Dear Readers,
Hello, just a few quick things before we get started with my FIRST FANFIC! Well...the first fanfic I'm ever posting! Princess Leia Organa is my HERO! So I think my first fanfic should surround my favorite character of all time! NOT TO Mention, Harrison Ford is my favorite actor so we HAVE to have some Han and Leia action. This story will be an AU to (TCOPL) The Courtship of Princess Leia...MY favorite Star Wars far. For those who are firm believers in the Star Wars timeline and live by the books Mr. Lucas and Co. print... fasten your seatbelts! This first chapter is from Luke's POV (Point of View) and ISOLDER & MON MOTHMA FANS BEWARE!!!

Standard Disclaimers Apply You know, I made no money writing this story it was all out of fun! And these characters all belong to Mr. Lucas, his writers, actors, and so on!

Dedicated to my little sister Toria, for not being shy and telling me when my ideas suck!

The Loveless Bride
Chapter 1 Luke's Journey

Here I am, in the Millennium Falcon, Han's ship, with Chewbacca, racing across the galaxy. Trying to stop something from happening that's bound to happen anyway! If only I could go back in time and prevent all of this from happening. My best friend Han Solo, came back from a 5 month mission tired, and couldn't wait to be with my sister again. But Leia was asked by the prince of Hapes for her hand in marriage at the very same time. Instead of turning them down right there, like she should have, she said she'd consider it.

From that day forward, my sister really mistreated Han, forgetting everything they had, how much they loved each other! She was pissed about him being gone for so long, so she figured, in the beginning, she'd punish him a bit. But after a couple of months of wining and dinning with the Hapes prince, my sister was ready to marry him. Han just knew he was losing her, and it was tearing him apart. So he started asking himself, "what does this guy got that I don't?" Then he figured it out, it was a planet! He was the prince of an entire star system, with sixty-three planets in it and Leia was a princess with no place to rule! So Han got into a really high-stakes game of sabacc, and won a planet called Dathomir.

This is where the fun all began, because he kidnapped Leia, and stashed her on the Millennium Falcon. On the way there, they made a bargain. Leia was to spend one week with Han on Dathomir; and if she still didn't love him, he would take her back to Isolder. He would even go to prison without a fight, and never bring up their romance again. But if Leia did fall for Han all over again, she would go back to Coruscant and marry him instead. So trapped, and with really no way of saying no, Leia agreed to this bargain, and went to that place with Han, Chewbacca, and See- Threepio.

Little did Han know, he was throwing them into the middle of a civil war, on a female dominate planet. And these women were serious, gifted in witchcraft yet rather-primitive in their way of life. Isolder went down to save Leia, and I went along... knowing they were in over their heads, and Han was gonna need all the help he could get. The week was almost up when we found out that not only were the Darksisters ( AN: The rather large band of women who had it out for force-sensitive witches on the other side, which were helping our heroes) reek with Darkside power, but they were involved with some of the New Republic's most sought after Imperials. It seemed like we were cornered with no way out. Then Han step forward, and gave himself up, while the rest of us escaped. Before Han left though, my sister confessed that he had won. When he came back, (or really if he came back) she would marry him. Then, with a heavy heart, Leia let Han go. Little did those imperials know that Han was armed with a very dangerous explosive! When he set that bomb off, Han took out the whole lot of Darksisters and Imperials alike. We sent in Isolder to get Han out, thinking he was probably injured, but Isolder came back with empty hands!
"Where is Han?" Leia asked him, tears glittering in her eyes, fearing the worst.
"He's gone, Leia." Isolder said, I'll never forget the look on my sister's face. Such deep sadness and devastation, the tears started flowing as she asked. "What do you mean?"
"I'm sorry, Leia, but by the time I reached him... he died, right there, on the ground." Leia grabbed him by the collar and shook him. "But he can't die, he just can't! He's suppose to be all right, and we're suppose to get married, and-"
"Leia, I'm sorry, there's nothing we could do-" He was cut off by my sister's smack. Then she ran to me and I had to carry her back into the ship, trying not to cry myself. Isolder outside screaming, "He wanted us to be together, Leia, those were his dying words to me! I swear to it!"

It never quite made since to me that Han would say that to Isolder. He was always preaching around me, he was just the kind of guy to come along and ruin Leia's life. So right after Han's memorial service and funeral, I set out to find out all I could. It didn't seem right; if Han had died I would have felt it, through the force, he was like a brother to me! So, a large part of me didn't believe he was dead. Every report written, ever news article, everything printed on Han Solo's death passed my sight. When one day, the big break I was looking for, came after months of searching. I found a message received by Isolder from some of his men on his sixty-second world...

Your Highness, we have received your prisoner, and placed him in the
exact place you and President Mon Mothma wish him to be placed. Your
suspicions were confirmed, he did have quite a few injures. Including
a broken leg, and extensive dental damage, but he's healed up now. He
was placed in the worst cell with the President's other prisoner and
the two haven't cause that much trouble up to now. We wish to
congratulate you on your engagement to Princess Leia Organa, and hope
you find great happiness with her. Don't worry about Solo or the old
man, they'll never escape alive. We'll make sure of that, happy honey-
Your Loyal Soldiers of
Hawk-Eyed Dungeons
Sector 62

So, we've set off, to go to that sixty-second dirt-ball, and bust my friend out! So Han can get back to living his life, and can get Leia back. Things can go back to the way they should have been. She so brainwashed by those Hapes People and her fellow politians, she won't listen to me. I tried to tell her about what I found and maybe even bring her with me, but she wouldn't hear of it... she didn't listen to me! I think the only thing that can wake her up, is if she sees Han again, talks to him, and he tells her what - that scum-bucket she has for a fiancée - has been up to! Which puts me under even more unbearable pressure! Leia's wedding is in 3 days... well, 2 now... and I have to be back with Han by then! And Hapes isn't exactly a short trip, when you're in a bucket of bolts like the Falcon! I really don't know if we're gonna make it or not! But Yoda once said "always in motion, the future is!" So I guess we're not completely screwed yet!

I just pray the force is with us, the truth must be revealed about Isolder, and our President Mon Mothma; before more people are treated the way we all have been. They must be stopped, and my dear sister must be saved. The fate of her and Han's lives are weighing on my shoulders. I must try with all of my might, and skill to stop this evil.

"May the force be with us!"

We all gotta love our dramatic Jedi Masters! So, like it, love it, hate it... let me know! R&R are appreciated!
