Chapter 5: Morning Truth (Morning) Conan begins to move around as the sun begins to get in his eyes. Slowly but surely he wake up and looks around. He was pretty drowsy so forgot where he was until he came to. Conan began to rub his eyes and look around.

"I'm...I'm at my house?" Conan was shocked.


Conan was still tired so it took a while to figure out where he was. Conan got up off the bed and was just about to make the bed when he saw Mitch lying there nude. Conan couldn't move and it all came back to him. Everything that he and Mitch had done last night came back to him like a cold wind. Conan looked down to find that he too was nude. Conan tried covering himself in the bed sheets. In the process of covering himself had had woken up Mitch. Conan looked up at Mitch and just stared into his drowsy eyes.

When Mitch finally was awake enough to see right he saw Conan and smiled.

"I hope you slept well after last night."

Mitch gave a smile like an innocent boy who hadn't done anything wrong. Conan just looked at Mitch and then over at his glasses which had fallen off overnight.


Mitch looked at Conan and began to worry if something was wrong.

"Conan is you ok? Did I hurt you last night?"

Conan dropped the covers he was using to cover himself and let his body be revealed once more. Slowly tears started to come from Conan's eyes. First he cried in small drops and then into a little stream of tears. Mitch began to worry a "

Conan began to cry profusely and then all of a sudden lunged forward at Mitch grasping his arms around Mitch's waist. Conan kept on crying right on Mitch's chest but he didn't mind. Mitch looked at Conan worried one last time and then got a sympathetic look.

"It's all going to be ok Conan. Don't worry I will make it ok."

Mitch began to run his fingers through Conan's hair like a mother would. "It will all be ok." Mitch slowly wrapped his arms around Conan's upper body and pulled him off the bed and on to his feet.

"Ok Conan we are going to set a few things straight but let's get dressed first." Conan wiped away the tears and agreed. Mitch smiled as he saw Conan calm down taking one last look at Conan's completely nude self.

Conan and Mitch dressed slowly in silence as they sorted through their cloths that were scattered all over the floor. Finally the two boys had gotten fully dressed and packed away the cloths they had in their bags. The two boys walked through the bedroom doors and shut them. Mitch looked at Conan with a serious look.

"Conan, I want to tell you a few things right now. Everything that has happened last night can stay between us if you like; I personally think that might be the best decision for kids our age."

Conan nodded his head in agreement to keep it between each other. Conan felt as if he was going to cry again but he held back the tears.

"Also Conan, this is about us. I know that we aren't going to say anything about what we did for a while but if you still want to stay friends with me that would be ok. I really don't mind. But, if you can trust me enough, we could take it up to the next step you know, as my boyfriend but I am fine with what we have if you think it best." Mitch gave a sigh of relief for letting all that out.

Conan had noticed how much thought and effort Mitch had put into creating those few sentences. "I do think that we should keep this quiet but for now I really think that I need to put some thought into whether we should push this further. For now I really think staying friends is the best for both of us." Conan stepped forward a bit toward Mitch.

Mitch understood as he tried holding back a few tears. Mitch stepped forward to Conan wrapping his arms around Conan and Conan did the same to Mitch. The two boys gave each other one last hug before they walked outside and became friends again. The two boys walked down the stairs and went outside into the daylight where the birds were chirping. Though this lovely day looked as if it could lift the lowest spirits, the two walked in silence, and sorrow that enveloped them.

Conan couldn't understand what was going on inside of him, he had a girlfriend but he still loved Mitch. He was trapped in an eight year old body. He couldn't talk to anyone but Mitch about what happened, but he didn't want to hurt Mitch's feelings. Conan wasn't sure if he was regretting what happened the other night or if he should feel do you want to go back to your house or go find the others?" Mitch asked trying to pull them from the haunting silence. Conan didn't respond he merely continued walking. ?"

Conan looked up from his thoughts and looked over at Mitch. "You know Mitch I think I am just going to take a walk, why don't you go and find the others and tell them I will talk with them tomorrow." Mitch didn't want to go off and leave Conan on his own but did as he was kindly asked to do.

Conan continued to walk left toward Dr. Agasa's house while Mitch traveled to the opposite direction toward Genta's house. Conan put his hands in his pockets and walked even slower. He knew that what Mitch hoped to happen could never happen. Rachel was his childhood friend and now his teenage love. She is worth more than the best detective reputation in the world. Somehow, someway he was going to have to tell Mitch. All Conan knew was that it didn't have to been soon, it could wait.

Conan had so much on his mind that he even began to wonder if he would ever become Shinichi again or would he have to face his entire period of childhood and adolescence all over again. Conan just couldn't stand of the thought that he could never marry Ran because he was too young. Conan was beginning to fill with rage as he remembered Gin and Vodka who were the two men who had drugged him. Conan just couldn't stand the problems those two men have caused him over the last year.


"Because I haven't developed the antidote yet, that's why."

Conan jumped as he heard the female voice that was coming from the corner. Conan at first didn't have any idea who it was but then was able to recognize the person.

"I didn't know you would be out here...Ai."

