Patukum: Kunshun!
Kunshun: Whaaaat?
Patukum: I'm back!
Kunshun: Really!
Patukum: Yes! If I wasn't, I wouldn't be typing this, would I?
Kunshun: Nope.
Patukum: Take heed, reviewers, this fox hasn't given up her first story. Yet.
Kunshun: Sweet. Say, what happen to those two flamers that got you depressed and made you finally cave in to take a break and in doing so lost your connections that made this story go on hiatus for months?
Patukum:hides her bloody axe I dunno. I think they ran off to Jamaica. But don't worry readers, I swear on my love for tea that I'll get back to posting chapters. I've been writing, no one's been reading, that's all.

There will be an extremely long author's note at the bottom! I decided that (most) of you have been so good, that you should be treated right to the story. So…

And now for an exciting (or not so) chapter of…


Love and Ice

I Will Appear


"Seifer-kun?" Kagome asked from the grass. She and Miroku sat on the ground, Kagome sitting across from said time traveler. "Can you tell me now?"

Seifer closed his eyes momentarily before sighing an answer, "Are you impatient, Higurashi-san?"

"Yes!" Kagome tightened her fingers against her palms, and leaned forward. "I want to know why my classmate is five-hundred years in the past, why he said he's a time traveler, and why he's got silver hair!"

"Kagome," Sango said on a log behind them. "Maybe you should cool down?"

"Who the fuck cares!" Inuyasha shouted. "You said ya wanna help me? Then help! God, if not get yer ass outta here!"

Seifer blinked. "That's rude…"

Sango turned her head. "Inuyasha, he's here to help. If you're not nice he might just get up and leave!"

Seifer turned his gold eyes to Sango and quickly kneeled before her, taking her hands. "Oh Sango-san, how wonderful you are. So beautiful and brave, so headstrong and talented-"

"Oi, jackass!" Inuyasha picked him up by his collar. "Stop flirtin'!"

Kagome stomped up and grabbed Seifer's shoulder, pulling him away from Inuyasha's clawed hands. "Seifer-kun, why don't you just tell us why you're after Naraku? It'll make things easier…"

Seifer slightly smiled. "'Kay," he sat down on the grass again, mostly because Miroku had moved his position from the grass to next to Sango. "Well… it happened a while back, here, not in the present…"

Kagome leaned her chin in her palms, while Inuyasha muttered from beside her. "Fucking jackass… fucking sob story…"

"Shush!" Kagome whispered.

"To begin with…" Seifer glared at Inuyasha, and began telling his sad story, with Naraku being the 'bastard' as Inuyasha had said. "I had a wife, and two children, but… Naraku is responsible for all that's happened…"

It was supposed to be an ordinary day. My family and I were in the wide fields, playing and having fun. The day was bright, few clouds, and the birds were singing.

My daughter ran up to me, handing me a bunch of flowers in her tiny hand, before running back to her mother. My daughter, Hoshiko, was so adorable. She resembled my beautiful wife so much, the only thing that separated them was her hair and eye color, which was like my own, silver and gold. Tsunami, my son, tackled and sent them both crashing into the grass. My wife Sakura laughed and set down her flowers in hand to pick them up by their hands.

I must be the luckiest man alive… I thought.

The small chain on my wrist jingled, and I looked down. My old master had given me this silver chain. He said it would help me find 'auras' since it hard for a time traveler to find them, eventually the spaces between time wear away your powers. Something was coming, so I stood.

Sakura looked up at me, her finely defined face going to confusion. "Seifer? What's wrong?" Only she could tell when I was upset.

"I think I'm going for a walk," I said smiling. "I'll be back later." I didn't want them to worry. Today was a good day. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

Apparently I was wrong.

I walked deeper into the forest, toward what I thought what was giving off the aura. Time seemed to slow, what ever was there had better be important, and I couldn't be wasting my time on some meaningless thing than spend time with my family. Further on I stopped and listened. Now they're something above my head. Above the trees. I hunched down, and tried to concentrate on the power.

Without another second past, I jumped up and landed on a brand just above the canopy. There was a woman on a giant… feather floating above the trees. Apparently I surprised her, because she jumped and the feather rocked till she was farther away.

"Inuyasha?" she whispered.

I raised a brow. This woman was… odd. There were feathers sticking out of her hair. Her hands were clawed like my own, and her ears were pointed (not to mention the shade of her eyes). "Inuyasha?" I asked. My voice was low. "Who is 'Inuyasha'?"

She narrowed her eyes. "No… you're hair is too short." She snorted, the feather started to drift up. I looked up at her.

"Who is this Inuyasha?" I shouted. She paid no attention and turned her head.

