Disclaimer and such: see previous chapter (I'm lazy, really) Chapter 28

Time: American tournament; half finals. (last chapters battle.)

Place: Russia; Moscow; the abbey.

Boris and Voltaire where standing in front of a test tube, so big a human could fit in it, in fact; a human was already in it, well human, a clone.

Tala was almost cloned completely, they had just called Tala back to Russia, so that he could already be replaced by clone Tala.

The only thing that had to be done, where the memories, they where now carefully implanted in the brain, and the ones he didn't need to remember where carefully putted somewhere in the back of his head.

On a screen above their heads, Boris and Voltaire could see witch memories there where, and both smiled a sadistic smile when all the tortures where replayed once again.

"Sir, we have a problem." One of the scientists said from behind his high-tech computer.

Voltaire's smile disappeared immediately, he hated problems.

"And that is." He asked.

"There is here a memory that wont be surpressed, we tried as much as we could, but he doesn't want to go to the back of Tala's mind." The scientist replied.

"Which memory."

"The one with Yuri's death."

"Mmmh, can you change the memory than a bit, he doesn't necessarily have to forget it, we just have to make sure that he obeys us, and hates Kai." Boris interjected.

Voltaire looked at Boris, and gave him a nod, he liked that idea.

"Well, sir, if I change it a bit, than I can make it so that he thinks that Kai killed Yuri on purpose." The man said, already typing away on his computer, cutting certain parts of the memories, replacing them, and then mix them up, so that the memory only saw how he and Yuri where hurt, and how Kai had landed the fatal blow on Yuri.

"Sir, this memory is a copy, and as something happens to it, like an electric shock, or emotions, so many of them, that there is a shock in his brain, the clone will remember the real thing, but it probably wont happen."

TIME: four in the morning.

Tala was just at the airport, and had just finished his phonecall at the abbey. Frankly he wasn't surprised that he was called back, having won Kai over for the abbey, but what really surprised him was that it had taken so long.

'Best not wonder to long over it.' Tala thought, and he started to walk to the abbey. He was feeling uneasy, but he wouldn't confess it.

something was going to happen, you could feel it in the air, but Tala kept on walking, ignoring the feeling.

He arrived at the abbey, and he was immediately escorted by two guards to Voltaire's office, or so he thought.

They walked past Voltaire's office, and then they walked past Boris office to. Tala had a frown on his face.

"Where are you taking me?" Tala asked when they where going to the lower levels of the abbey, to the labs and dungeons.

Because Tala had spoken a bit loud, and also because they just stood next to the lab Voltaire was in, the door opened, giving Tala full view of what was inside.

He looked shocked, when he saw himself, floating in a test tube.

Voltaire saw him staring, and smiled, and just when Tala came out of his shock, and that he wanted to run away, Voltaire screamed against the guards that they had to throw him in the dungeon.

Tala wanted to run, but the guards where faster, and had already grabbed his arms, but Tala struggled, so another two guards came to help, and grabbed his legs, and so Tala was carried to the dungeon, two guards at his arms, two guards at his legs, and still struggling to get free.

Tala was thrown down on the dungeon floor, in the same room as the rest of the D-boys. They all looked up when they saw Tala thrown into the cell, but they waited to say anything until the guards where gone.

"Tala, are you okay?" asked Ian when the guards where gone.

"Yeah, but I have seen the weirdest thing, and I think I know what they are going to use it for." Tala said.

"If you mean the clones, we saw them to, but we don't know what they are going to use them for, but I think it has something to do of why Boris let you out of the abbey." Bryan said, Tala nodded.

"Yeah, it has something to do with that."

"Why did they made you do?" asked Ian.

"Well, you remember Kai, don't you, I had to convince her to come back to the abbey, and I did, and I am sure that they want to break her." Tala said.

He looked around for any hidden camera's or listening devices. The d-boys saw him looking.

"We already checked, and destroyed them, they don't think us much of a threat because no-one came to check."

Tala told his whole story from where he met Kai, until there confessions of love.

"Wow, man, she will be crushed as they are going to torture her with a clone of you." Ian said.

"Yeah," Tala said, he felt his pockets, but then he noticed that what he was looking for was gone.

"Wolborg is gone." Tala said.

"We know, they took our bitbeasts without us noticing to." Bryan said, looking a bit sad.

"What can we do?" asked Spencer, sad look on his face, eyes full of despair.

"Nothing, spare our strength, and if we find a way to escape take it, even if it is only you, we have to try to take every opportunity to escaper and to warn Kai." Tala said.


It is the first round of the finals, and Tyson will be the first to fight. He will fight against Steve, and he will try his best.

This morning all the blade breakers where wondering where Tala was, when asking Kai she answered 'gone'.

Rei was in an happier mood than ever. Without Tala here, he can win Kai for himself, and that little demon isn't here to take her away from him.

Rei was staying close to Kai in the bus, sitting next to her, trying to talk to her, getting the same response as if he where talking to a brick wall.

At the stadion he held open the door for her, and in the boot he sat next to her. Kai for her part was ignoring Rei, and was thinking of different tactics that Tyson could use to win.

Finally it was time for the first match to begin. This was a best of three kind of round, and the first was Tyson versus Steve.

The battle ragged inside the bowl, between all the streets of the American city bowl. (A/N: can't remember how it was called, only that it had lots of streets.)

