Chapter 13

If an ordinary person walked past the castle, a muggle that is, they would have felt a tingling in their spine and strange butterflies in their stomachs, and such was the excitement emanating from the castle grounds. Dumbledore was humming the national anthem quietly to himself whilst putting on his outfit, he allowed a moment of reflection at the pure genius of his chosen costume, he smiled as he imagined the student's faces and gave a deeply amused chuckle when he then imagined the teachers. Sometimes he even surprised himself!

He was looking forward to this party, he was very proud of his chosen head girl and boy, if he was completely honest with himself he was a bit dubious that he had made James head boy, there was no doubt that he had the skills and intelligence but he was a bit...... unruly he thought with a wry grin. However saying this Lily Evans was doing a very good job at keeping him in check, and if his instinct was anything to go by, not that he'd ever doubted it, he thought that there was something else apart from a working relationship in them. Together they worked; Lily had the ability to calm James in his wild marauding ways and James seemed to bring out an exciting wild side to Lily.

"Yes those two will do well together, Fawkes" He said to the beautiful fiery phoenix which was pecking at a bowl of mint imperials on his desk.

"You won't like those Fawkes!" Dumbledore warned, and almost in defiance the phoenix looked him in the eye and crunched a mint between his beak. Dumbledore chuckled at the bird, if there was a teenage stage equivalent in birds then Fawkes was going through this one right now, all dull when stroppy and exquisitely bright when happy. To give the bird his due he didn't spit the sweet out but he now kept a clear distance from the bowl.

One glance in the mirror to make sure that his costume was perfect, a stroke of the birds head, and a mint imperial from the bowl and he headed towards the door.

The halls were filled with a variety of Hags, Vampires, Trolls, Fairies and a fair few costumes that were found in muggle shops. Excited chatter filled the space outside the Great Hall where the doors were still locked and guarded by Professor McGonagall who was dressed, much to the students delight, as a particularly fierce looking sunflower. The door was also guarded by Prof. Flitwick who was dressed as a French poodle, complete with collar and lead which he had bewitched to rise above him looking like he was being walked by an invisible owner. When the boys were all ready they went down to the great hall, turning heads as they went and leaving a trail of giggles behind them. James was getting gasps of delight from girls as he walked past in his tux, Remus winking as he walked past in his Elvis outfit had people in stitches, even those who didn't know who Elvis was laughed because he looked so outrageous, and there was at least one person per clump who knew who he was because at the time he was not only popular in the muggle world but also in the wizarding world, Peter was getting quite a few looks but then again he always did, however Sirius as usual was the attention grabber, his outfit causing near feinting of the younger girls especially.

When Sirius saw McGonagall he ducked for cover behind Remus sure that she was chastise him for his outfit and knew that she couldn't very well send him back once they were inside the hall. James spotted his date Anna and beckoned her over, she was looking delightful as a sprite and James let out a slow whistle as she approached.

"Well didn't I get lucky with you tonight!"

"You don't look bad yourself, who are you meant to be?" Anna said in her soft lulling accent

"Call me Bond, James Bond" Potter repeated the phrase he had learnt after watching many James Bond movies as preparation for wowing Lily with his knowledge and effort.

Anna giggled and planted a soft kiss on James's cheek.

"Potter!" McGonagall yelled upon spying James

James waded through the crowed with ease and stood before the giant sunflower, keeping his laugh in check but unable to prevent the grin that was dominating his face at this particular moment.

"Yes Proffessor?"

"Where is Miss Evans?"

"I don't know Professor, I haven't seen her since decorating the Hall earlier."

"What is she not your date?" Professor McGonagall asked, her shock obvious. James noted it and his smile turned stony

"No Professor, she is not, why should she be?" He said slightly more aggressively than he ought to have done

"My apologies Potter I just assumed that you being Head Boy and Girl, it would have been natural for you to have come together, that is all."

James resisted the urge to shout 'THATS WHAT I SAID TO HER!!' instead he just inclined his head slightly to the left with a shrug and an 'oh well' expression carefully placed on his face.

"Very well, however I do expect you two to start the dancing as you are opening the ball."

"But we both have dates Professor!" James protested although there seemed to be a balloon swelling in his chest at the thought of being in close proximity to Lily again.

And to James's semi-delight, Professor McGonagall replied "I don't care Potter, that's how it's done!"

James nodded and turned to go back into the crowd toward Anna when he stopped and stared open mouthed at the stairs. It was Lily, an all he could think was WOW!