"Nothing of your business!" she shouted and flew away. Who was she? And who was this Inuyasha person?

There's no use of thinking about if you don't know… I thought. With a turn I jumped off the branch and started to head back. It was late in the day, surely my family must have gone home by now. So I went in the general direction on our home.

I should have stayed with my family.

When I got to the hut, I didn't hear my wife humming inside. I didn't see her outside with wet rags she would be washing, I didn't see my children playing outside, nor Tsunami's friends yelling his nickname around the bushes while playing a game like they used to. The chain on my arm jingled violently. Something was in the house that was not my family.

I ran inside… and stopped at the door. My wife was on the floor, cradling her head and her face to the floor. My daughter was in the corner not moving with blood on her arms, and my son was beside a person in a pelt… blood was staining all over his thin kimono. The person in the pelt was holding a rock above my wife's head.

"What the hell are you doing!" I shouted. My eyes started to itch.

The pelt person turned their head. He didn't say anything. My wife was still shaking on the wooden floor, I could hear her crying. The person in the white pelt chuckled.

"Seifer…" my wife turned her head to me, her voice a raspy whisper. What had this monster done to her! Her eyes were red from crying and blood was trickling out of her mouth.

"Stop it this instant!" I shouted. Tsunami winced. He was barely alive. "Don't you dare you anything to harm-"

"I wouldn't talk if I were you." The pelt person laughed. "You're not the one whose about to die."

"Seifer…" Sakura whispered. "I love you-"

"Don't!" I shouted. "Don't say anything! You're going to be alright!"

"I think not." Said the pelt.

"You shut up!" I shouted.

"Seifer, please, be alright?" Sakura whispered. "I regret nothing… I love you."

"Sakura!" I shouted.

Nothing was said when the pelt person threw the rock down, smashing her skull. My brows were twitching, my mouth in a silent scream. Tsunami's shoulder started to shake, his sobs barely readable. My hands clenched at my sides, and my blood boiled. That monster! That monster! How dare he take away my wife! My love! My heart and soul…

"Damn you!" I shouted, racing to him. He jumped up and the thin wall over our heads split, a very large hole now there in its place. My hand managed to grab a piece of the pelt, and it ripped, hanging limply from my hand. A dozen brown like tentacles came out and rapped on the rooftop, the walls quaking from the shakes. The person sneered.

"Seems I've got your wife, son and daughter." He said.

What! I quickly looked around and my son was nowhere! My daughter was in the corner, but not moving. I looked up, and my son was unconscious on the floating man's pelt. "Tsunami!" I shouted.

"He can't hear you." Sneered the person. "He's dead."

"Then why are taking him!" I screamed, something was pricking at my eyes. If Nami was dead…. Then at least I should give him a proper burial!

"I need him."

And he disappeared in a cloud of purple mist.

I cried while holding my daughter in my hands and beside my wife. My little Hoshiko… she was dead! Dead! My wife was gone, and my son was in the hands of that fucking piece of crap!

He is going to pay!

Kagome wiped at her eyes, "That… that was so sad!" she pulled out a handkerchief to wipe under her nose. "Naraku… so… evil!"

Miroku hung his head, closing his eyes. "I see… Naraku is the one who killed your family… how dreadful."

Seifer looked down sadly at his boots. "Yes…" he wiped at his eye.

"Aww!" Kagome said, "You're crying!"

"I am not!" he said. "I just… got something in my eye!"

"Sure." Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Be nice!" Kagome sniffled.

"Why should I?" Inuyasha scoffed. "Not my fault the bastard Naraku killed his family and now the guy wants revenge!"

"I have a name." Seifer muttered. Sango patted his shoulder and smiled warmly.

"Don't worry," the taijiya said. "We'll find Naraku and we'll kill him. You'll get your revenge."

"Hey!" Shippou bounced from his spot next to Miroku. "What about the jewel!"

"The sacred jewel?" Miroku blinked his violet eyes. "What do you mean?"

"If dog boy doesn't wish to become a full demon," Shippou chirped while Inuyasha growled, "Then we could, um, wish for Seifer's family back or something!"

"Wouldn't that be a selfish wish though?" Kagome said, a finger to her chin in an attempt to think. "The wish has to be… well, pure. Selfless, right?"

"…Or the wish will be tainted." Sango finished. Kagome and the monk turned their eyes to the ever-thinking clear demon hunter. "But… but what if we wish for something, that will undo the damage Naraku's done…?"

"That may work!" Kagome's eyes brightened.

"Hey!" Inuyasha flexed a clawed hand. "I'm gonna wish on that jewel!"

