Author's Note:
Hello again! Here's another update! : ) I think that this is the last chapter. (Shrugs). All well. Thank you everyone for reading and reviewing this. I'm glad you liked this humorous fic! Enjoy the final chapter. : )

-Raven A. StarXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX

Cyborg and Robin dragged Dimension out of the building where the authorities were waiting to take him away. Dimension was cursing and yelling.

"I will get revenge! I will escape and I will get even!"

Cyborg picked up the criminal and tossed him into the back of the prison carrier. "Yeah, whatever. Tell it to the cockroaches. They will listen to yah…"

Dimension was about to bite their heads off when the door slammed in his face and a thud was heard as the van drove away with him in it.

Raven walked out with Double D still wearing her cloak on himself to cover his head. She looked at him and smirked. "You know, you're the first person that I've allowed to wear my cloak…"

Double D smiled under the hood. "Really? Cool."

Starfire walked out carrying an angry little girl. "Um, what do you propose we do with this child? After all she did commit crimes…"

Double D held up a hand. "She is too young to go to jail or even juvenile hall for that matter, she's only five."

The girl stuck her tongue out. "Ha! You can't do anything to me."

Raven picked up the girl and glared at her. "They actually have a juvey hall fit for little brats like this one…"

The child's eyes widened. "NOOOOO!!!!"

Raven nodded as she walked over to a woman with a set of hand cuffs. "Oh yes, and that's where you're going."

Ed walked out with the hockey stick in his hand. "Hey! Who wants to play hockey!?" He swung it and a beam of red light shot out of it.

Everyone ducked in time to watch it pass and zap a tree to ashes. "ED!"

Raven quickly grabbed it out of his hands and narrowed her eyes. "This is not a toy, Ed. Now play with this." She picked up a squeaky toy and handed it to him. He took it in his mouth and began to chew on it like a dog.

Double D fiddled his thumbs nervously. "Um, how are we going to get back him though? I know you guys been busy and all, but we are homesick and everything."

Raven patted his back. "I know. But I think with a little tweaking of this thing we can change it into that teleporter and you guys can go home."

Double D smiled. "I'm going to miss you Rae."

Raven turned her face so he couldn't see her blush. "I'm going to miss you too, but we'll see each other if we can set up a portal so we can walk back and forth between worlds. It won't be easy, it'll take a lot of work."

Double D nodded. "Of course it will."

Raven smiled, only to suddenly jump and frown as she twitched. "Ed, please let go of my leg…"

Ed ran off laughing with the squeaky toy in his mouth. Starfire giggled. "He reminds me of the Torlecks on my planet. They look like him but act like our planets animals. They think they are animals just like him."

The group of people headed back to the Tower as they watched Ed run along the road barking at people and scared them away. According to Starfire, he was quite humorous to watch. She even tried to transform him into a horse by riding on his back but he bucked her off.


"There, I think that this may be it." Cyborg handed Raven the hockey stick that went through quite a few 'surgeries' to get it to work as a teleporter.

She observed it and nodded. "Let's try it."

Raven walked over to the wall and pressed the blue button that had been put on it. A blue beam shot out of it and suddenly, when it made contact with the wall, it didn't fry it. Instead, it turned into a blue mass of swirling blueness. Raven looked at it and then stuck her head in and came out the other side to Peach Creek Estates. She popped her head back in and gave the thumbs up.

"It works. Just step through and you'll be home. I dunno how long this will last, so you better hurry or it may never work again."

Ed waved goodbye to everyone. "Farewell friends." He leaped in laughing and disappeared back home.

Eddy walked up to it and made his farewell and hopped in after Ed.

Double D stepped up to it but stopped when he realized that he still had Raven's cloak on. He turned and was handed a brand new hat just like his. He looked up to see Raven smiling.

"I believe you may want this."

He took it and slipped it on under the cloak. He took off the cloak and was about to hand it over to her when she waved her hand. "No, you can have it. Call it a gift."

Double smiled and gave Raven a hug. Her eyes widened, but then she pulled him away and kissed him. He blushed deeply, and gave his final farewell and walked into the portal. Just as he did, it disappeared leaving the Titans staring at the wall where their friends had walked through to go home.


Raven and the other Titans stood on the edge of the island with the hockey stick and looked out to the water. Robin handed her the stick.

"Want to do the honors?"

She nodded. Taking the stick, she hurled it out far into the open water, and watched as it disappeared from sight. The five cheered and walked back into the Tower, unsuspecting anything to happen…

A few days later somewhere on a tropical island…

Two kids were walking on the shore of an island speaking a foreign language. One of the kids stopped and pointed at something.

"Zigga dagga mocha loa!" (What is that?)

The other kid ran over with the one who saw the object and picked whatever it was up. "Ih gona ohw, zigga wee tik loa?" (I don't know, what do you think it is?)

"Loa tooka, ma gic hyya…." (It looks like a hockey stick…)

-The End-