Steve was strong, but Tyson knocked him out of the bowl. He was so pleased with himself that he expected the next round to be as easy as this one, little did he know that Steve was just testing Tyson's strength.

The second round was harder for Tyson, who tried to fight back, but eventually he had to try to get away from Steve's blade, unless he wanted his blade to break in a hundred pieces.

Not much later his blade is knocked out of the dish; Tyson looks surprised, he was sure that he would win.

"Tyson come here." Kai said. Tyson came to her, a desperate look on his face. Now that he has seen Tryhorns strength, there was no way of defeating him.

"Don't look that way Tyson, first if you lose this one, Rei and Max can make it up, secondly, there may be a way to defeat him."

"Oh, and what may that be, if you haven't seen, his defence is really strong, his attacks to, and his speed is so fast that I'm surprised that I still can see his blade."

"I know, but his calm isn't perfect. His blade reacts on his mood, when you ran away, he got angry, and than I saw some flaws in his techniques." (A/N: I'm good at writing complete nonsense, aren't I?)

"Which ones?" Tyson asked, getting his fighter spirit back.

"Well, if you attack him straight on, and than run away quickly, attack him, run away, stay doing this, and he will get pissed of, he will forget his defence, and he will do anything to get you, that's where the buildings come in the picture, if you hide behind the big ones, than he will go through them to get you, losing speed, and then when he is weak enough, you strike." Kai said, Tyson nodded.

And sure enough, all went exactly how Kai has told. Steve looked surprised at his blade. Judy got a call from the manager of her team, he was saying her that such a mistake can't happen again.

Judy tries to assure him that it won't happen again, even if her son is in the opposing team.

The second round begins, it is Rei versus Eddy, the basketball player of the team.

Eddy and Rei both launched their blades, but Eddy had more speed and strength from the beginning, and easily knocked out Rei from the dish.

Kai was looking at Rei, no anger showing in her face, only disappointment, Rei saw this, and tried his best much harder the second round.

He fought against Eddy with all his strength, but it had no effect, although not so easy as last time, defeated he was.

Both teams had one point each, the last of the three rounds was about to begin, the team captain of the all stars; Michael, against Max, the sugar high teen of the blade breakers.

Judy secretly though to herself; "Max show that the blade breakers or stronger than science." But then she hardened herself, and she would do anything to let her team be the victors.

The blade breakers where sitting with each others, talking about the changes that Max had to win, and the techniques he had to use.

"Max doesn't stand a change, no offence, but Trygle is just to strong for Draciel." Kenny said.

Max stepped forward, a bit worried about what Kenny just said, but then Kai's voice sounded next to him.

"Max, I know that it is hard to win, but don't forget, you still have a change, believe in yourself, fight next to Draciel, and victory will be yours, make your mother proud."

The first of all three games was about to begin, and a base ball dish would serve as battling arena.

This gave Michael an advantage, but Max would fight his best, no-one could expect more of him.

The first round was a loss for the blade breakers, Max was to surprised of the strength of Michael, but instead of getting depressed about it, he took Kai's advice, and believed in himself and in Draciel.

The second round was much better. Max used the fences of the base ball field to hold of Michael's attack, and then he felt something weird, a strange tickling sensation in the back of his head.

He looked at Draciel, and then he felt some energy being pulled out of him, and than Draciel grew stronger, and he knocked Trygle out of the dish.

"So, you wanna play rough, well I'll give you rough." Michael said, and instead of launching with his left hand, like he did the last two times, he launched with his right hand, his good hand.

His launch had so much power after it, that his blade was literally on fire, and wihtout ado he knocked in Draciel.

Max was concentrating, hard, trying to get the tickling sensation agan, he screwed his eyes closed on concentration, and then he suddenly felt the tickling sensation, not only in the back of his head, but through his whole body.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw two things, one was the dish, from where he stood, and the other was the dish, from where Draciel was spinning. It was weird, it was like he and Draciel where one.

Now he felled, their combinded powers, and started to attack Trygle, and with succes, because soon the game was over, and the blade breakers went back to the hotel as champions of the American tournament.

When they got back at the hotel, there was a note lying on the table. Rei was the one who took it and read t out loud.


I have seen you win, and I'm sorry that I can't say it personally, but I wanted you to know this.

The BBA has decided to give a luxury cruise to Russia for the winners of the American tournament, and I am glad to inform you that it will leave in three days.

I will come get you all, and I hope that you all like it.

Mr Dickenson.

"Wow, a luxury cruise." Tyson said. "I just can imagine the buffet that they have there."

"Well, better get some sleep, tomorrow the party of the BBA, and in the day after, training, and then a boat trip, we will be tired." Kai said.

"TRAINING." All three remaining members of the blade breakers yelled; Kenny was just glad that Kai never made him train with the rest of the team.

"Yes training, especially you Rei, I thought that you would do better, but I guess that you just need some extra training."

Rei was torn in two, on one side, he would love to be alone with Kai, and the training was the perfect opportunity.

On the other side, you got TRAINING. When Kai said training she meant training, that also meant no time to speak, save all your strength for breathing.

"Come on Kai, we deserve a break, please." Rei said, Max and Tyson nagged also, so Kai after a dozen minutes gave in, but once they are in Russia, they are going to train, if they like it or not.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I can't wait to read your reviews. Please enjoy yourself with this chapter.