"But…" Sango said. "But you're wish is…"

"Selfish!" Shippou said, his big eyes closed. "Selfish wishes wouldn't work! Looks like you lose!"

"…Say that again." Inuyasha growled mercilessly, flexing his claws and stalking up to the baby fox.



The road to killing was a relatively short one.

To the abomination known as Naraku, he never did his own work. Well, sort of. Usually he'd set the plans, and watch as others did his work, pulling at their puppet strings he kept them on. But since Kikyou was dead, and Kagura was a part of him once more, he had none to do his work. As for Kanna, he devoured her shortly after Kagura. What use was she if left without her so-called sister?

And so the road became longer. He still had the baby. He still had that time-traveler's kids and wife. He could purge. He could go on.

But his lack of breath and the fight of the souls inside were getting to him. He quickly looked out of the dark, towards the entrance at such a distance. They were getting closer.


So much for getting the head start.


"Swing." Stated Seifer, looking at a half demon with similarities to him. Inuyash swung lightly, not throwing his sword's power out. Seifer shuffled his crossed arms, only to repeat himself.


Inuyasha swung again, only to again hold back his strong arm.


Inuyasha growled and turned around swiftly, to point the tip of his sword to Seifer's neck.

"Well you got the swinging part down." Seifer said, pushing lightly on the sword to turn it away and stepping to the right of the hanyou.

"No shit." Inuyasha barked. "I've done this move before you were even born!"

"Technically that's not true." Seifer raised a finger to the sky. "Since I travel so many times, my birth has gone unexplained, so really I can older than you by at least-"

"Aw shut up." Inuyasha snapped.

"Be nice Inuyasha." Miroku looked up from his search of Seifer's scrolls of parchment. "He's the one who's showing how to throw two attacks, so just bare a smile and achieve what you sought after for this long time; the demon will fall."

Inuyasha blinked.

"Naraku'll die." Seifer said, sighing slightly.

Inuyasha turned an embarrassed shade of red and "keh-ed" turning around to walk back to his spot to practice. "W-Whatever! I just wanna get this stupid move down and go kill him. He's so close, I know it."

Seifer walked toward him, putting a hand to the blade and lifting Inuyasha's arm up. "Now, you need to keep your arm loose enough to turn, but always tight... here... because you could drop the blade if not…" Seifer continued to show the hanyou the basics to adjust his ways forehand, a double move like the one he was being taught could only take so much out of him.

Naraku's end is coming. Miroku's eyes looked down to the parchments of time again. He was amazed by the scrolls, how they seems to explain time itself. Stories, the myths proven true... Seifer mist have been something odd. He sat looking for an answer to the question burning to his mind.

He will be destroyed.

By who though…


Time stood still.

There was nothing.

Everything was black, no light ever shone through the tangles. Everywhere I looked, no eyes shone, no faces peered, nothing. I could hear them. But no one was near me. Echo after echo.

I miss them.

I want them back.

I want out.

You evil conniving bastard. Let me out.

---end of chapter--
SQUEEEEEEE! hugs all her wonderful reviewers I LOVE YOU GUYS! runs over to Kunshun Kunshun! I updated, for real! …You can put away the knife now.

The story's coming to an end soon. Not now, but later. I know about the InuyashaxKagome angst, and how they seemed normal in the last few chapters, but trust me… all will be explained shortly. Patience grasshoppers, patience…

Congratulations to Jerry for being my seventieth reviewer! I checked my email the other day, and because I like to be organized, I had made a folder especially for reviews. Turns out I have seventy for Love and Ice! I have seventy reviews! So happy… bursts into tears Thank you all. Have some strawberry cake everyone! passes cake out Aaaaand one more thing! For all of you who may have found an interest for Seifer, thank Shadow4d4 (aka Michael :3) for his great ideas and helping me through the days (with or without internet). I love ya Michael. You, like very few, keep me sane.

As an added fact, you will probably remember many characters saying "Be nice" to Inuyasha. Why? Because 1) He's a potty-mouth and since Seifer is new, they want a good impression for Inuyasha. It seems to not be working. I think Seifer's already got an impression on him. And 2) I say that all the time to some people I know. points at my friend Robert And it's a habit. There's your explanation!

Kunshun: You do realize this isn't going to fill their desire for a chapter, right?
Patukum: Well sue me if I'm busy.
Kunshun: What are you talking about? Nothing has happened at school to take away your attention toward writing, and you've hit an artist block. What could keep you from writing?
Patukum: I've been stripped of my privileges of using the net, my only connection is the school library computers, and they hate me. You know they do.
Kunshun: Oh…yeah. That makes sense. You reviewers better thank the god of sugar she hasn't given up yet.
Patukum: Fucking right. nodnodnod