I don't own anything...Duh!

Thank you for reviewing! You guy's are awesome!


Magical elf: I'm glad you liked last chapter! Ok, I will continue!

NY GE Pyromaniac: Ok, I'll read Love and War, both parts as soon as I can. I'm coming to the PC a lot today, so I'll read it, tomorrow, I promise. I'm glad you liked her new power, I thought it would fit her. You're Portuguese is getting very good, some mistakes, but nothing great. Keep up the good work!

Chapter Three...

It was a quit Friday afternoon. Well, as quiet as it can be when'd there's a national reunion to discuss the mutant problemEveryone was there. Civilians, politics, just name it, they were there. But they didn't count that the problem would be attending the reunion.

Logan, Pr.Xavier, Strom, Leilai, Rouge, Bobby and Cyclops were standing right in front of the crowd and watched angrily.

"They just don't know what there doing..."Muttered Logan.

"Yeah, stupid Mutants, we are going to wipe them out of the face earth!" Said a man standing beside Logan.

He immediately moved in consequence of Logan's special look" You're about to die" and the death glares of the rest of the crew. Pr.Xavier did nothing, he was to worried in trying to figure out what Magneto was doing there.

Leilai was standing beside Pr.Xavier and noticed his worried. She followed his eyes and saw them. She freezed. Magneto, Mystic, Amilia, Elle, Wings and Tinkerbell were there.


"The must not know that we are here, Leilai"

She nodded and told Rouge to tell the other's that it was time to leave and told her why.

Logan wanted to go and kick John's ass all the way into hell, but that would blow there cover.

They quickly directed them self's to the exist, when'd the steal doors closed.

"Not planning on getting away from us, are you Xavier?"

Leilai wanted to melt the doors, but that would bring other problems. Melting doors and mutant confrontations wasn't exactly the way to conquer the heart of the non-mutants.

"We are trying to avoid confrontations""Ansewerd Pr.Xavier.

"Now let us leave!" Hissed Logan.

"Or what?" Asked a girl. Logan stopped and looked at the girl. She looked a lot like Leilai, but her eyes were hazel.

"Oh, how rude of me! We haven't met! I'm Elle, I'm Leilai's sister!"

With that all of them looked from Elle too Leilai, that was trying her best not to give the information that she was there.

Leilai looked at her two sisters. Elle, with her black hair and hazel eyes, was the oldest of the three, and Amilia, the youngest, with her blue eyes and brown hair. Elle controlled water and could see the feeling that a person's heart was feeling. Amilia wad super speed and hearing.

"Little sister, trying to hide from us?" Asked Elle.

She observed her sister. Her once long hair, now only reached her shoulders. She had a more woman figure now but her figure transmitted sadness, hate. She was surprised to know that those feelings were made by love. She looked at Pyro. So he and her sister had a relationship.

"What's with the dark glasses, Leilai?"Asked Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell had the power to become as small as an ant or as big as you can imagine.

"None of you're business" Leilai hissed.

Leilai wanted to disappear that very moment.

"Trying to hide you're blue eyes, the ones you were so proud of?" Asked Amilia.

"Oh, you..."A small glow started to appear under her glasses but the girl with the white strips on her hair grabbed her and said:

"There not worth Leilai!"

Leilai looked at them. She once was there too. She didn't want to be there anymore.

Suddenly her eyes meet John's. She knew that he knew that she was looking at him. He looked strait back. Right that moment she would have melted John, right there, but not only the consequences of that stopped her. She still had feelings for him. And she kicked her self every day for it.

"Magneto, this is not time or place for this"

"Xavier, you know what we must do to win this war!"

"Hopefully it won't be a war!" Said Storm.

Then it hit her. Leilai understood. This was a sat up. The Pr. had planed this, so that hopefully they would meet.

"No way!" She said angrily at the Pr.

She looked at Rouge and Bobby. They didn't dare to look at her. They knew! So Logan and Storm did to.

And she had been tricked into coming.

"I can not believe this! You tricked me into coming!!!"She turned and took her glasses of. To hell with the peace.

She placed her hands on the door.

"Leilai don't do that!" Said Rouge.

"Leilai, I understand you're angry, but now it is not the time for such thing" Said the Pr.

Leilai trued to get her glasses but she noticed that they were on Magnetos hand.

"Give them back!"She yelled not looking at him, trying to hide her eyes.

"Oh, is that the way to treat you father,Leilai?"

End of Chapter...

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