Summary: Improv challenge from Unbound. The first and last lines are provided.

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Don't own them and never will

Spoilers: Not really

Eye Candy

By Pheo 7.26.04

"It was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini..." Nick started singing when Sara entered the breakroom.

Sara rolled her eyes as she reached for the coffeepot. "Nick, for the last time, will you please just shut up?"

The Texan grinned wickedly at her as he leaned in closely. "Sara, I wouldn't be making any demands just right now."

She merely raised an eyebrow after taking a sip.

Nick pulled out an enlarged photo of Sara wearing a two-piece bathing suit. While not itsy-bitsy, nor yellow in the least, the tasteful attire still revealed much more than Sara was accustomed to.

"Give me that!" She made a lunge for the photo, splashing coffee all over both of them. "How did you get that? Give it here now!"

He smugly held it above her reach. "Little did I know how useful my new cellphone's photo options would come in handy down at Lake Mead this weekend," he drawled, still dangling the picture above Sara.

She continued to make desperate, unsuccessful grabs at it. "Give it!"

"Who would've thought I'd run into a certain anti-social coworker dressed like an extra from a Gidget movie!"

"Nick," Sara growled from between her teeth, "if you don't give me that right now--"

"Oh, come on, darlin'," he drawled again. "I think this entitles me to at least a week's worth of paperwork done, you know, as a friendly gesture."

She gaped at him. "I don't think so, Nick!"

He shrugged, pocketing the offending object. "Save it for a rainy day, then."

Sara huffed angrily. Calm down, Sidle. So he had a picture of her in a bikini, so what? What was the worst thing that could happen?

Grissom walked in the breakroom at that moment, finishing her thought. She groaned.

He reached for a towel to dry off his forearms. "It's raining hard out there."

Sara glared at Nick, who raised his eyebrows at her and grinned. "Don't you dare," she mouthed.

He smiled as he casually slipped the photo out of his pocket and onto the breakroom counter, next to the coffee maker.

Sara inched closer to retrieve the picture, but she was too late. She bit her lip as Grissom reached for his favorite mug.

He was pouring his cup when he glanced down, and then did a double-take. His mouth opened, then closed, and opened again. He swallowed hard, and his pulse was visibly throbbing at his throat. He was so immersed with the photo that he continued to pour coffee into the overflowing cup, making it spill all over the counter.

Nick hid his laugh behind his hand as Sara slapped her hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes at him. She would definitely get him for this. She turned back to Grissom. "Hey, uh, Griss?"

He continued to pour, a dazed grin spreading over his face.

This time she couldn't help but grin, too. "Grissom?"