AN: Hey there everyone. So here I am with my first TT fic ever. It's not my first attempt at fanfiction so it shouldn't be too bad, I hope. Anyway, feedback is highly appreciated so please R&R. PS. Slight Aftershock spoilers since this takes place AFTER that episode.

Disclaimer: First of all, when you consider that there are over 2600 stories on here mine is bound to sound at least somewhat similar to another story. I just want everyone to know that this is all my original work. Secondly, I do not own Teen Titans and am no way affiliated with it. Thank you and goodnight!

Soap Opera

Chapter One: Time Well Spent

The year was 2004 and the setting was Titan Tower. A few months had passed since the Teen Titans had defeated Slade and Terra. Of course, that meant a dramatically lower workload for the crime fighters. And, since it was summer, boredom had eventually set in.

The teens had used different methods to try and fill up all the spare time. Cyborg and Beastboy had practically bought out the video game store in an attempt to outplay each other. Raven had read almost every book she had; no small feat considering her humungous shelf of books.

Robin, on the other hand, had absolutely nothing to do. Slade was gone. The man whom he had spent so much of the past year obsessing over was no longer in this world.

So he did what any normal teenage boy would do.

Watch soap operas with his female teammate.

Yes, in her spare time Starfire had become quite enraptured with daytime television. It was quite a new way to view human behavior, even though she was constantly reminded by Raven and Robin that these shows did not accurately reflect normal living. And, Starfire had recruited Robin to help her translate some of the things that were going on. Reluctantly, he had agreed. For one, it meant spending more time with Starfire, and for two, it's not like he had anything better to do. He put his testosterone aside and disobeyed every rule in The Book of Real Men and watched soap operas with Starfire.


"But Robin, I do not understand. Marilyn claims that she loves David but yet here she is being intimate with Michael!" Starfire exclaimed.

"Star, I thought I explained this to you already. Marilyn really loves Michael, she's only using David in order to get his money," Robin replied.

"Oh....of course. But now, why are those two men fighting?"

"Okay, that's because I think that guy on the left is Darla's ex- boyfriend, and the one on the right is her current boyfriend."

"Which one is the bad guy?"

"Neither of them are really bad Star, they're just fighting because they think that the winner will get Darla or something like that."

"Ah! So it's like the games at the carnival where you get a prize?"

Robin sighed. "Sure Star, it's like the carnival."

"Robin," Raven interjected from her chair in the kitchen, "it's really sad that you know more about this soap opera than Starfire does."

"Thanks Raven."

"Oh Raven, do not make fun of friend Robin. It is very nice of him to aid me like this," Starfire defended Robin.

Raven rolled her eyes and returned to her book.

"Robin, if you do not wish to watch the opera of soaps with me then you are not obligated to. You may leave if you like," Starfire said, turning to face him.

"No Star, it's okay, really. I like spending time with you," Robin replied earnestly.

Starfire responded with a beaming smile, a fitting reward for his compliment. The truth was, while the show was incredibly dumb, it wasn't all that bad taking two hours out of his day to spend with Starfire alone. BB, Cyborg and Raven wouldn't dare go near the TV while a soap was on. Of course, Raven would always take time out of her reading to make a snide remark about the episode. Soap operas and Raven were like tofu and Cyborg. You just don't mix the two.

But nonetheless, Robin was willing to take the endless teasing from the rest of his teammates if it meant that Starfire was happy. Pride was a sacrifice he was willing to make

Even though they had only known each other for a little over a year now (AN: How long has TT been going on for? I don't know so let's just go for a year.), Robin felt like Starfire was the closest person to him. Mind you, he had never been able to really open up to her, but he felt like she was the only person who really understood him. She didn't hold any of his past mistakes against him, nor did she ever say a bad word about him when even he hated himself.

Her smile lit up the room and her laugh was infectious to him. He loved her odd way of speaking and her constant confusion about human nature. To him, Starfire was the most beautiful creature in the universe and all he wanted to do was take her in his arms and kiss those luscious...

"Robin! Hello? Anybody home over there?" Beastboy interrupted his thoughts. A green hand waved in front of his face.

"What? Oh, yeah, um....sorry about that. Guess I just zoned out there for a second," Robin replied.

"I guess so. You were out in space dude. Anyway, you wanna challenge me in "Gallactoid Battles 7"? Cyborg's working on the stupid car again."

Robin looked around to see that Starfire no longer occupied the spot next to him on the couch. He checked the clock. Her show was over and now Beastboy had the TV. The gang had worked out a schedule after an endless amount of fighting took place over the big-screen. Star would watch her soaps for two hours, BB and Cyborg had the TV for videogames for another 3 hours, and then the group would usually watch a movie or decide on something unanimously to watch.

"Uh, sure."

"Be prepared for the butt-kicking of the century," Beastboy teased.

"Yeah, we'll see," Robin snapped back.


Meanwhile, Starfire had gone to the kitchen to prepare herself a snack (surprisingly, nobody else wanted anything!) when suddenly she had spotted some strange lights outside of the tower. She craned her neck to try and see where they were coming from, but all she could tell was that they were coming from the sky.

Hands in their defensive position, she made her way up the stairs and eventually to the roof. A green glow surrounded her as she slowly looked around for anything suspicious. Suddenly, she heard a noise from behind her. When she turned, she found the last thing she thought she would ever see up there.

AN: I think that's where I'll end this one, on a little cliffy (well, if you read the summary you probably know what happens next, but still). So did you like it? Hate it? Are meh on it? Let me know please! I absolutely live off of feedback. It makes me write faster. -;;

Thanks for reading!