Beauty as a virtue

Authors Ramblings: I know it may be confusing, but please bear with me!

Characters in book:

Tristan- Charles Quinn

Rory- Isabella Novalee

Cilia- Lorelai

Vivian- Emily

Victor- Tristan's father

David- Rory/Isabella's Fiancée

More Rambling: Thank you for all the wonderful reviews…

I enjoyed writing this story and I also enjoyed all of the reviews I've received. I couldn't have done it with out all of you! =)

Here's the last chapter… Enjoy!

Ch 12

Too slow


Rory slowly walked into her fifth period class, and nervously sighed. Upon entrance she studied the room and found the one empty seat left in the class, and it was the seat beside none other than Tristan Dugrey's. Lucky Me… She frowned, and strode over slowly. First my coffee machine breaks, then I miss my first bus and now this…

Tristan glanced aside, inwardly cursing the heavens. He should have known that he would have to sit beside her, with his luck he just should have known. He glanced aside as she gave him a polite nod; he couldn't face her, not today.

"Good morning class," the teacher that Rory named Lucifer spoke. "I hope you had a nice weekend."

The class remained silent…

"I guess you all know what I'm going to ask next," he grinned.

Soft nods spread through the class…

"I need a full report on the chapter," he picked up a sheet of paper. "Mr. Dugrey and Ms. Gilmore…"

Rory sighed, heavily. Yup, today was not her day.

Tristan raised his hand.

"I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure to see you actually raise your hand in class," Lucifer smirked, "what is it Mr. Dugrey?"

"It's not our turn," was all he said. They hadn't even discussed the chapter and Tristan wasn't even sure if Rory had read it.

"Mr. Dugrey, you should find it wise not to question my judgment," the teacher waved his hand with no sympathy, "report, or fail."

Rory wanted to scream, and ignored her shaking hands. She silently followed Tristan to the front of the class.

"Well?" the teacher tapped his foot impatiently.

Rory really hated this, being in front of a stuffy class with some one who really disliked her at the moment. Yeah, it wasn't exactly her idea of fun.

"Charles asked Isabella to run away with him," She started, cupping her hands together.

Tristan shot her a pointed look, "and she refused like a coward."

"It wasn't her fault, his suggestion was insane," Rory shook her head, ignoring the heat of his glare, "and on the night before her wedding."

"She doesn't even want to get married," Tristan pointed out, throwing daggers at a nervous Rory, "and if I recall she did sleep with him."

"But she never admitted being in love with him," Rory spit back, "he just assumed, and took advantage of her in a weak situation."

"That's what you think?" His eyebrows shot up in anger, and Rory knew he wasn't referring to the chapter. "She led him on, and he did nothing but love her."

All eyes in the class were darting back and forth between the two, wondering exactly what was going on.

"Oh please," Rory rolled her brown eyes, "he seduced her before her wedding!"

"She accepted willingly," he yelled, "and then she went running back to her little David."

"No she didn't," Rory crossed her arms to her chest. "She doesn't even love David, she's just doing what she thinks is right!" Normally it wasn't like Rory to outburst in front of everyone, but today was not her day and Tristan was making it so much worse.

"Fine!" he screamed, and walked to his seat.

"Fine," she followed, cursing under her breath.

"Okay class," Lucifer clasped his hands together, semi shocked, "um… forget the lesson plan for today. Just um… free class."

While the rest of the class cheered and started talking with friends, Rory and Tristan sat in silence.


"So, let me get this straight," Lorelai took a sip of her warm coffee, "you scream he screams and then you don't talk the rest of the day."

"Yes!" Rory sighed dramatically, and guzzled down her coffee. "Can I have another cup Luke?"

"Addict," he grimaced in disgust, poured a cup and walked away.

"I'm glad you and Luke 'discussed' your issue," Rory smiled at her mother.

"Yeah," Lorelai grinned, "me too. But anyways this isn't about my rendezvous, it's about yours."

"That's it," Rory tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "he doesn't even want to talk to me, therefore there is no rendezvous."

"Have you called him?" Lorelai asked, raising an eyebrow.


"Wrote him a letter?"


"Tried talking to him?"

"Well no…"

"Are you starting to understand what I'm getting at?"

"What would I say?"

"How about, Tristan I'm sorry for being a complete jerk," Lorelai offered, "and then confess your undying love for him."


"Okay," Lorelai thought for a minute, "sorry babe, I don't think I can help you. It's one of those moments."

"What moments?" Rory screamed, incredulously.

"Those moments where you have to figure everything out for your self," her mother shrugged, and placed her hand over her daughters, "don't worry, he'll come around."


Tristan slammed his door shut, and walked over to his bed. He hated how she made him. He hated being weak. He hated that she made him feel like no other girl could. And most of all he hated that he wished she would forgive him for whatever he did.

The phone started to ring on his bed stand, and he looked at it suspiciously.

"Lo?" he answered softly.

"Is this the number to Pet Co?"

His heart sped up, and he smiled widely. "Yes, how may I help you?"

"Well," the voice on the other line started, "I have a three year old, and she is too wild. I was wondering if you could give me a couple of suggestions on how to tame her?"

Tristan cleared his throat, and grinned. "It is quite difficult to tame a three year old; did she get all of her shots?"

"Yes," the voice said, "yes she did."

"Oh," Tristan paused, "well my suggestion is to bring her to her uncle and he'll help tame the rascal."

"I was hoping you would say that," the voice on the other line giggled, "turn around."

Tristan dropped the phone, and his eyes went wide. "Marissa!" he swept her in his arms and twirled her around.

