Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. I only own the plot.

A/N: -hides under covers- Ok…so I know I hvnt updated in a long time… and I am extremely sorry but during the summer I went for vacation for like a month, so I updated before I left and yeahh. I've been really busy with school and friends and all that stuff so I hvnt really had time to write a new chappie. The only thing I've been typing up are essays and reports. Ok anyways enjoy the chappie and don't forget to review! I love reading your reviews, it keeps me motivated and I will try to update faster. Here's a chappie longer than usual for my readers!

InuKagluver91 is my 100th reviewer! YAY I LOVE ALL OF MY REVIEWERS YOU GUYS ROCKKK


All's Fair In Love And War


Distant Feelings

Miroku tapped his pencil on his desk as he continued to stare at the clock, the work the teacher handed out laid there on his desk, completely discarded. He felt like it was impossible to concentrate; he just couldn't stop thinking about Inuyasha. Though it had only been twenty minutes since he left, Miroku couldn't stand the fact that Inuyasha is somewhere in the school hunting down his hottie while he, on the other hand, had to sit in class.

He missed Sango, the more he thought about Inuyasha and Kagome, the more it made him miss her. He just couldn't understand why she always brushed him off like that, he knew they had their differences but which couple didn't? An image of Sango screaming and slapping him came into his mind, yes, that was exactly what would happen if she heard him refer to them as a 'couple'.

It was kind of twisted if he ever admitted it, but when her gentle, soft hands slapped him, it kind of turned him on. He didn't know why, but she had that effect on him. His train of thoughts was broken when the loud bell scared him; he didn't realize class was over until he saw people wiz past him. He did, however, notice the girl with the great rack and perfect little tank top walk by him. He didn't blame Sango when she accused him of being a pervert, but then again, he couldn't help it. He gathered up his books and walked out behind the girl, enjoying the beautiful view from behind.


She couldn't find her anywhere; Sango had gone through the halls and around the gym for what seemed like forever and still no sign of Kagome. She had even asked one of the gym teachers, but the teacher told her that for some reason all the girls left the change room really quickly today. Defeated, she decided to just go to lunch, as Rin was waiting for her at the cafeteria. She was sure Kagome would be able to find her. Just as she was about to reach the cafeteria, she saw something in the corner of her eye.

Actually it was more like someone, a certain very perverted boy who made her heart do little flip-flops. She didn't know why he made her feel that way, but it was both strange and wonderful at the same time. She felt a tinge of jealousy as he came closer to her, but he didn't seem to notice her. It seemed like he was just following some girl around. She was surprised he didn't slip on his own drool yet; she didn't know what was so great about that girl. She recalled her name being Case or something like that.

" Hey beautiful." The tingling warm breath beside her ear sent shivers down her spine, she was so mesmerized that she couldn't even move. " You just couldn't stop staring at me in the halls could you.."

Sango's face turned maroon. She couldn't believe he noticed her staring, what with being so concentrated with that girl's butt and everything. Her embarrassment soon turned into anger as she felt something caress her backside. A sharp slapping sound echoed in the empty school hallways and Rin, hearing this, sighed. Something told her that Sango wasn't going to be able to make it to their lunch date.


" Why didn't you stop him!" The angry girl screamed at the poor guy who had a giant hand print on his cheek. Miroku had made the accident of tell her about Inuyasha.

" Who knows what he'll do to her?"

Miroku hated it when Sango spazzed like that but he couldn't help notice that whenever she got angry and started yelling, her chest would bounce up and down. It was a very bad habit but he just couldn't help it.

" Who knows what he'll do to her!" Sango repeated, realizing that Miroku's thoughts were distracted at that moment.

" He's probably done more to her than you'll ever let me do to you…" Even though he muttered it, she had still heard it.

Sango then realized just how much danger Kagome could be in; she dragged Miroku with her as she sped down the hall. Sango was determined to find Kagome and poor Miroku was brought along for the ride.


Kagome had almost gotten over the shock of what had just happened, she couldn't believe him. The silence between them had lasted a good fifteen minutes; he had said nothing as he waited for her response.