Ai walked out from the dark corners and smirked at Conan.

"You are a modern version of Sherlock Holmes aren't you Mr. Loud."

Conan smiled at Ai. The two of them walked off to downtown Tokyo in silence. The day was just so sweet and calm that it seemed unnecessary for words at all. The pleasant wind of the nice cool breeze was enough to be said. Conan felt relieved that his life seems almost back on track. Hopefully soon he might become Shinichi again as soon as Ai develops the antidote, but it was better than when we didn't even have a clue as to what he was given.

The two had finally arrived at a small desserts parlor in downtown Tokyo. The two walked in and looked at the menu that was hanging from the ceiling. Ai and Conan both ordered shaved ice and went down to sit at a booth. Conan started eating the shaved ice at a slow rate and started looking at Ai.

"So have you gotten any closer to concocting an antidote and could you please put it in laymen this time?" The last time Conan had asked Ai this he had been hit with thousands of words that even a teenager like himself didn't understand.

"Well like I have told you before there are multiple separated parts of the human body. The eye color, body shape, finger length and hundreds more. Manipulating them once is a very easy process after you solve a few core things but re-manipulation is a very difficult process. I have to base all my data on two different things now, your current and your past. So that is the problem and it will take quite a while."

"AHHH!" Conan had paid so much attention to Ai that he had forgotten he was eating his shaved ice and had gotten a major brain freeze. Ai had just begun to laugh at how stupid Conan had acted sometimes and then she remembered times that she hadn't ever seen him more serious. She knew that those were the true colors of Shinichi Kudou showing. She kept thinking that when Conan was like that, it was as if he could actually be a reincarnation of the great Sherlock Holmes.

Ai couldn't believe what she was saying and just forgot about. How stupid was she, was she going to follow the facts or some mythological idea of soul reincarnation.

"AHHH!" Just as Conan had done Ai had gone into a little trance into her mind and forgotten that she was eating her shaved ice. Conan laughed because now she couldn't make fun of him doing it. The two smiled and laughed finishing off the remnants of the shaved ice and walked out of the shop.

The two really had nothing to do so Conan decided to ride the bullet train for a while then they would head over to Dr. Agasa's house. Although Ai really objected to doing something that seemed so childish she had no choice because Conan pulled her right into the bullet train.

"You know Conan for a 17 year old teenager you sure don't act as mature as you shoul..." Ai was cut short by Conan putting his hand to her mouth. Conan pointed over to the other side of the train where Gin was standing by himself. Ai's eyes widen as she hadn't even seen him coming. Conan began to pull Ai toward the front of the train. Gin saw the two and began to run toward then but could barely maneuver with the mass of people that were around him. As for Conan and Ai it was much easier because of their height. Very quickly the bullet train came to a slow stop and Conan and Ai rushed out. Gin too had gotten out spotting the two kids. The two had started running toward the direction of Dr. Agasa's house. The bullet train hadn't gone far so it wasn't really far at all.

Since Gin was so tall he had slowly began to catch up to the two. Conan knew that they only had one chance. Conan turned around and stopped. Aiming his Stun Gun carefully he shot one right into the neck of Gin causing him to pass out.

Conan was lucky for the sedative that had hit Gin was the very last in the container. The two even though they weren't being chased anymore had kept on running to Dr. Agasa's house until they were actually there. Conan and Ai were both out of breath and trying to talk at the same time.

"How, how did...How did they know who we are?" Conan was panting like crazy but needed an answer for the question. Ai had just shrugged as she was just about to ask Conan the same question. The two had no time to fool around so they went inside Dr. Agasa's house.

Ai walked in after Conan had and saw Dr. Agasa rush up to her.

"Ai, Ai something has happened on your computer. You told me to watch over the virtual tests and then something came up Positive." Dr. Agasa was just out of breath as Conan and Ai were.

"WHAT?! Let's go Dr. Agasa." The two rushed over to the computer reading the information that was presented.

"This could actually being the antidote." Conan looked up after what Ai had just said. Conan couldn't believe it, he might actually become Shinichi again. He and Rachel, they could be together again. Conan was so happy that he didn't even know what was going on.

When Conan finally noticed what was going on he noticed himself being pushed out of the house by Ai.

"Hey, hey, hey what are you doing? I want to stay and watch you make the antidote." Conan wanted to be Shinichi as soon as possible.

"Well hate to disappoint you Conan but with you hovering around me I won't be able to find out if this possible antidote will even work!" Ai slammed the door in Conan's face. Well I guess I wait until tomorrow.

Conan set off for Richard's house as it was getting late in the day. They had spent more time than expected in the desserts shop earlier. Conan finally arrived at Richard's house to find that no one was home. Conan guessed that Richard was out drinking and Rachel was making sure she brought him home after he was too drunk to drive.

Conan just forgot about everything and laid in his bed yawning. He was happy that tomorrow he could be Shinichi again.

"Tomorrow." Conan was speaking very sleepily now because of being chased by Gin. Soon Conan drifted off to sleep hoping to be 17 again tomorrow.

::Chapter 6:Antidote?::