"I knew you would scream my name one day," she shot the same line at him, and winked.

"When did you get here?"

"When I told my father, he was too excited, booked us plane tickets right away."

He pulled her into an embrace again, "I love you Rissa."

"Love you too Tris," she laughed, and tightened her arms around him.

She let go and went out of the room, coming back in with a curly headed girl in her arms. "Some one wants to see you."

"Belle," Tristan yelled enthusiastically, and took the child out of Marissa's arms.

"Tris," the three year old pronounced and hugged him, "I missed you."

"I missed you too baby girl," he ran his fingers through her curly locks, "you have so much of your mom in you."


"So, she isn't talking to you?" Marissa let the wind work through her hair, and sighed.

Tristan rocked the swing that they were on harder, and sighed too. "No, but I guess part of that is my fault, I did ignore her too."

She placed a hand on his shoulder, "don't be so hard on your self Tris…"

"Thanks Riss," he frowned, and placed his hand over hers.

"You know I'm here for you and I respect all your decisions, but you have to do something about this."

"Like what?"


Rory ran her fingers through her long brown hair, and frowned.

"You miss him don't you?" Lorelai said, reading her daughters thoughts.

"Yeah… I do," a slight blush crept up her cheeks.

"Want to call him?" Lorelai pulled out her cell phone.

Rory thought about this, and then took the cell phone and stood up. "I'm going outside where it's quiet." She gestured to all of the towns people that gather in Luke's diner to argue about something.

Rory walked out of the door, contemplating what she would say. She wondered if he would even pick up the phone. When she looked up, there a few feet away, was Tristan sitting in his car. He hadn't noticed her yet, and if she wasn't mistaken he was talking to himself. She inwardly laughed at this and slowly moved forward.

"Rory, I'm sorry about before," he said, "I acted like a child. No-no… you sound stupid," he told him self and closed his eyes.

"It wasn't your fault," said a voice, and Tristan instantly shot his eyes open. "And you don't sound stupid at all."

"Rory," he whispered, "you heard that?"

She tried suppressing the smile that begged to cross her lips, "uh-huh."


She opened the passenger door and got in slowly, "do you always practice your lines?"

A small smirk crossed his lips, and he shrugged. "Not always."

She watched the light return in his beautiful eyes. "So, I should feel special?"

His lips lay in a straight line, and he looked at her with gravity. "You are special."

A crimson blush ran up her cheeks and she smirked.

His breath caught in his throat as he remembered earlier events. "So, are you uh- with Bag Boy?"

She shook her head slowly, "no."

He tried his best to constrain what he was feeling at the moment, but failed miserably as a smirked adorned his lips. "Why?"

"I told him I already had someone else," she spoke slowly, and ignored the burning of her cheeks.

His smile grew wider- if possible- and he managed to lean in closer. "And who would that be?"

She sighed, and turned away, throwing up her hands playfully. "You know what Tristan, I gave you your chance and you're just too slow to…" her words were cut off by his lips claiming hers.

The kiss was unlike the others, it was more relieving and emotions continued to flow through it. She deepened the kiss, moving closer to him.

When Tristan pulled away- in simple need of air- he placed his forehead against hers, and smiled. "What were you saying?"

She melted in his gaze, and smiled as well. "I forgot."

"Good," he smirked, and returned his lips to their rightful place- against hers.

They were interrupted by the sound of- clapping?

Rory blushed as she realized what was going on, looking at the many faces that encouraged them. "This is Stars hallow," she muttered, but the smile still adorned her lips.

Patty clapped dramatically, "it's about time you found a good man Rory."

Tristan chuckled, and nodded to Luke, who only smirked.

Lorelai whistled, and said something like "that's my son in law."

Rory continued to blush, as she hissed, "go away."

No one moved.

"Drive," she laughed as she told Tristan, who responded well.


Pulling up at Rory's house, Tristan turned to look at her, but missed a beat as she found his lips. They continued to kiss, until Rory broke it to look up at him. "Trist?"

"Yeah," he mumbled through a smile.

"Well I was wondering all week and…"


"What did Luke mean when he said that you two have to finish your talks?"

He looked at her, and shook his head with a sly smirk. "You don't even want to know."


Beauty as a virtue

"I love you," Isabella confessed, a smile full on her lips. "I do…I love you."

Charles could only stare at the woman who entered his house wearing a wedding dress. "And you waited until the day you married to tell me?"

"But I never married him," she met his eyes, and slowly started to descend down the stairs.

He glanced at her for a moment, thinking incredulous thoughts and then rushed to meet her where she stood. "I knew you couldn't resist."

She shook her head, and gave a small smirk, "you are so haughty Charlie."

"But you wouldn't have me any other way."

"No, I guess not," she agreed, and placed her hands on either side of her hips. "Now kiss me already."

He gladly accepted, and brought her into his arms.

Isabella Novalee and Charles Quinn confessed their undying love on that enchanting night. And Charles whispered many sweet things to her, one being of her beauty…a beauty that not only marked her physically, but within as well. That night served a healthy purpose, the makings of a beautiful baby…

The End



I know that it was incredibly short, but I wanted to end on a simply sweet note. I hope you liked it, because I enjoyed writing it. The end was kind of stupid, I admit, but I wasn't sure exactly how to end and well…I just did. I'm not always the greatest at endings… I feel good anyway, and I really hope you all like it.

I want to give a very special thanks to my loyal readers; I couldn't have done it without your great encouragement. And I also want to say that this is the first story that I finished as planned and I really enjoyed it.

I hope that you all will read any other stories I decide to upload (I have a few)

Love lotZ


Ps: =)