" I hate you." Her bitter words cut through the tension and silence. " I haven't showered, I'm sweaty, I'm in my gym clothes and I'm hungry!"

He smirked, she had taken this much better than he thought she would. Using his free hand, the one that wasn't stuck to his own head, he tilted her head up as he bent down to her ear.

" I happen to think sweaty is hot, not to mention through the thin fabric of your shirt, I can feel your chest pressing into mine.." His hot musky words slithered itself into her ear, paralyzing her with a feeling she hadn't felt in a very long time. She felt the warmth of his rough hands as he stoked her tender cheek. " and as for that shower…well we could if you really wanted to or we could go get food, don't worry, I can feed you…."

She was speechless. Even though his hand had left her now rosy cheeks, she still felt the soft strokes he had made. She couldn't believe she felt so nervous by that, he was simply dictating to her his twisted thoughts.

She looked up at him and noticed for the first time just exactly how amazing his eyes were. They seemed to hold so much emotion and depth, words she would have never used to describe him. She knew he was playing her, just like he had with all the other girls, but she just couldn't push aside that feeling.

Suddenly she noticed his golden orbs come closer to her face, their lips were just centimeters away. She knew what was going to happen but she just couldn't bring herself to turn away from him. She knew that part of her wanted to feel that gentle kiss his lips were promising.

Her uncertainty disappeared when she heard footsteps approaching them. It had distracted both of them and that moment they had was over.

" I know she's here, we've looked everywhere else." Sango's voice trailed into the change room, Kagome noticed that she was talking to someone but she didn't know who.

" I'm in the girls change room, change room, change room.."

Kagome sighed, she should've guessed. Sango and Miroku entered the shower area, Sango looked relieved while Miroku just continued to sing his ' girls change room' song.

Kagome jerked her head away from Inuyasha instantly, she felt thankful to Sango and even Miroku. If they didn't show up, she didn't know what would happen. All she knew was that in the end, after the heat of the moment, she would live to regret her actions.

" Kagome! Are you alri.." Sango trailed off as she noticed the position they were in, anyone who didn't know them would think otherwise.

"I knew Inuyasha wouldn't have let her reject him like that..." Miroku muttered to himself. " Why cant Sango give in like that…."

He regretted it the moment those words escaped his mouth; he eyed the two angry girls. " but its true…at least Inuyasha is getting some.." He looked up at Inuyasha, who had his usual cocky expression and then back to Sango, who simply ignored him.

" Let's just go Kagome, I don't know what happened and right now I don't care." Sango tugged at the girl's arm but Kagome looked at her reluctantly and did not leave Inuyasha's side.

" I…can't.." Kagome's hesitant words matched her expression as Sango gaped at her.

" What do you mean you can't!" She tugged on her arm harder. " Don't tell me you guys are hooked up now! What happened to your principles?"

" I happened." Inuyasha's cocky voice was really getting to her, the feelings she held for that split second before was now totally gone.

" Shut up." Her words had suddenly become cold, she knew for sure that she hated him now. He was using her for his own selfish desires; she couldn't believe she actually fell for it, if only for a split second. " I can't leave because this stupid idiot glued me to him"

Miroku now had a new founded respect for Inuyasha, he couldn't believe that he got such a hot girl stuck to him. He wondered if Kagome would give him some of that special glue, he wouldn't mind being stuck to Sango for a bit.

" Oh my god…poor you." Sango felt sympathy for her but couldn't contain the tinge of excitement.

" Am I good or what?" even though Inuyasha's question was directed towards Miroku, Sango got to it first.

" No, you're an idiot. She'll destroy you once she's free."

" Listen to Sango. I will personally make sure that this year I get back for all the things you've done to me."

" Well…what are your thoughts my friend?" Inuyasha had completely ignored Kagome's threat, he was pretty sure that he could handle whatever she threw at him. He looked at Miroku, who was still staring at him in admiration.

" You…you…. are truly an inspiration."

" Naturally, tell me something I don't know."


Welll….what do you think? This chapter is tugging on their emotional strings, just a little chappie for all of you romance novel lovers out there. please review. I'm sorry about the long wait but I'll try to update sooner.

Until next time...

Ja ne