a scream. Willow clutched his hand, grimacing as he squeezed it. Quickly the pain was over and Xander lay back, panting. "What the fuck was that?"

"Contractions." Willow said, holding her bruising hand. "I'll be right back, okay?"Willow quickly left the room and headed back downstairs, where Giles was pacing and Buffy stood over Oz's passed out form. Taking a deep breath, she walked over to Buffy. "Buffy? I need you to hold his hand while he's in labor."

"Why?" Buffy asked, with a suspicious look. Willow held up her now bright purple hand. "Oh. Yeah, I'll do it."

"Xander?" A muffled voice asked. Willow and Buffy looked down at Oz, who blinked up at them. "Where's Xander?"

"He's upstairs, resting." Buffy replied.

"Oh... Good..." Oz said slowly. He took a deep breath. "I'm just going to stay here."

"Probably for the best." Buffy and Willow shared a smile at the look of dismay that had crossed Oz's features.

"At least he doesn't have facial hair." Xander suddenly said, looking down into the crib in which the child of Daniel Osborne and Alexander Harris slept.

"Or sharp teeth." Buffy added.

"Or a tail." Willow commented from across the room. Oz still wouldn't let her near the child, even now that it was out of Xander's body.

"I wonder if he will be affected with lycanthropy?" Giles mused.

"I would highly appreciate it if all of you would stop looking at my child like it's a mutant." Oz glared at everyone.

"Your right." Xander replied, smiling. "It's not a mutant, just a human half-breed."

Oz made a small noise in the back of his throat in protest, but said nothing at Xander's joking. He continued to star down at the newborn, nestled in a blue blanket. He had Xander's hair, a rich brown color. His eyes were a strange blue color, where you could see hints of gold and green. Giles insisted all newborns have blue or brown eyes, and that left Oz to believe they would turn green like his own in due time.

"He's beautiful, isn't he?" Xander whispered in his ear. Oz nodded in agreement, before reaching over and slipping his hand into Xander's.