Slytherinphoenix7: There isn't much sex? Dude, there isn't ANY sex. At least... I Don't think so!

Elladora: It means very drunk!

Saturday Morning, breezy, courtyard

I am so, so incredibly bored.

So are Madison, Azriel and Sophia. So we've decided to play a trick on someone. Except we're too lazy to move from our positions. Yeah, we generally laze around Hogwarts every Saturday. And Sunday. And Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... sorry I'm getting off track.

No, seriously. Because I am totally bored of everything right now; even the Harry/Cho thing isn't making me happy like it usually does; I'm going to be all descriptive.

Azriel is sitting on a bench under this giant, shady tree, drawing us. She is a great drawer, but sometimes puts us in ridiculous outfits and makes us look stupid for the fun of it. Oh bloody hell, she's just shown me a picture of a cartoon me with love hearts for eyes. Yeah, guess who the eyes are directed at? Cartoon Harry Potter.

"You can draw better then that." Madison says, though she is laughing. "Come on, draw us properly." She is flipping her hair and it is going in my face.

Sophia is lying down on a blanket with a copy of the Quibbler open over her face to shade her eyes from the sun. I think she's asleep.

Madison is shredding grass blades, sitting on the edge of the blanket and talking quietly to Azriel.

I'm sprawled on the blanket writing in here, obviously.

It's good to be lazy.




Lazy Ginny and sun.

Nothing is happening around here at Hogwarts. It's as populated as... well; it's not populated at all. Nothing interesting. It's like how nobody volunteers to help Filch.

Saturday Evening, raining heavily, dormitory

This is Azriel.

Writing on behalf of Ginny.

She has spelled all the pages she's written on so I can't read them. But she's making me write for her. Her hands are shaking too much to write herself. This is because Harry kissed her.

Madison is trying to understand what Ginny is blabbering on about. She is dangerously close to blabbering fool territory.

I don't think I can do justice to whatever has happened to Ginny to make her blabber on like so. But I think she'll hit me. If she ever exits blabbering fool territory, which she entered about five seconds ago.

That is not good for you Ginny! Stop!

Okay. She has calmed enough for me to decipher what she is saying. She is dictating to me now.

Ginny was talking to Harry in the corridor just after dinner. The conversation of (I couldn't hear what she was saying) came up. Harry said (missed that too, sorry). Ginny replied wittily, why do you want to know? In a very cheeky voice. She just told me to add that. Harry's voice got husky. Ginny said. Oh wait, she's drooling. Please hold.

Okay, she's done. Harry said (can't interpret that, can't be bothered either; she can fill it in later) and then kissed her. It was explosive. Ginny saw stars. Ginny saw magic wands and stars. Ginny got horrid images of Ron and Hermione. Ginny erased said images and saw stars once more. Ginny said it's been the best kiss in her life.

Ginny neglected to mention it's actually her first, real, proper kiss. This is because:

Ginny never allowed Michael near her face. Or her lips. Or her hand. Or herself.

Ginny hasn't had any other boyfriends.

Her cousin kissed her once. He was drunk. And it was on the forehead.

Ginny refuses to skive off to find boys like the rest of us and then snog them senseless in their common rooms. She is angelic like that. She doesn't understand we still have sparking clean reputations.

I think in actual fact, she has been waiting for this moment for her entire life.

So yes. Well done Ginny. Congratulations.

Now she's telling me off for writing that she's never had a real kiss. Now she wants to tell me she stuffed up though, because then she ran away.

Bravo, Ginny. Bravo. The man of your dreams kisses you and you run away. You really are a winner.

Oh Ginny is whining now that she's recovered slightly. "I'm such a loser."

"You're not a loser." Sophia says on reflex. "You're an almost winner."

Now everyone is looking at her weird.

Oh good times, good times.

Saturday Night, raining, my dormitory

Azriel again. Ginny fell back into hysteria and was taken to the hospital wing by Sophia. Meanwhile, Mads and I are trying to keep this from Harry.

The things we do for you Ginny Weasley, honestly.

Sunday Morning, raining, my dormitory

Again, it's Azriel. Ginny returned from the hospital wing after a lot of chocolate and a strong potion. Ugh, poor girl.

Anyway, she's asked me to write in here for her for a little while longer while she recovers. Because she is supposed to stay in bed and rest. And the Mediwitch from hell thinks writing is too strenuous for poor Ginny, who only went to the hospital wing for hysteria, not exhaustion. You'd think she died and came back to life or something the way Poppy Pomfrey carries on.

So I was thinking. If a kiss from Harry sent Ginny into hysteria, he must be a damn good kisser. Not that I'd try and get him to kiss me; Ginny would probably skin me and make a rug for herself first. Besides, I'm over boys for now. Madison, though, is being pursued by a Ravenclaw who has veins on his arms like roadmaps. What is it with Ravenclaws and Gryffindors?

Sunday Afternoon, raining, my dormitory

Finally, it's your lovely hostess, Ginny Weasley. Rescuing you from the badly descriptive Azriel, WHO HAS BEEN CONTEMPLATING HARRY POTTER'S KISSING SKILLS, and SHAME ON YOU AZRIEL!


It was the best kiss in the world and Harry Potter is the best bloody kisser in Britain. I'll just copy what Azriel said and fill in the blanks.

Ginny was talking to Harry in the corridor just after dinner. The conversation of whether or not Ginny was single and if Harry likes being single came up. Harry said vaguely that he was interested in someone and how was Ginny recovering from her break-up? Was she okay as well? Ginny replied wittily, why do you want to know? (And I also mentally thought there was no needing to be over someone I disliked from Day One.) In a very cheeky voice. She just told me to add that. Harry's voice got husky. Ginny said. Oh wait, she's drooling. Please hold.

Okay, she's done. Harry said because he was interested in her and then kissed her. It was explosive. Ginny saw stars. Ginny saw magic wands and stars. Ginny got horrid images of Ron and Hermione. Ginny erased said images and saw stars once more. Ginny said it's been the best kiss in her life.

There. I filled in the blanks. Ta-da! I should get a prize. The prize can be a kiss from Harry Potter. Or something.

Anyway, after Harry kissed me, I ran away. He chased after me. Sigh. He's so... Harry. We discussed our feelings. Harry already knew I liked him (thanks to Malfoy, who I could actually kiss right now as Harry revealed it gave him courage to know I was still in love with him.)

EW. Kiss Malfoy? Not that he's hideous, but I mean. Come on. MALFOY. No way. Besides, I have Harry now. Cause we're dating. And I was just informed that there was a bet on Harry and me getting together.

Hey, no fair. I'm usually informed on all bets in Gryffindor tower! In fact, I usually start all bets in Gryffindor tower. Damn it. If I'd known, I would have betted too.

Fred and George are thrilled because they won galleons. Saw them giving Harry a serious talk though. I'm not that worried. Ron and Hermione, smug of course. Some things never change.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date. With The Boy Who Lived. Haha. Go me.

A/N:Wow! Finally! WE'RE AT THE END OF THE STORY FOLKS!!!!! It's a little abrupt, but I wanted to end it that way. I'm not sure if there will be a sequel, as each chapter gets harder and harder to write, not that I don't enjoy writing up Ginny's antics. But my sequels never seem to bloom and flourish as my originals do. Unless I get some super good ideas, promises of reviews, etc, I don't know if we'll be seeing a sequel.

Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Sorry for the wait. Please review me!! Think of it this way. The more reviews, the more likely there's a sequel. Haha. Bribery rocks. -

A/N again: And even if there's no sequel, I'm sure in the future there will be more fics from me. Most likely HG. So watch this space!!