Hey! I'm baaaack! This is the sequel to The Muse, The Sparrow And The Waller, and it more than likely won't make too much sense if you haven't read that. And heeeere we go....


Tara Waller gave a low and gentle moan as the cool breeze played over her skin. She was lying in bed, her long dark waves of hair loose over the pillow, her dark face leaning on her shoulder. Bed was her favourite place, especially her own bed, made up in white calico with it's canopy of white silk.

"Jack..." she whispered.

Her almond-shaped hazel eyes flew open. Had she really just whispered his name? Oh, God, what was wrong with her?

She sat slowly up. She looked around her small bedroom. The doors onto the balcony were opened and Tara saw that it was early morning. She ran a hand through her hair, her eyes on her other hand, which had a long cut on it. It was fading, after almost a month.

A month.

Tara felt the tears welling up in her eyes yet again, tears for her mother, tears for Jack Sparrow...

She hated him. She hated him so much.

Didn't she?

She covered her face with her hands and sobbed uncontrollably. Oh God, not again, now now. She climbed out of bed and walked out onto the balcony, her wet eyes taking in the beautiful blue ocean visible from here. The Wallers' house, large and modern, was right beside the dock.

Tara let her tears finish falling, then went inside. She pulled on her robe and climbed back into bed, pulling open her bedside cabinet drawer. She pulled out a folded handkerchief. With shaking fingers, she unfolded it.

She looked down at the contents of it. A small gold ring with a tiny diamond and a small golden sparrow on a chain glittered sinisterly up at her. Biting back more tears, Tara touched them fondly.

There was a knock at the door. "Tara, dear, are you decent?"

She quickly refolded the handkerchief and placed it back in her drawer which she closed quickly.

"Yes!" she called.

Her father walked in. He was a tall, heavily-built man of Spanish origin. He was dressed smartly in pale blue and a grey powdered wig. He smiled his crooked smile. Tara forced herself to smile back. All of her life she had idolised this man, until she had recently he had beaten her mother to a pulp and forced her into the arms of a man who ultimately killed her. Now, Tara despised her father.

"Good morning," she said politely.

"You have visitors," he told her. "Miss Swann and... Master Turner."

"Oh, good," she smiled absently. "They'll be here to help with my wedding plans. Elizabeth is my bridesmaid."

Her father smiled. "I'm so glad you're happy about your wedding to Lieutenant Gillette."

"I am," she said, feeling empty inside.

"Well, hurry and dress," he said, leaving.

She quickly dressed in a tight green dress. It had short sleeves to show off her dark, slim arms and a tight waist. She pulled her hair up into a net and hurried downstairs. Elizabeth and Will were waiting in the hall for her.

"Are you alright?" asked Will, taking in her puffy eyes.

She nodded. "I'm fine."

"You look lovely," smiled Elizabeth. "Shall we walk up to the fort? It is a lovely day for it, a tad cool, yet beautifully bright."

They walked off together.


There, its like a sneak opening, as I probably won't settle into writing this properly until I've finished my Van Helsing fic. R&R! I love you guys!